Beiträge von nocebo

    Ganz ehrlich, mir wäre eine Ende mit EndTimes lieber gewesen, so lange sie nur die bestehende Palette beibehalten hätten. Die Community hätte es durch Fan-Erweiterungen und Bücher am Laufen gehalten - ich würde sogar meinen Hintern darauf verwetten, dass es eine Fan-9.Edition gegeben hätte - und die wäre ganz sicher richtig gut gewesen. Jetzt wurde die über Jahrzehnte etablierte und ausgebaute Warhammer Welt über Board geworfen, um uns nach Regalia einzuladen - Ikea trifft es hier ganz gut, denn so in etwa wirkt es gerade: Nicht wertig, aber hip und flexibel. Und wenn es in 2 Jahren kaputt ist, werfen wir einfach alles in den Müll.

    Prinzipiell gebe ich dem neuen System eine Chance, dennoch finde ich die Art und Weise des Wechsels extrem unschön. Es hätte auch ein Chaossturm über die alte Welt fegen können, die den Planet verwüstet. Die Überlebenden bauen wieder neue Zivilisationen auf, in einem geänderten Land mit leicht verschobenen Küstenlinien. Die ehemaligen Inkarnationen wurden durch den Sturm "entkörpert" und existieren jetzt als neue Götter im Warp. Damit hätten wir doch die gleiche Ausgangssituation, ohne ein Regalia und Warpportale oder sonstigen an den Haaren herbeigezogenen Fluff - und ein deutliches Statement an die Veteranen, die in ihrer Welt bleiben dürfen. Daher finde ich es weniger mutig als frech. Zeigt mal wieder, dass wir alle hier für GW nur Schlachtvieh darstellen. Hauptsache wir drücken den Aktionären unser Geld in den Rachen. Jede Computerspieleschmiede baut einen Draht zur Community auf, doch nur GW scheint weiterhin zu ignorieren, dass DAS der Weg zum Erfolg wäre - nicht die gnadenlose Dikatur eines Systems, dass die Interessen des Marktes nicht (mehr) trifft. Wird mir jedes Mal wieder klar, wenn ich die gesperrte Kommentarfunktion ihrer YouTube Videos sehe. Haben die so sehr Angst vor ihrer eigenen Community, dass sie sie mundtot halten müssen?

    Ich hoffe aufrichtig, die alte Welt erhält durch Total War - Warhammer noch einen würdigen Erfolg. Ich bin gerade echt enttäuscht, da dieses Hobby nunmal doch eine Herzenssache ist. Ich denke das geht uns allen hier so. :(

    Mal bezogen auf hastings Beitrag in Shurions Link:

    Das dämpft meiner Meinung nach nochmal erheblich die Erwartungen an AoS. Das neue System soll ein Erfolg werden und machen, was Warhammer Fantasy nicht konnte. Doch wenn es ebenso floppt (was ich für durchaus möglich halte - denn woher sollen denn die neuen Massen an Spielern kommen, wenn nicht eh aus der Szene?), dann nimmt es den Weg von Herr der Ringe.

    Ich weiss nicht, ob ich mein Geld, mein Herz und meine Zeit an ein System verschwende, welches sowieso eine Art Notanker von GW darstellt und von Beginn an unter dem Damoklessschwert steht. :(

    PS: Wird das Board dann eigentlich in "Age of Sigmar-Board" umbenannt? :P

    Wenn durch den warpgate-Hokuspokus alle Völker weiter spielbar bleiben, beiße ich eben in den sauren Apfel :rolleyes:

    Da hast du Recht. Man kann seine geliebte alte Armee immernoch mit dem Argument einbringen, dass es halt irgendwo irgendeine Welt gibt, in der genau diese Armee (mit entsprechendem Volk) existiert.

    Wer weiß, vielleicht eröffnen sich dadurch für Fan-Armeebücher sogar ganz neue Möglichkeiten, da man ja prinzipiell vollkommen ungebunden ist. Ein kleiner Hoffnungsschimmer in einer ansonsten ziemlich haltlos wirkenden Fantasywelt.

    Ich mochte die alte Welt :(

    Zumindest der Fluff hört sich jetzt für mich deutlich besser an als der Mist mit den Dimensionsblasen- [...]

    Ahh, also Warptore zwischen verschiedenen Welten ist ja auch viel besser als Dimensionsblasen. Dabei hätte man problemlos alles auf einer Welt unterbringen können... Nicht gut und nicht zu einem Fantasysetting passend! (Meine Meinung).
    Sieht viel mehr aus nach "40k verkauft sich gut, also machen wir kein neues Warhammer, sondern ein 40k-Fantasy."

    Achja, gibt auch ein neues Banner - Age of Sigmar soll übrigens noch in "Stargate: Fantasy" umbennant werden!

    Sorry, aber etwas Sarkasmus musste ich jetzt mal an den Tag legen :D

    Was?! VW bringt auch ne neue Edition? :D ... aus Warseer erfährt man ein paar Kleinigkeiten, weiter unten Bilder aus nem GW:


    Originally postet by Spaceboy:
    Sigh...when are we going to start hearing more solid rumours?
    If this was 40k the fanboys would have rules and model leaks by now xD
    Thanks to Harry and everything, but what we know is hardly worth knowing so far. In fact GW inadvertently has given more info with the 'Age of Sigmar' flyer/WD ad than we've had for months

    Yes ... I do apologise ... genuinely. Everything I heard I heard many months ago when I first started posting about this ... must be a couple of years ago now. Im afraid what I heard (and is soon about to happen) made me loose all interest. (I have loved the Warhammer world and the armies in it my entire adult life .... I have HUGE armies all of them) It is no biggie for me because I will continue to play with various older editions but I am just not interested in where they are going ....
    As i result I have not gone looking for a single rumour for a long time now. Even when folks tried to tell me stuff I was very much ... 'You don't know that half of it .... not interested'.


    Originally postet by nathan2004:
    I can confirm this I spoke with my Store manager yesterday at my local GW here in Texas and he pretty much said the exact same thing, everything is coming off the shelves besides the models. AoS is going to be a completely different game, it's not 9th edition fantasy. He told me Hobbit is being replaced by AoS not by HH. He also told me there will be three versions of the game: the sundering (set in End times basically unbound), skirmish mode, and playing in the old world (warhammer as we currently know it). He acknowledged the biggest barrier to the WHF is obviously the cost and time needed to start an army. Which is why they're going in this direction which I don't completely understand but hey it's GW...I trust this info. Also he stated (and this part is more speculation) but they may actually put back on the shelves the 8th edition ABs after AoS gets released.

    Well there is a thought that had not occurred. Clear the shelves whilst they sell the new stuff then bring them back out again? I guess it is possible.


    Originally postet by Gorsameth:
    Store managers have never been told anything and we have no reason to believe anything has changed in that.

    Not stricktly true. Everyone has mates. They will not have been told anything officially but any individual might know someone who knows something. They are actually more likely to tell a store manager .... because they assume it will go no further. The conversation would start with ... "You can't tell anyone else BUT ....." which is exactly how the next conversation starts when he picks up the phone to his mate.


    Originally postet by nathan2004:
    I have absolutely no reason to yank anyone around regarding the future of WHFB, I have a lot invested in it just like many of you. The only Hobbit box he had in the store yesterday was the starter. That was it. They are pulling the Hobbit and according to him replacing it with AoS. The space left by the pulled AB's will be filled by stock signs indicating AoS is coming. Models aren't going anywhere as stated before. My question to him was how can you expect people to still be able to play warhammer in it's current form if you pull all the books because like many of you, I was shocked. He didn't really have a definitive answer on this whether or not he would have to send everything back to Corporate or what was happening. Today is the last day you can get ABs, ET books, etc. Walk into an official GW store tomorrow and you will only find Fantasy models, no rules to support. And there will be something in WD every week leading up to July 4th to create hype for AoS.

    You sound 100% genuine to me mate, So thanks for the rumours.
    I have also heard that this will replace the Hobbit.
    This is what made my ears prick up at the notion above that the army books were just being removed for a limited time. maybe 8th edition will one day sit along side The age of sigmar stuff as 40K sits along side 30K


    Originally postet by Emperor Karl Franz:
    I've been saying this for a while, but my belief is that as soon as GW rolls out their new armies, they're going to stop selling all the old ones. There's no way they're going to keep selling 15 old armies while they're trying to push 6 or however many new armies they've got in store. I suspect that as soon as those new armies appear on the webstore, the old ones will disappear simultaneously and no longer be available for sale, unless a specific model or unit continues to exist in its current form in the new upcoming factions.

    I have to say ... this is what I really think. I keep hoping for the best ... but it normally ends with disappointment and a lot of head shaking and sighing.

    Seems to me that thsi will go exactly like the bits ordering one point you could order any bit you wanted. but it was simply not profitable to keep all that in stock, especially when they only sold some bits once every couple of years! or to bring out a mould
    and spin it just for the single part or pay folks to manage it all. So they scrapped the lot. They then re-introduced the most recent bits that they still felt they might shift a few of and the best selling few % of all bits.
    If you view the plastic kits in the same way. they make the vast majoity of their sales in the first couple of months after release. Shiney new toy syndrome being what it is. Soooo ... they might keep the recent releases for anyone who didn't snag it right away ... they might keep the best sellers ... the top few % (Not sure what those would be but I suspect the core troops that can be built in multiple ways and some of the coolest big kits) but the rest would be disappearing because it would simply not be worth doing a run at great cost just to sell one box of Tomb King cavalry to have the rest gather dust .... although that would be entirely fitting for the Tomb kings.

    I would expect the lucky few % to then appear repackaged with all the rules you need to play them and their shiney new round or oval bases right there in the box.

    Und dann gab es noch folgende Bilder aus nem GW in Frankfreich:…?showtopic=231340&page=22

    (Einfach im ersten Beitrag auf "Spoiler" klicken)

    Unterm Strich jedoch weiterhin nix handfestes :(

    Was?! VW bringt auch ne neue Edition? :D ... aus Warseer erfährt man ein paar Kleinigkeiten, weiter unten Bilder aus nem GW:


    Originally postet by Spaceboy:
    Sigh...when are we going to start hearing more solid rumours?
    If this was 40k the fanboys would have rules and model leaks by now xD
    Thanks to Harry and everything, but what we know is hardly worth knowing so far. In fact GW inadvertently has given more info with the 'Age of Sigmar' flyer/WD ad than we've had for months

    Yes ... I do apologise ... genuinely. Everything I heard I heard many months ago when I first started posting about this ... must be a couple of years ago now. Im afraid what I heard (and is soon about to happen) made me loose all interest. (I have loved the Warhammer world and the armies in it my entire adult life .... I have HUGE armies all of them) It is no biggie for me because I will continue to play with various older editions but I am just not interested in where they are going ....
    As i result I have not gone looking for a single rumour for a long time now. Even when folks tried to tell me stuff I was very much ... 'You don't know that half of it .... not interested'.


    Originally postet by nathan2004:
    I can confirm this I spoke with my Store manager yesterday at my local GW here in Texas and he pretty much said the exact same thing, everything is coming off the shelves besides the models. AoS is going to be a completely different game, it's not 9th edition fantasy. He told me Hobbit is being replaced by AoS not by HH. He also told me there will be three versions of the game: the sundering (set in End times basically unbound), skirmish mode, and playing in the old world (warhammer as we currently know it). He acknowledged the biggest barrier to the WHF is obviously the cost and time needed to start an army. Which is why they're going in this direction which I don't completely understand but hey it's GW...I trust this info. Also he stated (and this part is more speculation) but they may actually put back on the shelves the 8th edition ABs after AoS gets released.

    Well there is a thought that had not occurred. Clear the shelves whilst they sell the new stuff then bring them back out again? I guess it is possible.


    Originally postet by Gorsameth:
    Store managers have never been told anything and we have no reason to believe anything has changed in that.

    Not stricktly true. Everyone has mates. They will not have been told anything officially but any individual might know someone who knows something. They are actually more likely to tell a store manager .... because they assume it will go no further. The conversation would start with ... "You can't tell anyone else BUT ....." which is exactly how the next conversation starts when he picks up the phone to his mate.


    Originally postet by nathan2004:
    I have absolutely no reason to yank anyone around regarding the future of WHFB, I have a lot invested in it just like many of you. The only Hobbit box he had in the store yesterday was the starter. That was it. They are pulling the Hobbit and according to him replacing it with AoS. The space left by the pulled AB's will be filled by stock signs indicating AoS is coming. Models aren't going anywhere as stated before. My question to him was how can you expect people to still be able to play warhammer in it's current form if you pull all the books because like many of you, I was shocked. He didn't really have a definitive answer on this whether or not he would have to send everything back to Corporate or what was happening. Today is the last day you can get ABs, ET books, etc. Walk into an official GW store tomorrow and you will only find Fantasy models, no rules to support. And there will be something in WD every week leading up to July 4th to create hype for AoS.

    You sound 100% genuine to me mate, So thanks for the rumours.
    I have also heard that this will replace the Hobbit.
    This is what made my ears prick up at the notion above that the army books were just being removed for a limited time. maybe 8th edition will one day sit along side The age of sigmar stuff as 40K sits along side 30K


    Originally postet by Emperor Karl Franz:
    I've been saying this for a while, but my belief is that as soon as GW rolls out their new armies, they're going to stop selling all the old ones. There's no way they're going to keep selling 15 old armies while they're trying to push 6 or however many new armies they've got in store. I suspect that as soon as those new armies appear on the webstore, the old ones will disappear simultaneously and no longer be available for sale, unless a specific model or unit continues to exist in its current form in the new upcoming factions.

    I have to say ... this is what I really think. I keep hoping for the best ... but it normally ends with disappointment and a lot of head shaking and sighing.

    Seems to me that thsi will go exactly like the bits ordering one point you could order any bit you wanted. but it was simply not profitable to keep all that in stock, especially when they only sold some bits once every couple of years! or to bring out a mould
    and spin it just for the single part or pay folks to manage it all. So they scrapped the lot. They then re-introduced the most recent bits that they still felt they might shift a few of and the best selling few % of all bits.
    If you view the plastic kits in the same way. they make the vast majoity of their sales in the first couple of months after release. Shiney new toy syndrome being what it is. Soooo ... they might keep the recent releases for anyone who didn't snag it right away ... they might keep the best sellers ... the top few % (Not sure what those would be but I suspect the core troops that can be built in multiple ways and some of the coolest big kits) but the rest would be disappearing because it would simply not be worth doing a run at great cost just to sell one box of Tomb King cavalry to have the rest gather dust .... although that would be entirely fitting for the Tomb kings.

    I would expect the lucky few % to then appear repackaged with all the rules you need to play them and their shiney new round or oval bases right there in the box.

    Und dann gab es noch folgende Bilder aus nem GW in Frankfreich:…?showtopic=231340&page=22

    (Einfach im ersten Beitrag auf "Spoiler" klicken)

    Unterm Strich jedoch weiterhin nix handfestes :(

    Es sollen doch völlig neue Fraktionen entstehen - würde doch dafür sprechen, dass sie direkt alles für ungültig erklären...

    Also wieso 3 Elfenbücher, wenn es nurnoch eine Fraktion gibt. Oder weshalb ein Zwergenbuch, wenn die nur noch ein paar Einheiten bei den neuen Menschen stellen werden.

    Wie auch immer, mich demotiviert dieser geheime Wechsel gerade so ungemein! X( Keiner weiß so recht was kommt, man hängt mit seinen Projekten in der Luft, es droht ein deutlicher Wertverlust der geliebten Armeen, bis hin zur unspielbarkeit. Was mache ich denn mit 50 Hellebardenträgern, wenn das Imperium der 9. Edition schon als Kerneinheit Sigmar-Marines auf 40mm Bases stellt? :censored:

    Man kann wohl sehr stark davon ausgehen, dass die meisten Völker in AddOns oder DLC nachgereicht werden. Aber wie in der Eingangsbeschreibung schon zu lesen war, legen sie mehr Wert auf Tiefe, als auf Vielfalt - vorerst. Immerhin betreten die Entwickler mit Monstern und Magie relatives Neuland für ihre Kenntnisse.

    Erstmal vorweg: Seeeehr geiles Video. :D Da blüht doch jedes Spielerherz auf.

    Ich bin auf jeden Fall sehr gespannt. Verfolge das Gerücht ja auch schon seit seinen Anfängen. Bleibt auch abzuwarten, ob die EndTimes irgendwie Einfluss auf das Spiel haben werden (von der Story her - oder ob es regulär in der alten Welt spielt).

    Ich bin zufällig auf eine Zusammenfassung von gamona über vergangene und zukünftige Spiele mit Warhammer (40k oder Fantasy) Lizenz gestoßen.

    Wer Interesse hat: Klick mich

    Finde es erstaunlich, dass es da so viele gibt. Leider ist da sicher auch viel virtueller Schrott dabei.

    Ich verstehe die Sichtweise von GW nicht wirklich. Wollen die jetzt eine Art Revell für Fantasy und SciFi werden?

    Ich verstehe es ja, wenn jemand Panzer, Helikopter oder Schiffe als Modelle kauft - als reiner Sammler und Hobbybastler, ohne damit spielen zu wollen oder zu können.

    Aber wer bitteschön kauft sich 5 Chaosritter, um sie in die Vitrine zu stellen? Mir kann doch keiner erzählen, dass GW ohne Spielsystem nicht völlig in sich zusammenbrechen würde.