Welcher Land Raider für Dark Angels

  • Hallo zusammen,

    ich bin grüble gerade darüber einen Land Raider für meine Dark Angels zu zulegen. Nur bin ich mir nicht schlüssig, welchen. Können Ihr mir hierzu vielleicht weiter helfen`?

    Gruß Tilo

    Wir sehen uns, auf dem Schlachtfeld, in der Schenke oder NIE

    7000 Punkte Zwerge (90% bemalt)
    3000 Punkte Bretonen (50% bemalt)
    2500 Punkte Gruftkönige (95% bemalt)
    5000 Punkte Skaven (50% bbemalt) :patsch:
    2000 Punkte Orks u. Goblins (30% bamalt)

    1500 Punkte Dark Angeles (99% bemalt)

  • @winterwolf Vll. passiert hier ja noch was, das dich auch interessiert.

    @Tilogorn Ich hab keine Ahnung (v.a. nicht falls du die 8. Edt. spielen willst), aber auf meiner Lieblingsseite steht bei den Dark Angels:

    • Land Raider - The classic schizo version. Comes with 2 Twin-Linked Lascannon sponsons and a Heavy Bolter. In some lists it could see some use (Deathwing spam with no Dreadnoughts (WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT) comes to mind), but for most cases I'd suggest leaving this alone and choosing the Crusader variant instead.

    • Land Raider Crusader - Your premier Deathwing carrying Metal Box. Rolls with a Twin-Linked Assault Cannon, a Multi-Melta, two Hurricane Bolters, and lets whatever assaults out of it count as having Frag Grenades for the same price as the schizo version. Sadly it's feeling the loss of the dakka banner just as badly as Ravenwing is, so you may want to consider a Redeemer or Spartan Assault Tank whenever possible.

    • Land Raider Redeemer - Used for when you need to apply more fire. For 10 points cheaper than the Crusader, it replaces the hurricane bolters and four models worth of transport capacity for two Flamestorm Cannons. The addition of two strength 6 AP 3 templates helps melt power armored foes. The lack of the torrent rule does mean that you will be up close to utilize all your guns, but since it's an assault vehicle just slap some Thunder Hammer Termies inside and drive closer to hit them with your sword(hammer). For added shenanigans against mechanized infantry lists, take a multi-melta, use it with Power of the Machine Spirit to take away their metal bawkses and the Flamestorm Cannons to incinerate the fewlz inside.
    • Forgeworld Heavy Support
    • Land Raider Helios - It thinks it's a Whirlwind on steroids, which comes stock with twin-linked lascannon sponsons. More survivable and versatile than the Whirlwind, but is definitely not worth the points cost unless you go for the anti-air version, since the Ordnance rules on the Launcher cause every other weapon on the tank to snap-fire at BS1, even if you PotMS with them. Also carries six models for some insane reason. If you ask us, it'd probably be better off not being able to transport infantry in exchange for two more gun mounts, probably autocannons. Mais c'est la vie.

      • ALTERNATE TAKE: If you prefer, you can swap the ordnance whirlwind for the AA version, which works very well as an enemy vehicle hunter, the twin-linked "heat seeking" krak missile launcher can used PotMS to shoot a flyer separately from the lascannons (don't forget it has interceptor too!) though skyfire/interceptor weapons is of little use against ground targets unless they are skimmers. Not bad if you're only transporting six models anyways (i.e. HQ + command squad), not that a command squad needs a LR, but this could be an awesome choice for them if you do it anyways. Can also be given a Multi-Melta if you want to go nuts for a premier tank hunter which can even outperform the Achilles (below) for LESS points.

    • Land Raider Achilles - Oh hell yes, this beast sports a Thunderfire Cannon and twin-linked multi-melta sponsons, has immunity to the Melta and Lance special rules, puts a -1 penalty on most other attacks, can carry six models, and doesn't go 'splodey. Put a scout squad and a techmarine in it, plonk it down on an objective, and watch your opponent throw a shit fit. Eldar and Dark Eldar will really Rage at it since that don't have much anti-tank outside of meltas and lances. Though, they have haywire/D-weapon, and you really should beware them, as hawks, wraithguards, witches and scourges would blow your "expensive but invincible" tank in eye blink, once they came in threat range. Just try and destroy that platform of death, I dare you... OH NO KEEP THAT 7th EDITION WRAITKNIGHT AWAY! *Wraithknight touches Achilles and it explodes* FUCK! Who gave them S:D Weapons?)

    Ich hoffe das hilft dir weiter bis jemand, der mehr Ahnung als ich (lies: auch nur einen Funken Ahnung) hat was hilfreiches beisteuert. :)

  • Das hört sich gut an. Ich muss noch mit der 8ten abgleichen das schau ich mal ob das noch zutrifft. Vielen Dank

    Wir sehen uns, auf dem Schlachtfeld, in der Schenke oder NIE

    7000 Punkte Zwerge (90% bemalt)
    3000 Punkte Bretonen (50% bemalt)
    2500 Punkte Gruftkönige (95% bemalt)
    5000 Punkte Skaven (50% bbemalt) :patsch:
    2000 Punkte Orks u. Goblins (30% bamalt)

    1500 Punkte Dark Angeles (99% bemalt)

  • Hörte der "Standart Raider" sei der Beste/Effektivste. Ansonsten liegen manche Vorteile halt auf der Hand... (Anti-Infanterie Bewaffnung, AutoHits beim Redeemder usw.)

  • Frage ist natürlich auch, soll er transportieren und wenn ja, wie viel. In dem Fall sollte die Antwort einfach sein.

    Wenn es nur um Feuerkraft geht, würde ich auch zum "Standard" greifen...vier Laserkanonen sind A eine Ansage und B etwas, das man definitiv nicht genug von haben kann, in dieser Edition...zumindest, wenn du mich frägst :saint::D