Release Liste Juli 2012 6Edi letzten Necron Chars!

  • Eben gesehen und gleich kopiert ;)
    Product Name Contents WD
    Promotion Advance Order D Release R/T Release USD CAD
    Warhammer 40,000: Rulebook (English) 440pp Hardback
    Book July 23-Jun-12 30-Jun-12 30-Jun-12 $74.25 $90.00
    Warhammer 40,000 Munitorum Templates 3 x Templates
    July 23-Jun-12 30-Jun-12 30-Jun-12 $19.75 $23.75
    Warhammer 40,000 Munitorum Tape Measure Servo Skull Tape
    Measure July 23-Jun-12 30-Jun-12 30-Jun-12 $16.50
    Warhammer 40,000: Psychic
    Powers (English) 32 Cards, Leaflet, Box July 23-Jun-12
    30-Jun-12 30-Jun-12 $13.25 $16.00
    Tanglewire TBC July - 7-Jul-12 7-Jul-12 $10.00 $13.75
    Warhammer 40,000 Munitorum Dice 12 Dice, 6 Dice Holders,
    Tin July 21-Jul-12 28-Jul-12 28-Jul-12 $16.50 $19.75
    Warhammer 40,000 Munitorum Battlefield Objectives 12
    Dice, 6 Dice Holders, Tin July 21-Jul-12 28-Jul-12 28-Jul-12
    $16.50 $19.75
    Warhammer 40,000
    Munitorum Vehicle Markers 12 Dice, 6 Dice Holders, Tin July
    21-Jul-12 28-Jul-12 28-Jul-12 $16.50 $19.75
    Orikan the Diviner 1 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12
    21-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 $19.25 $25.00
    Anrakyr the Traveller 1 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12
    21-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 $19.25 $25.00
    Warhammer 40,000: Gamers' Edition (English) Rulebook, Dice Set,
    Satchel July 23-Jun-12 30-Jun-12 - $123.75 $149.00
    Warhammer 40,000: Collectors' Edition Rulebook (English)
    Rulebook July 23-Jun-12 30-Jun-12 - $132.00 $158.50
    Servitors with Multi-melta 2 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $16.50 $19.75
    Servitors with Plasma Cannon 2 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $16.50 $19.75
    Broadside Battlesuit Upgrade Pack 10 Piece Pack July
    14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $14.75 $17.75
    Crisis Battlesuit Commander Upgrade Pack 9 Piece Pack
    July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $13.25 $16.00
    Tau Empire Pathfinders 3 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $19.75 $23.75
    Tau Empire Kroot Hounds 4 Fig Box July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $24.75 $29.75
    Tau Empire Pathfinders with Rail Rifles 3 Fig Clampack
    July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $19.75 $23.75
    Tau Empire Vespid Stingwings 5 Fig Box July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $45.00 $55.00
    Tau Empire Krootox 1 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $24.75 $29.75
    Tau Empire Shield Drone Upgrade Pack 8 Piece Set July
    14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $13.25 $16.00
    Tau Empire XV15 Stealth Armour 3 Fig Clampack July
    14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $19.75 $23.75
    Aun'Va, Master of the Undying Spirit 3 Fig Box July
    14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $40.00 $48.50
    Tau Empire XV15 Shas'Ui 2 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $19.75 $23.75
    Tau Ethereal 1 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $16.00 $19.75
    Ork Meganob with Kombi Shoota-Skorcha 1 Fig Clampack July
    14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $22.25 $30.00
    Ork Meganob with Kombi Shoota-Rokkit Launcha 1 Fig Clampack
    July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $22.25 $30.00
    Ork Kommandos 5 Fig Box July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $45.00 $55.00
    Boss Snikrot 1 Fig Box July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $22.25 $30.00
    Ork Flash Git with Targeting Squig 1 Fig Clampack July
    14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $19.25 $25.00
    Ork Big Gun (Zzap Gun) 3 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $29.75 $35.75
    Ork Nob with Waaagh! Banner 1 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $22.25 $30.00
    Mad Dok Grotsnik 1 Fi Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $19.25 $25.00
    Kaptin Badrukk 1 Fig Box July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $22.25 $30.00
    Ork Big Gun (Kannon) 3 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $29.75 $35.75
    Thieving Grots 6 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $19.75 $23.75
    Ork Big Gun (Lobba) 3 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $29.75 $35.75
    Vindicare Assassin with Exitus Rifle 1 Fig Clampack July
    14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $16.00 $19.75
    Arco-flagellants 3 Fig Clampack
    Vindicare Assassin with Exitus Pistol
    Callidus Assassin 1
    Eversor Assassin with Executioner Pistol
    Death Cult Assassins
    Jokaero Weaponsmith
    Crusaders 2 Fig Clampack
    Grey Knights Brother Captain 1 Fig Clampack
    Inquisitor with Inferno Pistol & Power Sword
    Inquisitor with Power Sword and Bolt Pistol
    Grey Knight with Psycannon
    Grey Knight Brotherhood Champion
    Dark Eldar Razorwing Flock
    Dark Eldar Prisoners
    Dark Eldar Beastmaster
    Dark Eldar Clawed Fiend
    Drazhar 1 Fig Clampack
    Dark Eldar Khymerae

    Interessant das die letzten Necron Modelle nachgelegt werden, häte ich persönlich nicht gedacht.

    Grüße Dagorin

  • Copy Paste ist hier wirklich furchtbar warum er den Text in der Breite kürzt kA hier nochmal das wichtigste

    Warhammer 40,000: Rulebook (English) 440pp Hardback Book $74.25
    Warhammer 40,000 Munitorum Templates 3 x Templates $19.75
    Warhammer 40,000 Munitorum Servo Skull Tape Measure $16.50
    Warhammer 40,000: Psychic Powers 32 Cards $13.25
    Tanglewire TBC $10.00
    Warhammer 40,000 Munitorum Dice 12 Dice, 6 Dice Holders,Tin$16.50
    Warhammer 40,000 Munitorum Battlefield Objectives 12 Dice, 6 Dice Holders $16.50
    Warhammer 40,000 Munitorum Vehicle Markers 12 Dice, 6 Dice Holders, Tin July $16.50
    Orikan the Diviner 1 Fig Clampack $19.25
    Anrakyr the Traveller 1 Fig Clampack $19.25
    Warhammer 40,000: Gamers' Edition (English) Rulebook, Dice Set, Satchel - $123.75
    Warhammer 40,000: Collectors' Edition Rulebook (English) Rulebook - $132.00


    Eben gesehn das die Liste schon im 6 Edi threat steht deshalb sry für den "Doppelpost"

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Dagorin ()

  • Als Klärung:

    Gamers Edition ist (vermutlich) das Regelbuch, eine Tasche und das Spielzubehör.
    Collectors Edition ist eine besondere Fassung des Regelbuches (und nur auf englisch erhältlich), streng limitiert. (Warhammer 7. edition waren 5000 stück weltweit)

    You have ruled this Galaxy for ten thousand years.
    Yet have little of account, to show for your efforts.
    Order. Unity. Obediance.
    We taught the Galaxy these Things.

    And shall do so again.