So, mit etwas Verspätung die Turnierlisten für Samstag. Wir freuen uns auf euch:
Daniel (Hobbit) Stachowiak - Highborn Elves
700 - High Prince, General, Master of Canreig Tower, Dragonforged Armourter, Shield, Spear Diadem of Protection, Protection of Dorac, Touch of Greatness
405 – Commander, Battle Standard Bearer, Great Weapon, High Warden of the Flame, Light Armour, Essence of Mithril, Dragon Staff
545 - Citizen Spears 33x, Standard Bearer, Rending Banner
217 - Elein Reavers 6x, Bow (3+)
217 - Elein Reavers 6x, Bow (3+)
190 - Elein Reavers 5x, Bow (3+)
694 - Flame Wardens 23x, Champion, Standard Bearer 23x, Banner of Becalming
215 - Lion Chariot
215 - Lion Chariot
215 - Lion Chariot
100 - Giant Eagles
816 - Lion Guard 27x, Champion, Standard Bearer, Navigator's Banner
++ Total: [4497] ++
Heiko „Thanquol27“ Bach
+ Characters +
King [630pts]: Army General, War Throne
. Runic Items: Rune of Craftsmanship, 2x Rune of Fury, 2x Rune of Shielding
Thane [355pts]: Battle Standard Bearer, Holdstone, Shield
. Runic Items: Rune of Fury, Rune of Might, Rune of Returning, Runic Standard of Swiftness
+ Core +
Clan Marksmen [220pts]: 10x Clan Marksman, Shield
Clan Marksmen [220pts]: 10x Clan Marksman, Shield
Clan Warriors [685pts]: Champion, 30x Clan Warrior, Great Weapon, Musician, Shield, Standard Bearer, Vanguard
. Runic Standard: Runic Standard of the Hold
+ Special +
Deep Watch [631pts]: Champion, 23x Deep Watch, Musician, Standard Bearer
. Runic Standard: Rending Banner
Hold Guardians [606pts]: Champion, 6x Hold Guardian
Hold Guardians [586pts]: 6x Hold Guardian
+ Clan's Thunder +
Steam Copters [175pts]: Attack Copter
Steam Copters [175pts]: Attack Copter
Steam Copters [210pts]: Steam Bomber
++ Total: [4493pts] ++
Kai „Darkblade94“ Breitsprecher – Dread Elves
450 – Captain, BSB, Raptor Chariot, Lance, Heavy Armour, Shield, Midnight Cloak
445 -Oracle, General, Wandering Familiar, Wizard Master, Cosmology
470 – 20x Corsairs, Paired Weapons, Repeater Handbow, M
220 – 3*5 Dark Raiders, Repeater Crossbows, Shield
135 – 5x Harpies
2*1 195 – 2*1 Raptor Chariot
600 – 22x Tower Guard, M,S, Banner of Blood
520 – 19x Tower Guard, M,S, Rending Banner
440 – 1x Hydra
390 – 1x Kraken
Sebatian "Sentiar" Skroch - UD
240 - Casket of Phatep
245 - Death Cult Hierarch Wizard Adept, Crystall Ball, Light Armor, Evocation
565 - Death Cult Hierarch Wizard Master, General, Hierophant, Soul Conduit, Sandstorm Cloak, Sacred Hourglass, Light Armor, Diviantion
280 - 2x10 Skeleton Archers, Musician
720 - 6x10 Skeleton Archers
130 - 5 Skeleton Scouts
960 - 4x15 Necropolis Guard, Paired Weapons, Musician
400 - 2x Charnel Catapult
960 - 2x Battle Sphinx
Giuseppe “Noldor” Sbirziola – Highborn Elves
225 – Mage, Army General, Pyromancy, Wizard Adept
465 – Commander, Battle Standard Bearer, Dragonforged Armour, Master of Canreig Tower, Shield, Spear, Banner of Speed, Flaming Standard, Willow's Ward
215 – Commander, Queen's Companion, Spear, Light Armour, Longbow, Moonlight Arrows
760 – 45x Citizen Spears, War Banner of Ryma, M, S, C
190 – 2x5 Elein Reavers, Bow
434 – 2x6 Knights of Ryma, M, C
215 – 2x Lion Chariot
615 – 20x Queen's Guard, Spear, M
180 – 3x Sea Guard Reaper
Simon - Funsk - Funck - Ogre Khans
640 - Shaman, General, Wizard Master, Iron Fist, Firebrand, Lygur´s Tongue, Magical Heirloom, Rod of Battle, Pyromancy
310 - Khan, BSB, Iron Fist, Ogre Crossbow, Vipers Curse, Skull of Quenget
380 - Mammoth Hunter, Leader of the Pack, Trolleater, Iron Fist, Wrestlers Belt, Hunting Spear
360 - Mammoth Hunter, Leader of the Pack, Spinesplitter, Iron Fist, Death Cheater, Hunting Spear
585 - 8 Tribesmen, MS, Iron Fist, Pennant of the Great Grass Sky
433 - 6 Bruiser, M
155 - 3 Tribesmen
80 - 1 Sabretooth Tiger
80 - 1 Sabretooth Tiger
175 - Kin Eater
320 - Thunder Cannon
287 - 4 Bombardiers, M
287 - 4 Bombardiers, M
405 - Frost Mammoth
4497 Punkte
Sven „Kahlek166“Gassen-Demon Legions
825 – Courtesan of Cibaresh General, Dominion of Lust, Wizard Adept (Witchcraft), Brimstone Secretations, Darkhide, Kaleidoscopic Flesh, Mesmering Plumage
675 – Sentinel of Nukuja Stryxian Spirit, Wizard Master (Thaumaturgy), Brimstone Secretations
565 – 20xSuccubi Full Command, Smothering Coils
565 – 20xSuccubi Full Command,Smothering Coils
334 – 3 Clawed Fiends Champion, Unhinging Jaw
334 – 3 Clawed Fiends Champion, Unhinging Jaw
215 – 5 Sirens Champion
215 – 5 Sirens Champion
215 – 5 Sirens Champion
180 – Treshing Engine Divining Snout
180 – Treshing Engine Divining Snout
180 – Treshing Engine Divining Snout
Christoph „Aureon“ Stiller - Infernal Dwarves
520 – Overlord, Army General, Shield, Death Cheater, Onyx Core, Potion of Swiftness, Willow's Ward
535 Prophet, Alchemy, Master, Shield, Magical Heirloom - Dominant, Talisman of the Void
275 Prophet, Adept, Pyromancy,
280 Vizier, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield, Icon of the Inferno
382 – 12x Citadel Guard with Flintlock Axe, Champion, Musician, Shield
382 – 12x Citadel Guard with Flintlock Axe, Champion, Musician, Shield
362 - 12xCitadel Guard with Flintlock Axe, Musician, Shield
605 – 20 Immortals, Champion, Flaming Standard, Infernal Weapon, Musician, Shield, Standard Bearer
575 – 5x Kadim Incarnates
575 – 5x Kadim Incarnates
Jan-David "Blodsch" Block - Dwarven Holds
265 - Runic Smith, Army General, 2x Battle Runes, Shield, 2x Rune of Iron
185 - Anvil of Power
395 - Dragon Seeker, Monster Seeker, Rune of Fury, Rune of Precision, Rune of Smashing
365 - Dragon Seeker, Grim Resolve, Rune of Fury, Rune of Penetrating
314 - 16x Clan Marksmen
276 - 14x Clan Marksman
555 - 20x Greybeard, shields, Throwing Weapons, Vanguard, M
192 - 8x Rangers, Crossbow, M
645 - 25x Seekers, Vanguard, M, C
645 - 25x Seekers, Vanguard, M, C
340 - 2x Flame Cannon, Rune Crafted
320 - Organ Gun, Rune Crafted
Armin „Thales“ Neumann – Deamon Legions
775 Points , General, Kuulimas Deceiver, greater Dominion of Envy, Wizzard Master, 4 Spells,
Fly(7/14), piercing Spike, Tar Skin,
865 Points, Miser of Sugulag, greater Dominion of Greed, Wizzard Master, 4 Spells, Charged Tendrils,
Withering Vapour, Brimstone Secretion, Hammer Hand
335 Points, 15 Imps, sorcerous Antennae
335 Points, 15 Imps, sorcerous Antennae
464 Points, 20 Succubi, Chilling Yawn
325 Points, Hope Harvester, Aura of dispair
275 Points, 10 Hellhounds, Centipede legs
475 Points, 10 Sirenen,MCS, Hammer Hand
370 Points, 5 Eidolons, Champ, Kaleidoskopic Flesh
280 Points, 8 Furien, Kaleidoskopic Flesh
Komplett 4499 Points
Peter - Oger
+ Characters +
Great Khan [545pts]: General, Heavy Armour, Hoardmaster - Khan/Great Khan only, Iron Fist
. Special Equipment: Death Cheater, Lygur's Tongue
Khan [310pts]: Battle Standard Bearer, Heavy Armour, Iron Fist
. Special Equipment: Mammoth-Hide Cloak - Models on foot only
+ Core +
Tribesmen [577pts]: Iron Fist, Standard Bearer, 9x Tribesman
Tribesmen [557pts]: Iron Fist, 9x Tribesman
+ Special +
Tusker Cavalry [435pts]: Banner Enchantment, Standard Bearer, 3x Tusker Cavalry
Tusker Cavalry [415pts]: 3x Tusker Cavalry
+ Powder Keg +
Bombardiers [185pts]: 3x Bombardier
Bombardiers [185pts]: 3x Bombardier
Thunder Cannon [320pts]
+ Chained Beasts +
Rock Aurochs [475pts]: Ogre Crossbow (3+)
Rock Aurochs [475pts]: Ogre Crossbow (3+)
Gerrit 'Celegil' Kleischmann
++ Highborn Elves (Highborn Elves 2.0 Beta) [4497pts] ++
+ Characters [1085pts] +
Commander [415pts]: Battle Standard Bearer [50pts], Great Weapon [10pts], Light Armour, Master of Canreig Tower [135pts]
. Special Equipment [70pts]: Destiny's Call - Standard Size only [70pts]
Mage [670pts]: Army General, Asfad Scholar [90pts], Divination, Light Armour [5pts], Wizard Master [150pts]
. Special Equipment [200pts]: Book of Meladys [100pts], Gleaming Robe - Standard size Mages only [90pts], Potion of Strength - Cannot be taken by Towering Presence [10pts]
+ Core [1178pts] +
Citizen Spears [520pts]: Champion [20pts], 30x Citizen Spear [480pts], Musician [20pts], Standard Bearer [20pts]
. Banner Enchantment [60pts]: War Banner of Ryma [60pts]
Citizen Spears [468pts]: Champion [20pts], 28x Citizen Spear [448pts], Musician [20pts], Standard Bearer [20pts]
. Banner Enchantment [40pts]: Banner of the Relentless Company [40pts]
Elein Reavers [190pts]: Bow (3+) [10pts], 5x Elein Reaver [125pts]
+ Special [1247pts] +
Flame Wardens [717pts]: Champion [20pts], 24x Flame Warden [672pts], Musician [20pts], Standard Bearer [20pts]
. Banner Enchantment [45pts]: Rending Banner [45pts]
Giant Eagles [100pts]: Giant Eagle [35pts]
Lion Chariot [215pts]
Lion Chariot [215pts]
+ Queen's Bows [627pts] +
Queen's Guard [627pts]: Musician [20pts], 18x Queen's Guard [522pts], Standard Bearer [20pts]
. Banner Enchantment [70pts]: Banner of Becalming [70pts]
+ Naval Ordnance [360pts] +
Sea Guard Reaper [180pts]
Sea Guard Reaper [180pts]
++ Total: [4497pts] ++