1. Thou shalt not refer to the Adeptus Soritas as "Bolter Bitches,"nor shalt thou go anywhere near our sisters during the time of the "RedRage," lest thou wishes to be the first human to enter orbit without theaid of a shuttle. 2. Orks are not "cute." 3. Thou shalt not make jokes about the Imperial Guard's weapons. 4. Thou shalt not replace the Librarian's staff with a magic wand. 5. Thou shalt not tip the Terminators over during battle. 6. Thou shalt not do Spock impersonations around Eldar. 7. C-3P0 is not a Necron ambassador. 8. You shall not dare others to eat Squigs. 9. No, you cannot "take the Titan for a spin." 10. Thou shalt not use thy multi-meltas to light campfires. (in a similarmanner, thou shalt not use the Terminator Captain's chainfist to open tins ofbaked beans) 11. Thou shalt not bribe the Inquisitor to bring down Exterminatus on your ex-wife. 12. Thou shalt not refer to the Rhino transports as "pimp wagons,"nor shalt thou use the phrase, "If the Rhino be rockin, don't come aknockin." 13. The Chapter Master is not a "drag." 14. Thou shall not use Power Swords to cut your food. 15. Thou shall not ask a Sister if you might "donate some of your own Gene-Seed." 16. Thou shall not throw soap at nurglings. 17. Thou shalt not put a "kick me" sign on the Golden Throne. 18. Thou shalt not refer to the Machine Spirit as "Cruise Control". 19. Thou shalt not stick a 'Honk if you think I'm sexy' sticker on the Sisters'Rhino. 20. Thou shalt not honk if thy sees a sticker saying 'Honk if you think I'msexy' on a Sister's Rhino. 21. Thou shalt not unplug the Golden Throne just "for laughs". 22. Thou shalt not make the Emperor read your palms, or call upon him as"Miss Cleo". 23. Virus bombs are not fun in a box . 24. Shooting one of your own men who looks at you funny, does not count as an“enemy casualty”. 25. Thou shalt not clog the Lasscannon tubes “just to see what happens”. 26. Thou shalt not spread cooking oil in front of a dreadnaught. 27. Thou shalt not attempt to shake the chaplain’s hand whilst wearing apowerfist. 28. Putting sand inside the terminators’ armour is not “funny”. 29. Thou shalt not refer to the standard of fortitude as a “walking stick” 30. Thou shalt not refer to the bolt-pistol as a novelty cigarette lighter. 31. The earthshaker cannon is not a “hat stand” nor is the sentinel a “standardlamp”. 32. Thou shalt not use Land Raiders to "play chicken" with ImperialGuard Chimeras. 33. Thou shalt not put a "Purge me!" sign on the back of thechaplain’s armour. 34. Thou shalt not compliment the dark eldar by calling them "kinky" 35. Thou shalt not let an Ork be the designated driver 36. Thou shalt not replace the holy ungents for the machine spirit with grainalcohol 37. Thou shalt not invite a Banshee to Karaoke 38. Thou shalt not replace the O2 units on the commander’s power armour with laughing gas 39. Thou shalt not train a hormogaunt to be a watchdog 40. Thou shalt not take "old one eye" out of context...”He's in myartificer armour he..he..duh!” 41. Thou shalt not call Dark Angels "hippy alter boys" 42. Thou shalt not taunt an eldar "gee didn't these use to shootfurther?" 43. Thou shalt not refer to the golden throne as "the nicest commode in the galaxy" 44. Thou shalt not attempt to offer a Carnifex a breath mint. 45. Thou shalt not throw a warp beast a dog biscuit. 46. Thou shalt not hope for mud wrestling during a witch/ sisters battle. 47. Thou shalt not ask a warlock what he wears under his robe. 48. Thou shalt not tease an inquisitor with "look sir-heretics!" 49. Thou shalt not play wack-a-mole with those little jawa-wannabe dark angelthingies (tangent). 50. Thou shalt not wear oven mitts when issued a plasma gun. 51. Thou shalt not take the rhino to procure monkish ale before filling out HisMost Holy acquisitions forms. 52. Thou shalt not ask the librarian if he has records concerning Uranus. 53. Thou shalt not refer to the flamer as a “novelty toaster” 54. Thou shalt not ask the apothecary to guess what you have eaten by looking at your tongue. 55. Thou shalt not remove the motors from a terminators' suit during battle. 56. Thou shalt not point and laugh saying 'look somebody missed the toilet when battling snotlings. 57. Thou shalt not break wind in the presence of the emperor (unless properly addressed to do so) 58. Eldar helmets may not be use as hole-punches. 59. Thou shalt not refer to the daily rituals as “psychological warfare” norshalt thou refer to the index astartes as “the book of grudges” 60. Thou shalt not say, "will someone please tell the emperor to crap orget off the throne” 61. Thou shalt not petition His Most Holy administration to make"Inquisition" an Olympic sport. 62. Thou shalt not instigate a "my Primarch could beat up your primarch" debate. 63. Thou shalt not use heavy breathing and "I am your father" as abattle cry when wielding a powersword and entering an assault 64. Thou shalt not affect a Transylvanian accent around the Blood Angels. 65. No hair pulling when enjoying brotherly contests with the space wolves. 66. Duct-taping a flamer to your boltgun does not count as a combi-weapon, andpainting it pretty won't make it "master crafted" 67. Thou shalt not punt grots for pleasure. 68. Thou shalt not shout “thongs for the thong god in front of the Dark Eldarlest thou wishes to learn the true meaning of pain. 69. Thou shalt not debate the protective merits of purple spandex with the DarkEldar. 70. Thou shalt not write theatre criticism and charge His Most Holy treasury tomail it to the harlequin. 71. Power armour never makes a sister look fat. 72. Thou shalt not laugh manically when flaming the non-believers. 73. Thou shalt not use thunderhammers to play crocket. 74. Thou shalt not start rounds of "you might be a c'tan if" while imbibing strong monkish ale. 75. Though shalt not refer to thine brethern, whom the Emperor has dictated bearmed with an incediary weapon, as a "Flamer" constantly. For thishas been proven to lower morale and cause strife within his His Most Holyshowering facilities. 76. Thou shalt not affect an Austrian accent around the Necrons. 77. Thou shalt not ask roughriders if you can pet their ponies. 78. Thou shalt not stray from the adeptus mechanicus's directive towardsornamentation of rhinos-specifically no aluminium sport rims, neon, extraneousexhaust pipes, or fuzzy dice. 79. Thou shall not attempt to challenge the Eldar to games of 'Counterstrike'. 80. Thou shall not, in any way, shape, or form, take the land speeder joyriding. 81. Remember, shining lasguns in the guards’ eyes is WRONG. 82. Thou shall not pretend to have been possessed by a daemon. 83. Thou shall not call the sacred plasma gunners of the imperial guard 'fizzbusters'. 84. Yes, it will be noticed if you 'borrow' the chapter master's equipment. 85. Thou shall not use supported warhounds to 'play ball' with imperial guard sentinels. 86. It is NOT cool to feed snotlings copious amounts of narcotics! 87. It is not “funny” to dress up as a bloodletter and jump out in front of the chapter master. 88. Replacing a brother's ammunition with blanks is not “funny” 89. Wiffle bats are not approved hand weapons. 90. Playing naughty movies in your power armour’s autosenses is not sanctionedby the Adeptus Astartes. 91. Thou shalt not teleport into the Sisters showering facilities. 92. Thou shalt not taunt our revered dreadnaught brethren by tapping on theirwindow and saying "anyone in there?" 93. Thou shalt not commandeer droppods to go for pizza. 94. Thou shalt not refer to the emperor’s champion as "that brown-noser" 95. Nuking from orbit is not doctrinally feasible for removal of annoyinginsects-unless they be tyranids. 96. Thou shalt not tickle the fallen to press for confession and redemption. 97. Thou shalt not follow a Librarian around thinking "Can you hear me now", repetively in an attempt to drive him insane. 98. Thou shalt not refer to the Wulfen as "damn dirty apes". 99. Thou shalt not use Whirlwinds to put on fireworks displays. 100. Thou shalt not ask the Dark Angels if they "can keep a secret" 101. Thou shalt not do Scooby Doo impersonations when speaking to the SpaceWolves. 102. Thou shalt not tell the Salamanders "sorry about the multimeltathing" 103. Thou shall not ask directions from the wulfen. 104. Thou shall not ask berserkers for an axe. 105. Thou shalt not do doughnuts in a rhino, unless thou wishest to clean the passenger's vomit from the floor, as doughnuts make passengers dizzy 106. Thou shalt not write "Biggest Bitch on the Battlefield" on theside of thy land raider, even if it is true. 107. Thou shalt not take the Rhino out on Saturdays to 'impress the girls'. 108. Tyranids are not cute. 109. Though shalt not use lasguns as laser sights for thy bolters 110. Just because you’re fighting necrons it doesnt mean your standard equipment is a skaven and a tin opener. 111. Thou shalt not throw snowballs at Salamander Space Marines whilst yelling"THINK FAST!" 112. Thou shalt not ask Ork prisoners "why the red ones go faster" 113. Thou shalt not attempt to drown out noise marines with ye old rave music 114. Never ask a dreadnought "how old are you?" 115. Thou shalt not use the golden throne as a microwave 116. Thou shalt not wear a dress in the presence of the dark angels 117. Thou shalt not wear fake fangs in the presence of the wolves 118. Thou shalt not ask a space wolf if he wants a biscuit 119. Thou shalt not eat another marine’s paste 120. Thou shalt not trip a dark angel in front of a interrorgator chaplain 121. Thou shalt not trip an interrorgator-chaplain 122. Thou shalt not fill demolisher shells with lots of flowers. 123. Scouts are not 'target practice'. 124. Thou shalt not replace the Chapter Master's weapon with a plastic sword. 125. It is not funny to put an 'Eat me' sign on the Librarian's back prior to a Tyranid attack. 126. Thou shalt NOT refer to the Dreadnought as 'Grandad', nor shalt thou hangan 'I told you I was sick' sign from it. 127. Thou shalt not play 'peek-a-boo' with the machine spirit. 128. Thou shalt not unscrew your battle breathrens leg plates. 129. It is not funny to play ring toss with orks tusks. 130. When faced by the inquisition, dont laugh. 131. Necrons are not cans 132. Thou shalt not eat prunes before a battle 133. Thou shalt not refer to the company Techmarine as "Scotty." 134. Thou shalt not challenge the Terminator company to a game of "Twister." 135. Thou shalt not refer to ripper swarms as... "cute." 136. Thou shalt not refer to Catachan guard as "tree hugging hippies" 137. Thou shalt not suggest the Eldar "live long and prosper." 138. Thou shalt not tell a space wolf it smells as if something crawled up and died in their mouth. 139. Thou shalt not replace the Space Wolves store of Tuna with cans of puppychow. 140. Thou shalt not use imperial guardsmen as sticks while playing fetch with a hive tyrant. 141. Thou shall not use flame falcons to toast thy marshmellows 142. Thou shall not ask an inquisitor's psyber-eagle "does polly wannacracker?" 143. Thou shall not ask the Lametors "are ya feeling lucky punk, well areya?" 144. Dating the Veteran Sergeant is the exclusive privilege of the Heavy weapon trooper 145. Thou shalt not ask the Eldar females if they are interested in ahand-portable 'Vibro Cannon'... 146. Thou shalt not strut around Imperial Guardsmen bragging about how'well-equipped' you are. 147. Thou shalt not ask the Thousand Sons if they are that slow on purpose. 148. Thou shalt not tuant the Imperial Guard with threats of utilizing a lascannon upon their posteriors in an unnatural fashion. 149. Thou shalt NEVER, under any circumstances, interrupt a navigator'sconcentration during warp travel to ask him if you "are there yet." 150. Thou shalt not challenge Karandras the Shadow hunter to an arm-wrestling match 151. Thou shalt not refer to Eldar Swooping Hawk grenades as "birddroppings," nor shalt thou taunt them by using a mortar to pet them withbirdseed. 152. Thou shalt not use the emperor's champion iron halo to play horseshoes in thy free time. 153. Thou shalt not use the chapter standard to dry thy undergarments upon 154. Thou shalt NEVER take the Steve Irwin Approach to Tyranids; if they do notrespond to external stimuli, do not attempt to poke it with a stick. 155. Thou shalt not consider it "funny" to replace the smokecanisters in your Chapter's Land Raider's Smoke Launchers with narcoticsubstances 156. He who takes advantage of the Emperor's paralysis by painting hisfingernails will be summarily executed 157. Shoulder Pads are not to be removed for use as ice-cream scoops. 158. Thou shalt not replace our honoured brother Terminator Captain'sStorm-bolter with a Vulcan Mega bolter, nor shalt thou feign surprise at his inability to lift it. 159. Thou shalt not distract our Librarian whilst he attempts to cast Smite,else thou shalt be forced to clean the inside of his helmet. 160. Thou shalt not replace a Thunderhawk's firebase supplies with bouncycastles. 161. Thou shalt not burn our Captain's robe on a cold night. 162. Thou shalt not replace the Apothecary's reductor with a syringe. 163. Undoing the straps between a brother and his jump-pack is not funny. 164. Thou shalt not utilise the Techmarine's signum for engaging in long andsexy chit-chat with Battle Sisters. 165. Thou shalt not replace the Grimoire of True Names with "Deamon Hunting for Dummies" 166. Thou shalt not put thine Emperor gifted gene seed into the beverage of your fellow Battle Brothers. 167. Thou shalt not duct tape over the emergency venting on the most holy plasma pistol of the Chapter Master 168. Thou shalt not make "Your Mama" jokes in the presence of the Adeptus Soritas 169. Though shalt not unscrew the bolts on thine brothers' greaves in order to "pants" him. 170. Thou shalt not use thine holy Fusion Gun as an arc welder. 171. Thou shall not play pin the tail on the Dreadnought 172. Thou shall not tell a dark angle "you cant handle the truth!" 173. thou shall not use bugspray on tyranids (it won't work only distrect) 174. thou shall not name a salamander dreathnought "the hulk" 176. never mix up khorn marines with blood angels 177. do not play golf with mortarion (he usses nurglings to move the ball) 178. never play American football with a bloodthirster 179. Thou shalt not 'Take the titan for a spin' 180. Thou shalt not challenge guardsmen to arm wrestling whilst thou is wearing a power fist 181. Thou shalt not rent advertising space on thin banners 182. Thou shalt not hurt Cypher 183. Thou shalt not question commandment 182 184. Thou shalt not be turned on by anything related to Slaanesh 185. Thou shalt not refer to Daemonettes as 'booby daemons' 186. Thou shalt not glue thy landraider assault doors shut 187. Thou shalt not mock exalted member's of thy chapter for 'not having the enemie's permission to fight' 188. If thou is worth 300 points thou must kill 300 pts before being allowed to die. 189. Thou shalt use unleaded gas only for thy landraider 190. Thou shalt not use servo skulls as baseballs 191. Thou shalt not laugh at thy brethren whom are from 1st or 2nd edition 192. Thou shalt not compare commisars to Nazis 193. By order of the Inquisition: There is no such thing as the Inquisition, questioning this will have thou deemed heretic by the Inquisition 194. Thou shalt not complain to thy force commanders in coming months when thou cannot attack the enemy immediately following exiting rhinos 195. If thou are members of the Black Templar then thou must not whine that the Emperor's Champion has the your only Iron Halo 196. Thou shalt not install hydraulics on thy Rhino 197. Thou shall not question the decore of the the Chapter fortress: if skulls with wings are good enough for Him on Terra they are good enough for you. 198. Thou shall not strap lawn furniture to jump packs in an attempt to recreate first ed. land speeders. 199. Thou shall not complain about no longer having jet bikes. 200. Thou shall not confuse Guardsmen by shouting "OMG! Zerg Rush!". 201. Thou shall not point out there is no 175 commendment 202. Thou shall not give members of thy biker squad thunder hammers and grots so thy may play polo