Renge führ Söldner

  • können donnerechse und ich in 2 wochen mal deinen keller belagern?

    "And they will rise from their graves to march upon the world of the living. Each an every mortal that falls will swell their numbers until only a world of darkness remains."

  • gut. dann schauen wir mal wie sich unsere listen schlagen.

    "And they will rise from their graves to march upon the world of the living. Each an every mortal that falls will swell their numbers until only a world of darkness remains."

  • in dem keller ist der warhammerraum. ein grosse spielplatte mit gelände. hier kann man ungestört seinem hobby frönen. :D

    "And they will rise from their graves to march upon the world of the living. Each an every mortal that falls will swell their numbers until only a world of darkness remains."

  • *seufz* bei mir könnte das noch dauern.

    "And they will rise from their graves to march upon the world of the living. Each an every mortal that falls will swell their numbers until only a world of darkness remains."