Ich kriege grade mit internet verbindung probleme am PC, bin online nun beim tablet:\
Beiträge von Galharen
Kannst du mir link zum Combat schicken? Vlt gucke ich mal auch. Gibts eine grosse unterschied zwischen ETC und Combat?
Um 22.30 kann ich ja auch spielen, komme online um 22 uhr und schauen wir ob es uns dann passt -
Und vor allem, wo bleiben Bilder von den Rattenogern?
Ich glaube die sind noch nirgendwo gepostet, leider.
Hat jemand Lust heute Abend oder am Wochenende (+- 21 Uhr) auf 2400 ETC Spiel? (Universal Battle )
Jetzt am Wochenende kommt nur Verminlord, Buch kommt am nachste Wochenende.
Und noch ein paar neue Infos:ZitatAll 5 Verminlords have a 5+ ward and 6 wounds
Deceiver 500pt, must take skitterleap but rerolls cast attempts, -1 to shoot at, has shooting attack
Corruptor 500 pt, must take plague but rerolls cast attempts, paired weapon with asf
Warbringer 550 pt, must take death frenzy but rerolls attempts, paired weapon with doomglaive d3 wound
Warpseer 500 pt, must take warp lightning but rerolls attempts, +1 ward save while he has his orb, orb is a thrown weapon that is a template
Lord Skreetch Verminking is 650, always has 13th and rerolls casting attempts, has 2 weapons 1 asf 1 doomglaive chooses each turn
Stats for all of them vary slightly
There are also a few passages in the WD hinting at Grey Seers summoning Vermin Lords...
The Verminlords kit looks like it is on a square base possibly? Very hard to tell.
Since the Verminlords doesn't choose his plague spell I can take a plague priest and double up on Plague. Nice!
There is also a one page article on "the risk of summoning" vermin lords, and a story when Thanquol tried to summon one & summoned Skarbrand
Ich meine einige deiner Modelle schon auf Ulthuan.net gesehen zu haben. Kann das seien?Yep, als Hochelfen spieler ich bin sehr aktiv auf Ulthuan.net und ich habe da auch mein "painting topic" wo noch mehr bilder sind;)
Auch über den ganzen Rest, der da gemacht wurd wäre ich für Tutorials dankbar und begeistertIch habe in letzter Zeit doch ein Sockel Tutorial "Rocky Shore Base" aber ist leider nur auf Englisch (viel einfacher fuer mich;p), wenn ihr Lust zu gucken habt, dann bitte schoen:
1) Step 1: Preparing the base
As you can see, I'm using very simple materials as well as simple methods to create my bases. The rocks are made of cork, GW (or whatever) sand and some small stones. I sculpted the waves with miliput, very quick and satysfying effect in my opinion, especially for table-top minis. Miliput needs some time to dry, that's why I made it in the evening and moved on next day after work;)
2) Step 2: Basecoat
Well, above title says everything, I basecoated my base with chaos black, waited 'till it's dry and I moved to step 3;)
3) Step 3: 1st Layer
Now when the basecoat is dry, I'm usually using an old-school drybrush method, it never disappointed me. I put the 1st layer of drybrush with Vallejo model color paint, but I used to do it with leather brown for GW pallet, the difference is hardly noticeable at that stage and doesn't really matter.
4) Step 4: Highlight
Well, the following step is simply adding a little bit skull white to our base color, let's say 1:4 White-Brown and again our favourite drybrush has to find its use;)5) Step 5: 2nd Highlight
This step is just repeating the step 4, I added againg a little bit of skull white to mixture and againg did some drybrush work.
6) Step 6: Water
This is the part of the base which makes it more attractive and creates my main army theme - rocky shore(Baywatch fun;p).
I started with painting the whole water area with Teclis Blue.7) Step 7: Dark Blue Wash
Now I want to create some shades. I just want to remind you, that it's a very simple and fast way of painting the bases, that's why I'm using here just very pure and simple techniques to obtain the desired effect as quickly as possible. That's why I just used a Vallejo Lavado Azul wash and applied it all over the water area.
Step 8&9: Highlights
Another step is to paint some highlights on waves. I'm using a mix of teclis blue and skull white in 4:1 proportion accordingly to the step and I'm drybrushing it cautiously again and again leaving the deep areas a little more darker.
9) Step 10: Water effect
Now it's time to use some water effect. There are several kinds of that stuff, I have on my own 2 different ones from no name companies which I found in artistic store. In this example I used a Gelmedium from Reeves, covering the water area all over with that stuff. This is how I looked at that stage.
10) And after it dried:
That's all;)) -
Neue Bilder:
Momentan versuche ich endlich mein neues Hochelfen Prinz mit Star Lance zu malen, aber wegen Weihnachten habe ich zu wenig Freizeit
Moin moin,
Ihr habt keine Achnung wie lange habe ich Deutsche WFB Forum gesucht Ich bin gerade nach Hannover gekommen und ich mochte gerne neue spieler kennen zu lernen, aber zwischendurch ich will auch euch meine (am meistens) Hochelfen zu zeigen ich werde hier auch alle neue fotos regelmäßig posten, Work in progress Fotos auch, wenn jemand lust hat das zu sehen;)
Have a look;)
ich bin auch gerade auf der suche nach WFB spieler in Hannover, also bin auf jeden fall dabei!:)
Ich habe Hochelfen, wenn du lust zu spielen hast, einfach schreib mir Nachricht;)