Armeebuch Hochelfen

  • So ich hab auf Warseer eine Interessante Seite gefunden...wie immer nur ein Gerücht aber wer weiß wie viel wahrheit da drin steckt...viel spass damit:

    All high elf lords ar worth +75Vps all high elf heros are worth 50vps

    The general is the highest leadership, if anyother charicter has the same Ld then you randomy choose the leader from the charicters with the same leadership (eg. Archmage.commander,mage = archmage & commander have the highest leadership so on a 1-3 the general is the arch mage on a 4-6 its the commander).

    All high elves always strik first, if the oponent also strikes first then resolve this in I order, how ever if the HE is wealding a great weapon they strike last againsed an oponent who always strikes first exept if they have a great weapon (then I order). This does not affect mounts,

    Immune to panic vs dark elves.

    Prince: 130pts
    Stats: (same)
    Weapons, hand weapon
    Options. (same)
    + may have 1 honor.
    +may be mounted on a drake, 210pts

    Archmage: 215pts
    Stats: (same)
    Weapons, hand weapon
    Options. (same)
    + may have 1 honor.
    +may be mounted on a drake, 210pts

    Arch-Warriormage: 195pts
    Stats: M5 WS6 BS5 S4 T3 W3 I8 A4 Ld9
    Weapons. hand weapon
    Magic: level 2 wizard from the high magic only.
    Options: (same as Prince but no dragon)
    (can cast whilst using light armour and/or shield or magic armour that is counted as light armour unless it says warriormages can use it)
    +may be mounted on a drake, 220pts

    Commander: 70pts
    Stats: (same)
    Weapons, hand weapon
    Options. (same)
    + may have 1 honor.
    +may be mounted on a drake, 190pts

    Mage: 95pts
    Stats: (same)
    Weapons, hand weapon
    Options. (same)
    + may have 1 honor.
    +may be mounted on a drake, 190pts

    Warriormage: 110pts
    Stats: WS5 BS5 S4 T3 W2 I7 A3 Ld8
    Weapons, hand weapon
    Options. (same as current commander)
    (can cast whilst using light armour and/or shield or magic armour that is counted as light armour unless it says warriormages can use it)
    +may be mounted on a drake, 200pts

    Core: Archers 11pts
    Same rules as currently used. except the command will cost 25points

    1+Spearmen, 9pts Same as they are but loose fight in 3 ranks and have a 25point command.

    Sea Guards:13pts (may have 1 unit of sea guard and an additonal 1 to every charicter with the seafarer honor)
    Same stats & equipment. Command costs 35pts but the champion has a long bow.
    They can fire in 2 ranks on flat ground and 3 ranks on a hill.

    Silver helms 22points each. (can never have more silver helms than spearmen)
    Same stats and options.

    Ellrian Reavers: 16pts
    (stats and options the same).
    Fast cavalry

    Dragon Princes of Caledor: 30pts (may have 1 unit of Dragon princes and an additonal 1 to every charicter with the Dragon prince honor)
    Stats and options the same.
    Immune to panic, fear and terror.

    Sword masters of hoesth: 14pts (may have one unit of sword masters and an additonal unit for each mage/warriormage (includes arch) in the army &/or charicter with the sword master honor)
    M5 WS6 BS4 S4 T3 W1 I5 A2(3) Ld9
    Weapons & armour, Light armour & Great sword
    And ther command costs 28points.

    Shadow warriors, 15pts
    (stats the same)
    Weapons & armoue: additional close comabat weapons, light armour and long bows.
    (Options the same)
    Scouts, Skirmishers,Hate high elves.

    Charriots: 80pts
    Crew and charriot the same
    May be pulled by 2 Elven steeds (same stats) For +10pts
    Or Tiger thingys (cant remember the names) M8 Ws3 BS0 S4 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld5 For +10

    White Lions: 12pts
    Options (same)
    Unit size 10-20
    Woods men, lion cloak, Bodyguard, Skirmishers (and an additional rule that works like the beast mans raiders rule).

    Phoenix Guard: 16pts
    M5 WS5 BS4 S3(4) T3 Wi I7 A2(3) Ld9
    Optiond the same
    Cause Fear, unbreakable

    Reaper bolt throwrs, Same as they are

    Drak riders 60p6ts (this is why im not shour this list is 100%)
    unit size 3-5
    Riders (dragon princes)
    Drake M6 WS4 BS0 S4 T4 W2 I3 A4 Ld7,
    Breath atack S2 -1AS,Fly. Cause fear. Scaly skin 3+

    Great eagles:45pts

  • Ich hoffe, dass das nicht stimmt, was da drin steht.
    Bogis immer noch nicht besser, Speerträger eher schlechter, Silberhelme schlechter (muss mir dann wohl noch ein paar Speere kaufen), und seit wann hassen Schattenkrieger Hochelfen? Bei den Schwertmeistern steht auch nichts mehr von ihrer schönen Regel dabei, also auch schlechter. Dass es jetzt mehr Drachen gibt, ist zwar schön, aber ich glaub nicht, das es sowas wie Drake Rider geben wird.

  • Ich vermute mit dem hochelfen hassen hat er sich wohl verschrieben soll wohl dunkel elfen heisen naja und sm ham dafür scheinbar ne stärke mehr und ich vermute das sie die regel trotzdem behalten werden.
    ok silberhelme sind schlechter geworden dafür sind aber dps die seegarde sowie die phönixgarde deutlich verbessert worden. also insgesammt auf jedenfall mehr vorteile als nachteile und die armeen werden wohl nicht mehr so eintönig sein (weniger kavalerie)

  • Ich glaube auch, dass das meiste davon Gerüchte bleiben. Speerträger verlieren ihren Bonus, aus 3 Gliedern zu attackieren ..kann ich mir nicht vorstellen, war das nicht immer einer DER Vorteile der HE?

    Für Leman Russ, Bud Spencer und die Wolfszeit!!

  • Ihr überseht glaube ich die Regel mit dem Zuerst zuschlagen.
    Die ist besser als die alte regel der Schwertmeister. Außerdem haben sie jetzt S4 und A2(3)!!!
    Und die erstschlag-regel ist mMn auch besser als das aus 3 Gliedern schlagen der Speerträger.
    Das mit den Silberhelmen finde ich auch recht sinnvoll (die HE solen halt mehr eine Infantriearmee werden; und kavalarie ein unterstützender Teil).

    Ansonsten sind da noch einige schöne änderungen drin. Man wir sehen wie stark die neuen HE im endeffekt werden.

  • Also die Liste is 100 % falsch!!
    Denn es wurde schon offizell verkündet das es keine drachenreiter Einheit geben wird.
    auch ansich deckt sich die Liste Null mit den Grüchten die zur zeit im laufen sind.
    Und ich bezweilfe auch stark das es eine immer zuerstzuschlagen regel für die ganze armee geben wird... ;)

  • Weiß jmd. genaueres über die Kampfmagier?

    Fänd es lächerlich wenn jetzt jedes Volk sowas bekommt. Bei Vampiren und Tzeentch ist es noch nachvollziehbar .. aber Hochelfen !?

    "In war there is no second prize for the runner-up."

    -General Omar N. Bradley, U.S. Army, 1950

    WHFB: Dämonen des Chaos | Dunkelelfen | Gruftkönige von Khemri | Krieger des Chaos | Orks & Goblins | Skaven | Tiermenschen | Vampirfürsten | Waldelfen

    WH40: Dark Eldar | Grey Knights | Tyraniden

  • Zitat

    Original von nexfraxinus
    Weiß jmd. genaueres über die Kampfmagier?

    Fänd es lächerlich wenn jetzt jedes Volk sowas bekommt. Bei Vampiren und Tzeentch ist es noch nachvollziehbar .. aber Hochelfen !?

    Bei Hochelfen ist es doch am sinnvollsten. Sinnvoller als bei allen anderen Völkern. Ich meine wenn Schwertmeister immer beim Turm der Magier trainieren und dort abhängen, kanns doch schonmal vorkommen, dass sich wer in der Bibliothek verirrt? =)

    Ich fände die Liste ordentlich, wenig wahrscheinlich aber ordentlich.
    Die Ideen sind allesamt ganz gut und nachvollziehbar. Die neuen Einheitenbeschränkungen gefallen mir viel besser, als die alten 0-1. Die neuen Schwertmeister und Weiße Löwen und Phönixgardisten wären meine neuen Lieblingseinheiten. Kavallerie würde man auch nicht mehr so viel spielen (müssen). Also ziemlich alles so, wie ich es mir wünschen würde, auch wegen dem Kampfmagier. Aber es gibt 3 Probleme hierbei: Ich denke nicht, dass jeder Held nen Drachen reiten kann. Ich glaube nicht, dass es die Drachenreiter wieder als Seltene Auswahl geben wird. Und es ist höchst unwahrscheinlich, dass ne ganze Armee zuerst zuschlagen darf, auch wenn die Formulierung und der Einfallsreichtum schon sehr nah an GW zu stellen ist. Aber wenn es wirklich so kommen sollte: Prost! Ich würde wieder Hochelfen sammeln! (Wer würde das nicht? Bei solch einem Armeebuch).

    Ich könnt mir schon die Gesichter vorstellen:
    "Ja meine Kampftänzer haben jetzt deine Phönixgardisten angegriffen und machen..."
    "Joa aber ich schlage immer zuerst zu."
    "Wie du schlägst immer zuerst zu?"
    "Ja und außerdem sind die unerschütterlich."
    "Wie du schlägst immer zuerst zu?"


    Aber ok nochmal:
    Lassen wir das ganze nochmal Revué auf uns wirken.
    Schwertmeister wurden verbessert, Phönixgardisten und Weiße Löwen auch. Weiße Löwen sind durch Beschuss kaum mehr klein zu kriegen. Alle Hochelfen schlagen immer zuerst zu. Was bringt das bitte bei Kavallerie und Speerträgern? Ok bei Speerträgern schon was, aber wie viele ja meinen: 10 Attacken S3 sind nichts wert. Womit sich der Bonus wieder neutralisiert.

    Fazit: Wir werden in der Lage sein 7 Drachen + 30 Speerträger aufzustellen in einer 2000 Punktearmee. Wie Hamstert man eigentlich besser?

    Schwertmeister, Phönixgardisten und Weiße Löwen schlagen immer zuerst zu. Sind auch sonst viel besser geworden, auch dank minimaler Punkteerhöhung. Aber können trotzdem immernoch leicht, viel zu leicht weggeballert werden. Der Reiz Schwertmeister mit S6 A2 und KG 6 auszuprobieren die immer zuerst zuschlagen, ist natürlich ziemlich groß. Aber man sollte gut auf sie aufpassen, denn sie kosten viel und sterben schnell, wenn sie nicht im Nahkampf sind. Ist es das was GW uns mitteilen will?
    Weiße Löwen als Plänkler! Supertoll! Mit General drin, dann sind sie auchnoch unnachgiebig und brauchen eh keinen Gliederbonus!
    Find ich gut!
    Seegardisten! Werden jetzt wieder zu einer beliebten Auswahl, dank der Fähigkeit aus 2 Reihen schießen zu können. Außerdem noch mit Charaktermodellen die nen Ehrentitel Seefahrer erhalten kann. Mal sehen, was das bringt.
    Ich schätze sowas wie:
    "Kann sich nur Seefahrern anschließen.
    Die Einheit, der er sich anschließt, kann Bewegen und Schießen ohne Abzüge und hat eine Freiformierung in jeder Bewegungsphase, in der sie nicht angreifen. Nach dieser Freiformierung können die Seefahrer immernoch schießen."
    Seien wir mal ehrlich: So eine Liste würde den Hochelfen viel mehr Taktische Möglichkeiten bringen, defensiv und gleichzeitig offensiv spielen zu können. Der Traum eines jeden Hochelfenspielers. Ich würde um meine Infanterieregimenter zu schützen einen Screen aus Speerträgern für 9 Punkte pro Modell aufstellen. Auch, da man eh mindestens ein Regiment davon brauchen würde.

    Ich finds gut, aber wie oben beschrieben recht unwahrscheinlich.
    Jedenfalls hat sich der, der den Fake geschrieben hat, wirklich Mühe gegeben. Oder ist es doch die Wahrheit?


  • Ich hab noch ne andere Alternative gefunden (wurde woanders schon vor 1 1/2 wochen gepostet):


    All High Elf mages get +1 to dispel.

    Twilight of the Asur
    • High Elf Lords are worth an additional 100 Victory points to the opponent.
    • High Elf Heroes are worth an additional 50 Victory points to the opponent.

    High Elves are immune to panic when fighting Dark Elves

    Citizen Levy
    All Citizen units fighting on foot and armed with spears may fight in three ranks.
    All Citizen units on foot and armed with bows do not suffer the usual -1 to hit penalty for shooting at long range.
    All citizen levy must always fight with their spears, unless they're rendered inoperable for any reason.

    Soldiery of Lothern
    You may only include 1 unit of sea guard for each unit of spears or archers in the army. Ignore this restriction if the army is led by a seafarer.

    Finubar's Legacy
    Lothern sea guard may fire in two ranks, and may add or deduct a rank for free when moving (but not charging).

    In addition, LSG may choose to shoot and charge into combat; in this case,only ranks beyond the front two may fire, and any casualties caused from shooting count towards combat resolution. When using this maneuver, the shooting attack suffers a -1 to hit.

    Lion Claw
    When fighting any creature of approximately Ogre sized or larger, the White Lions cause not 1 but D2 wounds. Note that this has no effect against war machines, chariots or buildings.

    Caledorian Pride
    The Dragon Princes of Caledor are subject to the following rules.
    • Immune to Panic from all models except fellow Dragon Princes and friendly dragons, but may only test on the leadership of characters who are also Dragon Princes.
    • May never refuse a challenge nor choose to flee as a charge reaction.
    • Up to one additional unit of Dragon Princes may be taken for each Dragon Prince character included in the army.

    Ancient Glory
    Such is the tremendous speed and skilful execution of the Dragon Princes, they may re-roll all failed rolls to hit on any turn they charge.

    Ignore the usual strike last penalty for wielding a great weapon. They will strike in normal order instead (i.e. first when charging, last if charged and in initiative order in later rounds).

    Guardians of the White Tower
    *Up to one additional unit of Swordmasters may be taken for each Archmage included in the army.

    Outcast units may only be joined by Outcast characters and Outcast characters may only join Outcast units.

    Devoted of Asuryan: The phoenix guard are unbreakable. In addition, no character may be deployed in a unit of phoenix guard, nor may any character join the unit later in the battle.

    Inspirational Presence: All friendly high elf units within 6" gain +1CR in combat. Note that this rule may provide no more than 1 point of CR per individual combat.

    Keeper of the Flame: the keeper of the flame is the unit champion and as such does not count towards the army's character allotment. However, if he is killed, the enemy gets +100 extra VP's. He has a 4+ ward, and confers a 6+ ward save on his unit. In addition, all attacks made by the keeper and his unit count as being magical.


    Lion Cloak
    The white lion cloak that gives the White Lions of Chrace their name also gives them a +2 armour save versus missile fire. In close combat it is thrown back over the shoulder and offers no additional protection.

    Ithilmar Barding
    Ithilmar is extremely light, but very resilient. Barding made from Ithilmar gives the same protection as heavy steel, but without slowing down the steed that wears it.
    Ithilmar barding adds +1 to the model’s armour save like ordinary barding, however there is no reduction in the movement rate of the model.

    Dragon Armour
    Forged in the heart of a volcano, this fine armour is enchanted to ward off the effects of Dragon breath. The model is immune to all breath attacks, and any fire-based attack (including spells from the Lore of Fire). Dragon Armour also counts as heavy armour, giving a 5+ armour save.


    PRINCE 125pts

    Stats: As is.
    Weapons: Hand weapon.
    May choose either a lance (+6 pts), spear (+6 pts), a Great weapon (+6 pts), a halberd (+6 pts), or an additional hand weapon (+6 pts).
    May also choose a longbow (+12 pts).
    May wear either light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 pts), or Dragon armour (+8 pts) and may also carry a shield (+3 pts).
    May ride either an Elven Steed (+18 pts), which can have Ithilmar barding (+8 pts), or a Great Eagle (+50 pts), a Griffon (+200 pts) or a Dragon (+320pts).
    May choose a combination of magic items from the Common or High Elf magic items lists, to a maximum total value of 100 pts.

    ARCHMAGE 215pts

    Stats: As is.
    Weapons: Hand weapon.
    Magic: An Archmage is a level 3 Wizard. He may choose either High Magic or any one of the eight lores described in the Warhammer rulebook.
    May be upgraded to a Level 4 Wizard for +35 pts.
    May ride an Elven Steed (+18pts), which can have ithilmar barding (+8pts), or a Great Eagle (+50pts).
    May choose a combination of magic items from the Common or High Elf magic items lists, to a maximum total value of 100 pts.


    COMMANDER 65pts

    Stats: As is.
    Weapons: Hand weapon.
    May choose either a lance (+4 pts), spear (+4 pts), a Great weapon (+4 pts), a halberd (+4 pts), or an additional hand weapon (+4 pts).
    May also choose a longbow (+8 pts).
    May wear either light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts), or Dragon armour (+6 pts) and may also carry a shield (+2 pts).
    May ride either an Elven Steed (+12 pts), which can have Ithilmar barding (+5 pts), or a Great Eagle (+50 pts).
    One Commander may be upgraded to a Battle Standard Bearer for +25pts.
    May choose a combination of magic items from the Common or High Elf magic items lists, to a maximum total value of 50 pts.
    The Battle Standard Bearer cannot choose any non-magical equipment except for light, heavy or dragon armour and/or barding for his steed.
    He cannot be mounted on a Great Eagle.
    The Battle Standard Bearer can have any magic banner (no points limit), but if he carries a magic banner he may not take any other magic items. He may, however, still take a single Honour like other Commanders.

    WARRIOR-MAGE 100pts

    Stats: As Commander, except WS5, I6, BS5 and Ld8.
    Weapons: Hand weapon.
    Weapon, armour and mount options as per Commander, except does NOT have option to become BSB. May take either one Honour OR one Path of the Loremasters.
    May choose a combination of magic items from the Common or High Elf magic items lists, to a maximum total value of 50 pts.
    Magic: Level 1 High Elf mage who may use any of the eight lores of magic. Does NOT have acccess to High Magic. He may be upgraded to a level 2 Mage for 35 points, but if you do so he will take up an additional Hero choice.

    MAGE 90pts

    Stats: As is.
    Weapons: Hand weapon.
    Magic: A Mage is a level 1 Wizard. He may choose either High Magic or any one of the eight lores described in the Warhammer rulebook.
    May be upgraded to a Level 2 Wizard for +35 pts.
    May ride an Elven Steed (+12 pts), which can have ithilmar barding (+5 pts).
    May choose a combination of magic items from the Common or High Elf magic items lists, to a maximum total value of 50 pts.


    ARCHERS 10pts

    Unit size: 10+
    Stats: As is.
    Weapons & Armour: Hand weapon, longbow.
    Any unit may be equipped with light armour for +1pt/model.
    Upgrade one Archer to a Musician for +6pts/model.
    Upgrade one Archer to a Standard Bearer for +12pts/model.
    Promote one Archer to a Champion for +6pts/model.
    Special Rules:
    Citizen Levy

    SPEARELVES 10pts

    Unit size: 10+
    Stats: As is.
    Weapons & Armour: Hand weapon, spear, heavy armour, shield.
    Upgrade one Spearelf to a Musician for +6pts/model.
    Upgrade one Spearelf to a Standard Bearer for +12pts/model.
    one unit of spears may carry a magic standard worth up to 25 pts.
    Promote one Spearelf to a Champion for +12pts/model.
    Special Rules:
    Citizen Levy

    SEA GUARDS 14pts

    Unit size: 10+
    Stats: As is, but WS5.
    Weapons & Armour: Hand weapon, spear, bow, light armour, shield.
    Upgrade one Sea Guard to a Musician for +6pts/model.
    Upgrade one Sea Guard to a Standard Bearer for +12pts/model.
    Promote one Sea Guard to a Champion for +12pts/model.
    Any unit of sea guard may carry a magic banner up to 25 pts
    Special Rules:
    Soldiery of Lothern, Citizen Levy, Finubar's Legacy

    SILVER HELMS 25pts

    Unit size: 5+
    Stats: As is.
    Weapons & Armour: Hand weapon, lance, heavy armour, shield.
    Mount: Barded Elven steed.
    Upgrade one Silver Helm to a Musician for +7pts/model.
    Upgrade one Silver Helm to a Standard Bearer for +14pts/model.
    One unit of silver helms may carry a magic standard worth up to 25 pts.
    Promote one Silver Helm to a Champion for +14pts/model.



    Unit size: 5+
    Stats: As is.
    Weapons & Armour: Hand weapon, spear, light armour.
    Any unit may be equipped with bows for +4 pts per model.
    Ugrade one Reaver to a Musician for +7 pts.
    Upgrade one Reaver to a Standard Bearer for +14 pts.
    Promote one Reaver to a Harbinger for +7 pts.
    Special Rules: Fast Cavalry


    Unit size: 5-15
    Stats: As is.
    Weapons & Armour: Hand weapon, longbow, light armour.
    Any unit may be equipped with additional hand weapons for +2pts/model.
    One Shadow Warrior may be upgraded to a Shadow-walker for +12 pts (has +1A instead of the usual +1BS for a scout champion).
    Special Rules:
    Scout, Skirmish, Hate Dark Elves, Outcasts.

    0-1 SWORDMASTERS 16pts

    Unit size: 10+
    Stats: I6, 2A; otherwise as is.
    Weapons & Armour: Hand weapon, great sword, heavy armour.
    Upgrade one Swordmaster to a Musician for +7 pts.
    Upgrade one Swordmaster to a Standard Bearer for +14 pts.
    A Standard Bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 pts.
    Promote one Swordmaster to a Bladelord for +14 pts.
    Special Rules:
    Swordmasters, Guardians of the White Tower.


    Stats: As is.
    Weapons & Armour: Crew are armed with a hand weapon, spear and bow.
    May have up to two additional steeds at +7pts/model.
    Special Rules:
    Note that 1-2 Tiranoc Chariots count as only one Special unit choice.

    0-1 DRAGON PRINCES 30pts

    Unit size: 5+
    Stats: As is.
    Weapons & Armour: Hand weapon, lance, dragon armour, shield.
    Mount: Ithilmar barded Elven steed.
    Upgrade one Dragon Prince to a Musician for +9pts/model.
    Upgrade one Dragon Prince to a Standard Bearer for +18pts/model.
    Standard Bearer may carry a magic banner worth up to 50pts.
    Promote one Dragon Prince to a Drakemaster for +18pts/model.
    Special Rules:
    Caledorian Pride, Ancient Glory

    WHITE LIONS 13pts

    Unit size: 5-15
    Stats: As is.
    Weapons & Armour: Hand weapon, great axe, light armour, lion cloak.
    Upgrade one White Lion to a Musician for +7 pts.
    Promote one White Lion to a Hunter Captain for +14 pts.
    Special Rules: Skirmish, immune to fear,Lion Claw


    GREAT EAGLES 50pts

    Stats: As is.
    Weapons: Talons (count as hand weapon).
    Special Rules: Fly.
    Note that 1-2 Great Eagles count as only one Rare unit choice.


    Stats: As is.
    Crew: 2 High Elves.
    Weapons and Armour: The crew carry hand weapons and wear light armour.
    Special Rules: Repeater Bolt Thrower.
    Note that 1-2 Repeater Bolt Throwers count as only one Rare unit choice.

    0-1 Phoenix Guard 14 points:

    stats: as is
    Keeper of the Flame: 5 5 4 4 3 2 7 3 10
    Unit Size : 10-25
    Equipment : as is
    Special Rules: Unveiled Destiny, Inspirational Presence, Devoted of Asuryan, Keeper of the Flame

    Options: upgrade one phoenix guard to the Keeper of the Flame 65 points.


    High Elf mages may choose up to a single Path of the Loremasters, but do not have to.
    Archmages MUST study at least one Path and may choose a second Path, but do not have to.
    The Paths do NOT count toward the magic item allowance.

    Path of Knowledge 10pts
    Mage knows an additional spell from the lore he chooses.

    Path of Serenity 20pts Adds +1 dispel die each enemy magic phase.

    Path of Control 20pts
    Mage may maintain a single remains in play spell whilst casting other spells normally. Any spell which remains in play cast by the mage will now last until dispelled, the mage chooses to end it, attempts to cast another remains in play spell (including the same spell again), miscasts on any spell attempt, or is slain.

    Path of Truth 20pts Only mages using High Magic can learn the Path of Truth. Any time the caster miscasts, he may re-roll the result on the miscast table.

    Path of Power 30pts
    All enemies attempting to dispel any spell successfully cast by the mage suffer a -2 penalty to their dispel score.


    Princes and Commanders may take up to a single Honour.
    Honours do NOT count toward the magic item allowance.

    Horsemaster 10pts
    Character must be mounted on an Elven steed that does not have any barding. Character is subject to the rules for Fast Cavalry.

    Seafarer 20pts
    Character and any unit of Sea Guards he is with are immune to panic. In addition, the unit may re-roll any failed fear or terror test.

    Shadow-Walker 20pts
    Character may scout and is subject to the Outcasts special rule. In addition, the Shadow-Walker hates Dark Elves.

    Hunter 30pts
    May only be given to character on foot. Character wears a lion cloak, is Fearless and has the Lion Claw special ability.

    Swordmaster 30pts
    Character on foot only. Swordmaster 30 points: Mmay only be given to a character on foot. character gains +1WS and killing blow. His weapon options are reduced to a magical or mundane hand weapon, greatsword or multiple hand weapons, and he may not have either a mundane or magical shield. The following skills DO count towards the magic item allowance, and a swordmaster character must have at least one.

    1.Strikes in I order in subsequent rounds when wielding greatsword 15 pts
    2.+1 to hit when targeting all attacks against a single model 15 pts
    3.Magical attacks; daemons in combat with this character suffer -1LD on any instability tests 25 pts
    4.+1A 30 pts
    5.-1 to be hit 30 pts

    Dragon Prince 35pts
    Must be mounted. Character wears dragon armour (which can be swapped for magic armour in the usual way) and is subject to the rules for Caledorian Pride and Ancient Glory. In addition, any dragon ridden by a prince with this honour never has to roll on the monster reaction chart, but is treated as an independent model instead.


    Drain Magic 5+/7+/9+
    Choose level before cast.
    Discard 6's/ 5, 6’s/ 4, 5, 6’s
    Cast on wizard with in 24'', even into close combat. Might prevent "Irresistible force", and/or "Fortune is ****le" results...
    Lasts until the start of casters next magic phase.

    Assault of Radiance 5+/8+: Magic Missile 24". Inflicts d6/2d6 S4 hits which ignore ward saves.

    Master of Winds 6+
    As long as this spell is in play, it imposes the following effects: all doubles (excluding double 6's) rolled by the opponent when attempting to dispel a spell fail; All MR in the opponents army is reduced by 1; and all dispel scrolls used by opponent only work on a 4+.The spell lasts until dispelled, the Mage chooses to end it (which he can do at any time), attempts to cast another spell or is slain
    Remains in Play

    Fury of Khaine 8+
    This may be cast on an enemy unit within 24" of the caster and in line of sight, even into close combat. Any Missile fire directed at the target unit in the following Shooting Phase may re-roll any failed rolls to hit. If the unit is targeted by a breath weapon then you may re-roll to hit any models which are partially covered.
    In addition, any attacks directed at the unit in the next Close Combat Phase may re-roll any failed rolls to hit.

    Storm of the Aethyr 10+
    Lasts one turn. The casting mage nominates a spot on the battlefield within 24" and LOS. A powerful tempest of raw magical energy with a radius of 6" swirls from this point. The tempest imposes the following effects within the 6" zone:

    -Any unit partially or completely within the zone has their M value halved.
    -The strength of all shooting passing through the zone is halved (rounding up). A unit's shooting is treated as passing through if a line drawn from the center of the firing unit to the center of the targeted unit passes through the zone.

    Vaul's Unmaking 10+
    May be cast on an enemy unit within 24" of the caster and may be cast into close combat. The owner of the unit must reveal to the caster all the magic items in the unit. The caster then chooses one of them to be nullified for the rest of the battle. The spell itself does not remain in play, but the effect lasts for the remainder of the game. This spell can drain the magic from dwarf rune items. Note that all the runes on an individual item will be drained by the spell, not just one. If the unit has no magic items, the spell has no effect.

    Flames of the Phoenix 12+
    This may be cast on an enemy unit within 24" and within LOS. Each model, including characters and unit champions, takes a Strength 3 hit immediately. If the spell is still in play at the start of the caster’s next Magic phase, each model in the unit takes a Strength 4 hit. If still in play at the start of the caster’s following Magic phase, each model takes a Strength 5 hit, and so on, with the Strength increasing by 1 each turn it remains in play. Hits count as fire attacks. No ward saves may be taken against wounds caused by this spell. The spell lasts until dispelled, the Mage chooses to end it (which he can do at any time), attempts to cast another spell or is slain.
    Remains in Play



    Sword of Striking 20 pts
    Hand weapon; +1 to hit

    Sword of Battle 15 pts
    Hand weapon; +1A

    Sword of Might 15 pts
    Hand weapon; +1S

    Biting Blade 10 pts
    Hand weapon; -1 to enemy AS

    Enchanted shield 10 pts
    armour; 5+ AS

    Talisman of Protection 10 pts
    talisman; 6+ ward save

    Dispel scroll 20 pts
    Arcane; automatically dispels an enemy spell; one use only

    Power stone 20 pts
    Arcane; +2 dice to cast a spell; one use only

    Staff of Sorcery 40 pts
    Arcane; +1 to dispel

    War Banner 20 pts
    banner; +1CR


    Daggers of Nagarythe 10pts
    Shadow-Walker only. Count as two hand weapons with armour piercing attacks.

    Hunter's Axe 20pts
    Hunter only. Counts as great weapon, except provides +3S instead of the usual +2S.

    Dragonblade Lance 25pts
    Dragon Prince only. Counts as lance. Wielder has +1 attack on the turn he charges. In addition, all attacks made with lance count as fire attacks.

    Sword of Defiance 30pts
    Wielder gains +1S at all times. In addition, this sword confers +1A when fighting against an enemy unit of greater unit strength than the combined unit strength of the wielder and his unit.

    Starwood Spear 35pts
    Always strikes first and all attacks are at +1 strength.

    Reaver Bow 40pts
    Treat the Reaver Bow as a normal longbow with the following exceptions: the bearer may shoot three times in each of his Shooting phases and any hits are resolved at Strength 5.

    Blade of Sea Gold 40pts
    No armour saves may be taken against wounds caused by this weapon.

    Greatsword of Hoeth 40 points
    Counts as a great weapon. In addition, this sword adds 1 magic die to your basic pool in each phase.

    Bow of the Seafarer 60pts
    Treat the Bow of the Seafarer as a normal longbow with the following exception: Resolve a hit from this like a single bolt from a Bolt Thrower, but at Str6. Note that you may stand & shoot with the Bow of the Seafarer.

    Runesword of Twilight 65 pts
    Always wounds on unmodified 3+, and no armour save are allowed against this weapon.

    Phoenix Blade 75pts
    The blade confers +3 Attacks on the character wielding it. In addition, all attacks made by this weapon count as flaming and armour piercing .


    Enchanted Armour 15pts
    This armour confers a 3+ armour save on the wearer which cannot be improved by any means. Warrior-Mage may wear and still cast spells normally.

    Armour of Heroes 20pts
    Character on foot only. Counts as heavy armour (armour save 5+) which can be combined with other equipment normally. In addition, all attacks directed at the bearer in close combat are resolved at -1 Strength.

    Helm of Fortune 25pts
    This helm confers a 6+ armour save which can be combined with other equipment normally. The wearer may re-roll failed armour saves.

    Dragonscale Shield 30pts
    Dragon Prince only. 5+ armour save. 5+ ward.

    Golden Shield 30pts
    This shield confers a 6+ armour save which can be combined with other equipment normally. In addition, all attempts to hit the bearer in close combat suffer a penalty of -1.

    Armour of Protection 40pts
    Counts as heavy armour (armour save 5+) which can be combined with other equipment normally. If the wearer fails his armour save he may make a 4+ Ward save.


    Aegis of Harmony 20pts
    All shooting at the bearer or the unit he is with is resolved at -1S.

    Amulet of the Forest Realms 20 pts
    The bearer gains a 6+ ward save. In addition, at the beginning of each High Elf Magic phase, they may roll a D6. On a roll of a 4+, they regain one lost wound. This may not cause them to exceed their original number of wounds.

    Guardian Phoenix 25 pts
    5+ ward.

    Talisman of Saphery 35 pts
    Magical weapons in base contact will count as normal ones, Sword of Battle is a normal hand weapon etc.

    Brooch of the Evercourt 40pts
    Bearer and unit he is with have magic resistance (1). In addition, all Dark, Necromantic, Chaos and Skaven spells cast on the bearer or any friendly unit within 6" are miscast on any double (except double 6's).

    Pendant of Cynath 50 pts
    The Character gains a 4+ ward save. In addition, the pendant may be used to protect members of his unit. Once per turn, the character may extend the pendant's protection to one other member of the unit, giving them a 4+ ward save against one wound. If the save is failed, the bearer of the pendant takes the wound rather than the original target.

    Vambraces of Defence 55 pts
    4+ ward, re roll failed armour saves.


    Runestone of Vaul 10pts
    All weapons used by character in close combat, including magical weapons, count as armour piercing.

    Amulet of Purifying Flame 15pts
    All spells aimed at the Character and his unit suffers -3 to cast roll, no effect if Irresistible force.

    Mask of the Anulii 20pts
    The Bearer nominates a single friendly Great Eagle (including any ridden on). The mage may use the LOS of the Great Eagle for his spells if desired. Note that the range of the spells are still measured from the Mage.

    Bracers of the Golden Eaves 20pts
    May only be given to a character on foot. If the character is using a mundane longbow, the range of his bow is increased to 48"; gains +1S; and may be fired twice. Note that shots fired from a magic bow are unnaffected by this item.

    Ring of Isha 20pts
    Power level 3. May target any friendly model (other than chariots) within 24". The targeted model regains 1 lost wound. May not increase the number of wounds beyond the original profile, nor does this ability have any effect on models already removed as casualties. If this effects a mounted monster, choose either the rider or the mount to be effected.

    Cloak of the Aesenar 25pts
    Shadow walker only. Character and the unit he is with can't be targeted by shotting or spells that need LOS from more than 12" away.

    The Sigils of Command 30pts
    Characters on foot only. Once both players have finished deploying, the bearer of the Sigils and the unit he is with may be repositioned anywhere within their own deployment zone. No other units may be moved in order to accomodate this redeployment.

    Ring of Fury 30 points
    PL3. Casts assault of radiance on either its first or second level. If casting on the second, roll a die each time you activate the ring; on a roll of 1, the ring runs out for the rest of the battle.

    Ring of Corin 35pts
    Bound spell. Power level 3. Vaul’s Unmaking.

    Tor Anroc's Thunder 35 points
    Character in a chariot only. It provides the chariot carrying this character with +1 Mv, and adds an additional d3 impact hits. In addition, all impact hits from the chariot count as magical.

    Cloak of Beards 35pts
    Dwarfs both hate and fear the wearer of the Cloak. In addition, for the duration of each Close Combat phase, each model in base contact with the wearer loses all the runes from one of their runic items (determined randomly). Treat the item as a normal one of its kind.

    Null Stone 80pts
    No magic works with in 6", includes magic from wizards (spells etc), runes, items etc. Even own ones don't work... Magic weapons, armour etc are treated as normal weapons, armour, etc.


    Silver Wand 10pts
    The mage may store up to one unused die from his own pool at the end of any magic phase. If he does, it is added to the pool for use in the following magic phase.

    Jewel of the Dusk 15pts
    The jewel gives the Mage +1 Power dice in each of his own Magic phases.

    Orb of Cyeos 25pts
    At the start of the magic phase, nominate an enemy wizard. That mage must reroll one dice of the high elf player's choice for every spell he tries to cast. The reroll may cause the spell to miscast, but not to fail (unless miscast) or to be cast with IF. No effect on spells that did miscast already, or those cast with IF.

    Wand of True Force 30 pts
    One use only. Bound spell power level varies.
    At the beginning of the game, pick one spell known by the mage. That spell may be cast from the rod at it's base casting value. RIP spells cast this way last one turn.

    Icon of Hoeth 35pts
    Path of Truth only. Spell ranges increased by 12”. Spells that only affect the caster, all units within a certain range of the caster or may already be cast anywhere are not affected, nor are bound items.

    Annulian Crystal 40pts
    During the enemy's Magic phase, the Crystal allows the High Elf players to remove one die from the opponent's pile of Power dice and add it to your dispel pool.

    Staff of Reflection 55pts
    Path of Truth only. If an enemy wizard successfully casts a spell on the mage bearing the Staff or any friendly unit within 8", then instead of making a normal dispel attempt, the mage may try to reflect the power of the spell back onto the casting enemy wizard. Roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, the spell has no effect and the casting wizard suffers a S6 hit. The Staff cannot reflect spells cast with Irresistible Force.

    Staff of the Ages 55 points
    The mage carrying this staff may re-roll one die per turn when attempting to cast spells. This re-roll may prevent a miscast, but cannot cause IF.

    Book of Hoeth 65pts
    Any spell cast by the mage will be cast with Irresistible Force on any successful casting roll with double 4’s, 5’s, or 6’s, excluding miscasts.


    Banner of the sentinels 10pts
    Enemy units may never claim the outnumbering bonus when fighting this unit in combat.

    Banner of Ellyrion 15pts
    Treat difficult terrain as open in the purpose of movement.

    Banner of Tethlis 25 pts
    may only be given to a unit on foot. The unit may make a free reform in any turn it does not charge, or in any turn it has rallied.

    Banner of Ielthan 25 pts
    Sea guard only. All missile weapons in the unit count as flaming and armour piercing.

    Lion Standard 25ts
    Unit is immune to fear and terror.

    Banner of Mists 30pts
    All enemy shooting targeting unit suffers a -1 to hit penalty.

    Crimson Banner of Caledor 35pts
    The unit carrying this banner may ignore the first failed armour saving throw each turn.

    Standard of Balance 45pts
    The unit carrying and the unit in contact with them are immune to psychology. Units with frenzy lose it as if they had lost a round of combat.

    Standard of Vaul 50 points
    Any light, heavy or dragon armour worn by the models in this unit cannot be reduced by AS modifiers, although attacks which ignore or negate armour saves work as normal. Note that this effect does not extend to shields, barding or bonuses for being mounted. In addition, all attacks made by models in this unit are AP in addition to their normal rules.

    Banner of Sorcery 50pts
    +2 power dice to the common pool.

    Banner of the World Dragon 60pts
    All friendly units within 18" have magic resistance (1).

    A few designer's notes:

    -On keeping the shoot-and charge rule for sea guard: we believe at this point that this rule is not unbalanced as people have claimed. This is because it has an in-built balancing factor. To take full advantage of the rule, you have to field huge units of sea guard, which would be a massive points sink, not to mention incredibly vulnerable. This is something players will simply not do; sea guard will still normally be fielded in units of 15-20 IMO. Also, any units in the back ranks will only be able to fire when charging, and will be useless in all other circumstances, not to mention that those firing into combat on the charge get -1 to hit. You'd be lucky in normal circumstances to cause 1-2 extra casualties with this rule. The point of this rule is to establish a defining role and style for the sea guard. Does it break game rules? Yes, but anymore so than detachments, raiders or the lance formation? All this being said, if testing shows this is unbalanced, we'l remove it for the final draft.

    -On keeping the current version of the swordmaster honour: this one may appear to be too complicated, but the purpose is to make sure swordmaster characters are uniquely focused on skill, particularly offensive skill. A swordmaster character should be adept at taking down other man-sized characters, but in return should be incredibly vulnerable.

    On keeping master of winds as is: Admittedly, our high magic hasn't been tested too much yet; only further testing can prove we're right or wrong abour our conclusions. But testing thus far has shown this spell to be somewhat cumbersome actually, as any RIP spell whose only effects are on further spellcasting sensibly would be. You need to have a babysitter mage to use this spell, and it is only really useful with a full battery of mages. Also, the 6+ casting cost may seem absurdly low to some, but it is actually that way because it is more fair to the opponent; if the cost was much higher, it would be hard to dispel in the opponents next magic phase, and the high elf player probably wouldn't hesitate to throw a bunch of dice at this spell anyway, regardless of the cost.

  • ein paar bekannte sachen und dinge die angeblich bestätigt wurden...ich will dieses sch*** buch endlich haben.:

  • Man muss sich auch überlegen: In den meisten Fällen bringt die zuerst zuschlagen Regel überhaupt nichts. Meine Elfen haben eh mehr Initiative, also schlagen sie schonmal zuerst zu wenn nicht angegriffen wird. Meine Kavallerie schlägt eh immer zuerst zu, weil sie angreift, und wenn nicht, ist sie eh tot, ob zugeschlagen oder nicht. Selbst Hochelfen Infanterie hat Bewegung von 10 Zoll und greift feindliche Infanterie meistens zuerst an. Die einzigen Vorteile liegen hier wirklich bei Speerträgern und Bogenschützen die sich jetzt besser vor leichter Kavallerie schützen können. Und Weiße Löwen werden halt dadurch sehr ausgeglichen, es schlagen jetzt wieder mehr zu =)

    Aber die größte Schwäche ist immernoch der feindliche Beschuss bei Hochelfen, und das überwindet man auch nicht mit ner zuerst zuschlag Regel. was wollen sie bitte machen? Die Einheiten zuerst zuschlagen lassen UND die Punktekosten vermindern???


    PS: Wenn sich da nicht was ändert, außer dieser tollen imba Sonderregel, dann werd ich wohl meine Hochelfen aufgeben müssen.

  • fände es sehr schade wenn die he nach ini zuhauen , meiner meinung geht dem spiel dadurch die taktische tiefe verloren . ein he spieler braucht sich nur hinterm hügel verstecken um vor beschuss sicher zu sein und im nk ist es eh wurscht da er mit mind. i6 sowieso zuerst zuhaut . sehe für völker wie meine bretonen da einen derben nachteil , wenn ich mit ner neuner lanze 20 sm angreife hacken die mich in stücke bevor einer meiner ritter zuschlagen kann . und mit ini 6 s6 und a2 zerhacken die mir jeden paladin . nach ini zuhaun ja aber nicht wenn sie angegriffen werden .

    Krieger des Chaos 8000 Punkte

    Tiermenschen 4500 Punkte

    Bretonen 3500 Punkte

    Legion of Azgorh 4000 Punkte

    Vampirfürsten 2500 Punkte

    Black Templars 4500 Punkte (500-700 Punkte Imperialler Anhang)

    Tyraniden 5000 Punkte

    BFG Space Marine Crusade Fleet knapp 3400 Punkte

  • Also ich hoffe das Bild ist richtig dargestellt. Ich habs von Warseer und ess ieht meiner Meinung nach wie ein neuer Hochelfenheld aus. Was meint ihr? Wenn das Bild ned zu sehen ist, diesen Post bitte löschen.

    From darkness I cry for you, the tears you sheed for us are the blood of the Elven kind,
    O Isha here I stand on the last shore a sword in my hand, Ulthuan shall never fall.

  • Sieht cool aus, aber was ist das auf seinem linkem Arm?
    Ich seh da irgendwas zwischen nem Helm mit Federschmuck und nem Adler o.ä. raus....

  • find,dass es aussieht wie ein Drachenprinzheld,wegen dem Helm.Also wie ein normaler Einheitenchampion schaut es nicht aus,außer wenn die Phönixgarde anders wird..

    Zu oben:könnte auch ein kleiner Drache wie bei den Dunkelelfen sein..

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    Bemalservice The Artfist von Tabletop-, bis Wettbewerbsstandard. Einfach PN an ihn.

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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Thor ()