Ich hoffe und bete, dass das schöne und vorallem passende Modelle werden und die Gruftkönige sich wieder aus ihren Grabmälern erheben werden...
Beiträge von Behemot
Wenn man den Orks die Rüstungen ausziehen könnte, würden sie sogar gut aussehen.
Derjenige, der für das Gelb verantworlich ist, muss blind sein!
Der Lindwurm sieht klasse aus, das Wuchtige passt zu Orks und macht den Unterschied zu Drachen noch viel deutlicher.
Die Wildschweine, falls man die Dinger überaupt so bezeichnen kann, müssten doch vornüber umfallen....etwas unglücklich gewählte Reittiere für eine Kavallerie.
Orruk als Name find ich persönlich recht bescheiden....
Wenn man sich hier die verschiedenen Gallerien so anschaut, muss ich echt sagen, dass die Zwergenbilder am beeindruckendsten sind...Wirklich erstklassige Zwerge hier drin...
Naja, wenn das ganze hundert Jahre oder mehr nach End Times spielen soll, können wir uns auf jedenfall auf ne Menge Story freuen....
Beim Rest....Abwarten und Tee trinken...aufregen kann man sich im nachhinein noch zu genüge....ändern können wir im Moment eh nix.
Haben die Echsenmenschen nicht eh entschieden jetzt auszusterben?
Da können sich ja die von Games Workshop ne Scheibe von abschneiden...sieht einfach nur klasse aus!
Von Ulthuan.net vorsicht SPOILER
"I searched through the whole ebook for his name, and it doesn't appear that he dies. Tyrion tries to kill him while he is unmaking the Vortex, but gets thwarted by both his own horse, Malhandir, who realizes that he isn't carrying Tyrion towards evil, but is actually bearing it. He throws Tyrion off, and while he doesn't change his mind about wanting to kill Teclis, Seraphon steps in before Malekith and Tyrion duel.
Teclis's plan succeeds, but I don't see him being brought up as either alive or dead afterwards. The next time he is mentioned is in the final paragraphs I quoted before.""I've blown through the ebook, I'll attempt to allay some of the fears we all had about the fluff going forward. I feel Thorpe actually avoided tossing away the spirit of the fluff that had come before, like we all had feared he would. First, I like what he did with Malekith. There is no real redemption attempt. Malekith is exposed as a selfish coward. Had he endured a few more moments in the flames, he would have been reborn as his father had been. Teclis straight up calls him out, saying that had he not been too weak to endure the flames, the elves would have been spared 6000 years of civil war. He gets somewhat better, but he's still a prick. Oh, and Tyrion beats his ass, not once, but twice.
Second, the Asur don't suddenly love Malekith and hate Tyrion. The civil war is more nuanced than Malekith vs Tyrion. In fact, for most of the civil war, Malekith remains in hiding while Imrik does the majority of campaigning. Many of those that side with Imrik are not even aware Malekith is still alive. In addition, it doesn't seem like much of the Asur side with him anyway. Caledor and the Phoenix Guard do, and some parts of the other provinces, but for the most part his army is made up of the professional soldiers of the Druchii and the Asrai led by the Everqueen. The Asur seem to mostly take up Tyrion's side or, in increasing numbers as Tyrion gets crazier, flee to Anar's banner, who stays out of the war. And I think it all works. Once Malekith reveals himself, he starts losing more and more allies because, well, everybody hates Malekith. The final gambit is the unmaking of the Vortex. Tyrion beats Malekith in personal combat for the second time, but Anar intervenes, killing Tyrion. True to character, Anar also shoots Malekith, who only survives thanks to becoming the Incarnation of Shadow.
Finally, here's the big one that I'm sure everyone will hate. As speculated, the unmaking of the Vortex does indeed destroy Ulthuan. The survivors are transported by the Everqueen to Athel Loren. That's pretty much where the book ends. Anar and Malekith, both changed by the final battle, make a tentative peace. However, it is pretty clear that Malekith's ability to unite the survivors is very much in question. On a side note, you never actually see Teclis or Morathi bite it. We'll have to wait and see what End Times: Khaine has to say on the matter. Overall, I like the balance of how they united the elven factions. Everybody loses something big, but also has a big part of the remains. The Dark Elves lose Naggaroth, but Malekith becomes Phoenix King and the Incarnation of Shadow. The Asur lose Ulthuan, but the Everqueen survives to become the Incarnation of Life. The Asrai lose Orion, and it is implied that Ariel merges with the Everqueen, but Athel Loren becomes the home to the remaining elves.
Oh and I have no idea what happened to Morathi or Teclis. Their fates are not mentioned post-Vortex. "
"Ok, now having finished the book, some spoilers:
*Blessing Malekith apparently took the last bit of mojo Asuryan had. He's pretty much dead now, barring the power residing in Malekith.
*Hotek is still alive, becomes Vaul's avatar long enough to reforge Malekith's sword (which Tyrion destroyed) into Asuryath, then kills himself with it.
*Orion dies against Tyrion in the battle for Averlorn.
*Alarielle pledges to marry Malekith after the war is won.
*Teclis knows his plan to bind the winds of magic will sink Ulthuan, but Alarielle says they can go hang in Athel Loren afterwords.
*Malekith initially forbids the plan, only agreeing when Tyrion is on the verge of victory.
*Final battle takes place on the Isle of the Dead.
*Tyrion uses the Widowmaker to summon undead from the surrounding waters to compliment his army. Five buried Phoenix Kings, including Finubar, are among them.
*Malekith summons fiery spirits of all ten post-Aenarion Phoenix Kings to fight back. Then, with Asuryan's magic, he calls up every single hero ever to lay down their lives for the elves, including Eltharion the Grim.
*This forces Tyrion to charge himself, but also messes up Teclis' spells to unravel the vortex.
*Tyrion tries to charge Teclis while he's distracted, Malhandir throws him off.
*Tyrion goes for Teclis anyway. Malekith tries to run him down with his dragon, but Morathi calls out in time for him to avoid it. Morathi shoots down the dragon and Tyrion is on Malekith.
*It takes a while, but Tyrion is beating Malekith in a straight fight. He shatters Malekith's sword a second time.
*Alith Anar shoots Tyrion just as he's about to land the final blow.
*Malekith almost dies, but is saved by being bound to the Wind of Shadow.
*Alarielle is the vessel of the Wind of Life, her presence reinvigorating wounded elves.
*Alith Anar also shot Malekith in the back.
*Alarielle mourns Tyrion, who looks handsome again in death.
*Malekith picks up Widowmaker, which has become an ordinary sword. He tosses it into the ocean.
*Ulthuan starts sinking, Alarielle has to evacuate everybody to Athel Loren.
*Alith Anar is the original, and he shot Malekith as a warning. The arrow tip is next to his heart, and according to him can't be removed. It causes constant pain. He says he'll kill Malekith with the net if he fails.
*Alarielle, now married to Malekith, says that Morei-heg won't pulling the strings of fate anymore. Presumably she is dead.
*Malekith, when alone, reveals he's already removed Alith's arrowhead.
*The book end with the elves chilling in Athel Loren, but with the quote that they have no future."
WOW....genauso sahen Space Wolves in meiner Vorstellung immer aus....Klasse Arbeit!
Weil eben die Grimmklingen icht mehr existiert und Ghla Maraz als wohl mächtigste bekannte Waffe wegfällt, käme wirklich nur noch ein übermächtiges Wesen in Frage...
Ich bin echt sowas von gespannt, da ist so unglaublich viel möglich...Sollte die Klinge von Khaine nicht mächtiger sein?
Laufen sonst noch menschliche Helden(die keine besonderen namhaften Charaktermodelle sind wie Sigmar persönlich oder sonstwer) rum, die mit einem Schlag eine Höllengrubenbrut töten können?
Menschliche Helden fallen mir jetzt keine ein....aber ansonsten... -
Und gerade der macht unseren Herzog ja so einzigartig.
Inwiefern einzigartig?
Dann braucht man ja im moment fast nicht mit Warhammer anzufangen.....wenn man nichtmal sicher sein kann, dass die gewählte Armee nächstes Jahr noch unterstützt wird
Dann braucht man ja im moment fast nicht mit Warhammer anzufangen.....wenn man nichtmal sicher sein kann, dass die gewählte Armee nächstes Jahr noch unterstützt wird
Was wird nun aus dem armen Settra....dauert noch bis ich das Buch habe
Was wird nun aus dem armen Settra....dauert noch bis ich das Buch habe