Ub Turnier/4the Saison Online Liga

  • So there it is our big tournament. I will use my very special Dark Elves list that I've been working on for some time now and even Elo doesn't know. :D So we got one week from today on to post the list?

    Universal Battle: Aemkei81

    9k Druchii
    8k Khemri

  • Hello. I would like to join the tournament if that's alright. Does anyone have a link to the current ETC rules? I'm not really familiar with them.


  • Hello. I would like to join the tournament if that's alright. Does anyone have a link to the current ETC rules? I'm not really familiar with them.


    ETC 2015 Army Restrictions:


    ETC 2015 Maps + Terrain Rules:


    ETC 2015 Line of Sight and Cover:


  • And my list:

  • Hello Elithmar you are Welcome,when you have some questions so tell me or here in the Thread.It is realy nice to see so many player from all around the world join this Tourney.

    7k Kdc
    6k Woodis

    Hossa Baby!

  • OK how long do we have to get our game die? 1 or 2 weeks?
    If 1 i'll have to pass in the tournament. It's to hard with family and a league running to get it in one week. Sorry for that but i think there will be someone to replace me.

  • @ Echsenvamp we Have 14 days Time to play,when you are not play the game in the 14 days then it is Automaticly Score 10:10 i find this is good so.14 Days a long time to find a meet for the game and its enough for all i hope.

    7k Kdc
    6k Woodis

    Hossa Baby!

  • Ok Ladies and Gentlemen we Found the Last Player is Grossmaulop now we are 20 Player and i close the Rooster.Deadline For Lists is Friday the 19-06.2015 on 12am,Please then all lists post here in the Thread.
    Hope we have a Funny Time and All have Good Games and the Dicegoods are with uss all:-)


    7k Kdc
    6k Woodis

    Hossa Baby!

  • I do not participate in this tournament, but I have a suggestion concerning the rules, if players can't find a date, so that it cannot be taken advantage of that easily:

    - All organisational talk between the players is to be made in the thread (and not via PM).
    - If players cannot find a date to play within two weeks, the record in the thread is evaluated to see, who is responsible.
    - Depending on responsibility, the game is assessed as a result between 10:10 (both players are equally responsible) and 20:0 (only one player is responsible).

    This should help, that it cannot be rational to block a game to get 10 points from it.

  • The suggestion to discuss dates in the topic is good because it allows spectators to join the room at the right time (provided the players want play in the open room or would provide the password).

    However, I find it disturbing that there is an assumption that some players might cheat like that, i.e. don't play to get the draw. If I were to assume that there are going to be at least one such individual in the group of attending players I would not enroll at all.

  • Of course, this is just the extreme and I do not expect anyone to block intentionally. But I think there is a chance, that a player might feel bad about a 10:10, if (s)he is not responsible for the delay at all. But maybe that's the layer within me, that I think of rules to operate in problematic cases and not for the (likely) fair course. ;)
    So, it is just a suggestion to prevent discord.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von arnadil ()