Nachdem ich 'die Schlacht um den Reißzahn ' gelesen habe , wollte ich unbedingt meine Armee der Vlka Fenryka Den Jarl Vaer Grauloc widmen
Bitte um konstruktive Kritik :
'Vaer Grauloc'
Wolf Lord (235pts)
Belt of Russ (25pts), Wolf Tail Talisman (5pts), Wolftooth Necklace (10pts)
Saga of the Bear (35pts)
Terminator Armour (40pts)
Wolf Claw (15pts), Wolf Claw (5pts)
2er rüster 4 er Retter
Ewiger Krieger
Wolfsklauen haben Fluff- technische Gründe
Kommt in die termis
Rune Priest (180pts)
Chooser of the Slain (10pts), Jaws of the World Wolf, Living Lightning, Master of Runes (50pts), Rune Axe
Bolt Pistol, Replace with Runic Armour (20pts),
In die Mähnen im rhino
Wolf Priest (145pts)
Crozius Arcanum, Fang of Morkai, Wolf Amulet, Wolf Tail Talisman (5pts), Wolftooth Necklace (10pts)
Bolt Pistol, Replace with Runic Armour (20pts)
Saga of the Hunter (10pts)
Kommt in die termis
Elites (441pts)
Wolfsgardisten termis (202pts)
4x Terminator Armour
-->Frost Axe (10pts), Frost Blade (10pts), Heavy Flamer (5pts),
,2x Storm Shield (30pts)
Wolf Claw (5pts), Wolf Claw (10pts)
Mark of the wulfen (15pts)
Rudelführer Gardisten (99pts)
3x Power Armour
2x Combi Flamer (10pts), Combi Plasma (5pts), 3x Power Sword (30pts)
5 Wolf Scouts (125pts)
Power Sword (15pts)
4x Bolt Pistol, 5x Close Combat Weapon, 5x Melta Bombs (25pts), Meltagun (10pts)
Troops (610pts)
Blood Claws Pack (195pts)
9x Blood Claw
8x Bolt Pistol, 8x Close Combat Weapon, Flamer, Power Fist (25pts)
Rhino (35pts)
Storm Bolter
Grey Hunters Pack (205pts)
8x Grey Hunter
Mark of the Wulfen (15pts), Wolf Standard (10pts)
8x Bolt Pistol, 7x Bolter, 7x Close Combat Weapon, Plasma Gun (10pts), Power Axe (15pts)
Rhino (35pts)
Storm Bolter
Grey Hunters Pack (210pts)
9x Grey Hunter
Mark of the Wulfen (15pts), Wolf Standard (10pts)
Drop Pod (35pts)
Storm Bolter
9x Bolt Pistol, 8x Bolter, 8x Close Combat Weapon, Flamer, Power Axe (15pts)
Fast Attack (64pts)
Fenrisian Wolf Pack (64pts)
8x Fenrisian Wolf
Vor den rhino um Deckung zu geben ...
Heavy Support (175pts)
Long Fangs Pack (175pts)
4x Long Fang with Lascannon
4x Close Combat Weapon, , 4x Lascannon,
Squad Leader (15pts)
Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon,
PS: habe momentan keinen PC oder Laptop deshalb habe ich mit battlescribe für das Smartphones
Die liste geschrieben --- leider auf english