im kommenden sommer kommt eine dämonenarmeeliste .weiss ich aus ziemlich sicherer quelle .hierzu ein paar dinge zum freuen
And the nurgle chariot moves 6' but all its attacks count as poisoned.
Let me write a resume:
Daemonettes (with command)
Bloodletters (with command)
Plaguebearers (with command)
Horrors (with command,champion it's level 1 spell caster)
Flesh hounds
Flamers (5+ unit of skirmishers)
Furies (numebr of units depending on number of undivided daemons characters present)
The cost in points will stay the same like in HoC armybook!!
then we get cavalries:
Bloodcrushers of khorne
Daemonettes on steed
Daemonettes on armoured steed
Plaguebearers on daemonicbeast
Flamers on disc of tzeentch (3+ unit with a cost of 70pt.a model)
And finally chariots!
Chariot of khorne:carried by 2 juggernatus(stays on a 100x100mm base)US of 5
Chariot of nurgle:6''movement,poisoned attacks
Chariot of tzeentch:fly,ST4
Chariot of slaanesh:M of 10'',ST5
Greater daemons,Daemon prince,Exalted daemon,Herald(daemonic BSB)
Any unit could have for 50pt.the blasphemous icon which grants the unit a WS of 4+ instead of 5+ against anything!!
I think infantries will be core units.Cavalries special and chariots rare.But that's my guessing not sure of it.
stellt euch mal vor khorne streitwagen mit juggernauts ,tzeentch streitwagen mit flugscheiben
also ich finds cool
Gruss Goldi