Hallo AoS Community.
Ich poste hier mal einige Update-Sketches für Skaven, Brayherds, Bretonen und Khemri.
Gedacht als Ergänzung zu bereits existierenden Allegiance Abilities.
Im folgenden sind vorerst nur die textlichen Ergönzungen, die leider nur am Handy getippt wurden und somit noch vertipper enthalten.
Im Laufe der kommenden Wochen werden diese Ergänzungen un eine passable AoS gerechte Form gebracht und hier sowie auf großen englischsprachigen Plattformen gepostet.
Ich hoffe die Ergänzungen kommen gut an.
Legions of Sacrament, Legions of Blood and The Grand Host of Nagash may add any tomb King unit to their army.
All Tomb King Infantry and Ushabti gain Summonable.
Tomb Princes/ Kings: gets the summon 1x D3 heal/restore for Summonable Units in the hero phase.
Undying will: And as command Trait: select one Khemri unit: gets +1 to hit.
Beast Paths: A Beastmen Allegiance may bring one Corrupted Forest (Citadel Wood) into play. Place it anywhere on the battlefield but more than 9" away from enemies ployment zone directly after all models have been placed. The wood Counts as Sinister.
The Beast-Path:
The beastmen player may decide to declare one unit to be in the wood instead of seploying them.
Units deployed in the wood may enter the battlefield at the end of the player's movement phase. It must be placed wholly within 3" of the wood and more than 9" away from any enemy model. If the unit hasn't been deployed at the end of the fourth battle round it counts as being destroyed.
General: Up to three units may use the Beast-Paths
Shadowshrout: 9" on a 7+, pick a friendly Brayherd unit. Ranged attacks against the target suffer -1 to hit.
If you roll a unmodified 10+ the malus is increased to -2 but the wizards suffers D3 mortal wounds.
Dark Omen:
General: if this Heneral dies teplace him and his rules with the rules and the model
Of a chaos spawn.
Chose one of the 2 spells randomly.
Dark Transformation:18", 6+ (can only succesfully be cadt once per battle) you may choose a friendly Brayherd unit with 3 models or less. Replace each model with a chaos spawn which also counts towards the Brayherd allegiance.
Weapons of lead range 9", 8+ pick a unit and a weapon of the unit. The weapon loses 1 rend (-2 rend goes down to -1 rend). If the weapon had no rend, the weapon instead wounds at -1 until your next hero phase.
place up to 3 Sewer markers anywhere on the battlefield before the Game starts but deployment zones had been determined.
Instead of deploying units the skaven player may chose to put them into the sewers. Units inside the sewers may enter the game at the end of the movement phase and can't move. They must be placed wholly within 9" of a sewer entrance and more than 9" away from enemy models.
Pick one Skaven Clan Rats unit within 9". This units restores D3 models (can't make the unit bigger than it's starter size)
Allies limit increased:
+100 at 1000 pts
+150 at 1500 pts
+200 at 2000 pts
The Lady Wills it!
Whenever a wound has not been saved or a mortal wound has been allocated to any Bretonnian Models roll a dice. On a 6+ the wound is negated. If the attack causing the wound had a rend of at least -2 the wound will be ignored at a 5+.
Lance Formation:
When a mounted Bretonnian Model successfully charged with a lance in the last charge phase and rolls a 6+ when rolling to hit, the attack causes an additional mortal wound.
May ally with:
Free People
Stormcast Eternals
Darkling Covens:
Scourge Privateers, Order Serpentis count towards them