Was haltet ihr von meiner Armeeliste?
Wulfrik kommt in die Barbaren und der BSB in die Chaoskrieger.
Lords - 360
Sorceror Lord (360)
Chaos Familiar; Scaled Skin; Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Tzeentch; Disc of Tzeentch; Mark of Tzeentch.
Heroes - 328
Wulfrik the Wanderer (180)
Exalted Hero (148 )
Mark of Nurgle; shield; Battle Standard.
Core - 556
18 Chaos Warriors (336)
Aspiring Champion; musician; standard bearer; Mark of Nurgle; shield.
19 Chaos Marauders (220)
Marauder Chieftain; musician; standard bearer; Mark of Khorne; shield; light armour.
Special - 250
5 Chaos Knights (250)
Doom Knight; musician; standard bearer; Mark of Nurgle; lances.