Was ich bisher so gelesen habe wird es ne neue einheit in der seltenen,und die profilwerte sollen aussehen wie die vom jetzigen roger champion,und sollen 5pkt weniger kosten als ne wbk...naja am samstag wird sich zeigen ob es stimmt
Habs mal von tabletopwelt kopiert
Von WS zu den Stormfiends:
They are absolutely brutal. 3 of them are for close combat, 3 of them are ranged. And all of them have a load of special rules. In addition, all of them reroll to wound, and the close combat ones give the rat using it a 4+ armor save instead of the normal 6+ they have. BTW, that save works in a funny way: basically, the 4+ guys are attacked first always.
Doom-Flayer Gauntlets: +2 S, impact hits (D3)
Windlaunchers: short range (6"-24") slow to fire stonethrower that launches poisoned vapours (4+ to wound, no armor saves).
Grinderfists: Gives the unit a special deployment method, which can even mean the unit starts in close combat with an enemy unit. It swaps the rat attacks for 1D3 automatic hits at S5.
Shock Gauntlets: +1S, ignore armour, stomps deal D3 hits instead of 1
Ratling cannons: ranged, 18", 3D6 shots that ignore most penalties at S5 AP.
Warpfire Projectors (Boneripper can have 2 of these, too): Move-or-fire Fire Throwers at S5 and D3 wounds.
All the ranged weapons have a negative effect against your own troops if you miss somehow, but they never hurt the unit of Stormfiends.
Profil eines Ogerchamps + 1 LP und l. Rüstung, dazu angeblich Plänkler
Ausserdem werden nen neuer warlord und grauer prophet kommen.