So ich habe mal alle gerüchte die ich gefunden habe zusammen gehängt .
Die Gerüchte sind von Herdstone:
Magic - Lore of the Wild (7 spells!) 0-6 like the old Tzeentch
0- Bestial Surge - 7+ movement spell, doesn't make you charge though, might be faq'd
1- Viletide - 7+ 5d6 S1 24" magic missles
2 - Devolve, 9+, enemy units within 12" take ld, amount failed = # of wounds with no AS
3 - bray-scream, 10+, one character within 12" makes a breath weapon attack at s3 with no AS (I like this one)
4 - Traitor-kin, 10+, all enemy models within 12" riding a mount of any kind suffer number of attacks = mounts attacks w/ same S. same for monsters & handlers and chariots. no AS bonus for mounted or barding, etc. (Hello Hydras! )
5 - mantle of ghorok, 13+, friendly character within 6", model gains +d6 S and +d6 S (max 10), if 1 or more 6's rolled, model suffers a wound with no saves of any kind (Interesting one, and can be potentially devastating)
6 - Savage dominion, 16+, 'summon' a giant, gorghon or jabberslythe, place at any point on table edge and move as if returning from pursuing an enemy off the table
Magische Gegenstände und Chaosgeschenke
Mutations! - +1 init (cheap), 5+ scaly skin (cheap), armour piercing (cheap), model and unit are stubborn (pricey, but oh so worth it)
4 pages of Items
Ramhorn helm, (costs just over 2 gors worth), 6+ AS that can be combined as normal - for each successful as made, the bearer can make an attack at base strength
Trollhide Armour makes a return, but actually does what it should do this time, costs what you'd expect for regen.
Blade-blunter armour (Heavy) - end of combat phase, d6 for each magic weapon that hit bearer, 2+ weapon now mundane
Pelt of the shadowgave, light armour, -1 to hit for shooting at him or unit (useful!) and -2 to spells cast at unit
Blackened plate, heavy armour, 2+ ward vs flaming, unit has 4+ ward vs flaming
There's a pricey killing blow item - (most of yer points) killing blow plus when the character kills a character in a challenge, they become unbreakable and cause terror. This carries onto whatever unit the character was with.
Edit - All yer points item - Their LD is used for your S
We've got that Bonecrusher mace back, this time Stonecrusher, +3S and not a GW. S10 vs Steamtanks, Chariots, Warshrines, Corpse Cart etc.
Nangelder, cause terror and models wounded by this get -1 ld per wound suffered
Hunting spear, spear in cc, single bolt from bolt thrower, may shoot after moving (not marched) and may S&S
Axes of khorgor, two hands, +1A, re-roll missed to hit in cc (Cheaper this time)
Two handed weapon, +d3 attacks and if a 6 is rolled, they ignore armour - rolled at start of combat, until end of phase
Brass cleaver, single bonus attack against each model in btb
Everbleed, every time suffer a wound, on a 6, model suffers another wound with no saves of any kind and keep rolling as long as you keep rolling 6's
Yeh, no acces to Fire lore, and no flaming attacks seen so far.
No Daemon Prince at all.
No marks what so ever, as already mentioned.
Wargors are T5, yes that's a wargor - the hero one. (his stats being 553452438 )
Doombull - M6, WS6, BSwhocares?, S6, T5, W5, I5, A5, Ld8, Frenzy, Fear, Bloodgreed (+1 Frenzy if win), D3 Impact hits, and unit gets frenzy if the doombull is (starts frenzied) but doesnt use primal fury
Minotaurs at mid 50's points wise, S5 but 1 less initiative. Option for shields and they do cause 1 impact hit with no min. distance and can't be core, not even the SC helps them there.
Harpies can scout for additional points
Cenitgors can be core from the Warhoof guy (mid 100pts) (who looks bloody terrible IMO), has a Unicorn Helmet, hates Welves and MR2.
Wargors are cheaper than current beastlords by 10pts. Beast lords are around 1 MoN (current book price) more expensive, Doombulls are similarly increased in price.
Gors are same price, however the sheild/AHW costs 1 point.
Unors are 1 point more and come with shield, option for spears. Option for cheap SC upgrade.
Ungor raiders are BS3 and armed with Shortbows, 50% more expensive than currently.
All 3 types can ambush, these are the only ones that can, this includes characters.
That Bestial Roll thing I mentioned before is called Primal Fury, though someone may have covered that
Doombulls aren't restricted as before with magic items.
beastlord now LD9
wargor LD8
both have T 5
doombull is a lot better as you can now give him any magic items not just weapons
also a hero choice gorbull
both do d3 impact hits
slaughterer's call - all minos become frenzy, loose primal fury, think you declare when to use it
no marks bt deamonic gifts such as 15pts for 5+ scaly skin, 20pts? for +1 attack etc
they have made it so there is no point in taking herds anymore as chariots are core at 80pts each, you can have a unit of crapy ungore short bow raider skirmshers for 60pts for 10.
harpies are a special along with minos, who are 55pts basic, great weapon is +8pts. come with light armour basic and you can buy shields for 4 or 8. they get 1 impact hit each though at S5. bloodgreed changed to gain frenzy but always over run 1d6.
bestigor are gash so no point there.
razorgor are quite interesting, move 7, 4 attacks each at S5, but get +1 S on the charge and cause fear, T5 at 3 wounds each. only LD6 though so a unit of 3 for 165pts might be worth it for a special?
they can also pull chariots but why when the core one is soooo much cheaper [65pts cheaper in fact].
right then these 4 types of giant
1st type is a giant
2nd - jabbercrapname - fly,terror,immune to psych, any unit within 12 takes a LD check or suffers 1 wounds with no save, 5 attacks,T5, 5 or 6 wounds, pretty poo
3rd - cyclops dude - all enemy wizards with line of site take LD check, if fail, any failed attempts to cast spells = miscast, gets re-roll hits in combat against magic users, carrys massive rocks, treated as stone thrower with no min range.
4th - ghorgon - everything 6 S6, T6, W6, stubborn immune to psych 10 terror, can swap all its attacks for one hit which killing blows on 4+. if he does killing blow the he regains d3 wounds back.
law of the wild is pretty gash aswell
default- all units within 6 move d6+1, but can't charge 7+
5d6 S1 hits 7+
summon giant, ghorgon, or jabbercrap 16+, but then the wizard can't do anything else and probably dies afterwards.
4 others that are mmmmmmmmmmmmm plain.
magic items
big meat cleaver is win on the doombull, give him a million attacks at S6
spear for 50 that acts as a bolt thrower in combat
stonecrusher mace? remembered it was ok
no ward in the book, apart from one which gives you 2+ against flaming, and 4+ for your unit, so jog on cockthirster and tzeentch but thats it
regen is with light armour for 50pts
crown of horns 75pts, make you stubborn
banner 75pts give unit +1S
horn to allow all units within 36 to re-roll primal fury 50pts
staff of darkhoth casts crapy spell to move but not charge
primal fury - nearly everything has it, roll LD check when in combat, if you pas you get hatred, if you get double 1, hatred and frenzy
you can ambush, but not like the old. now you roll 1 dice for each unit you are ambushing
1 - you loose the scent [oh no] = your opponent chooses which board edge they come on from
2/3 - dont arrive yet
4 - left board edge
5 - right board edge
6 - beasts choose
you can only ambush a herd if you have a unit of the same type and at least equal unit size already on the board deployed normally
Minotauren kann ich mir auch sehr kuhl vorstellen mit 2handwaffen + rasserei kommen die auf gute 5 stärke 7 attacken und die aufprall treffer. Desweiteren richtig geil sind der Minoheld und das die TM Helden W5 haben . Der Gorgon scheint mir die beste seltene auswahl zu sein . Von der Magie bin ich garnicht begeistert zumal man beim 1er spruch nich angreifen darf und der 6er spruch den zauberer anscheinend ausschalten kann , könnte aber im richtigen moment also wenn der mage zb nur noch ein leben hat ne gute sache sein wäre da nicht die lächerliche komplexität von 16+. ....
Ps: Anscheinend hat der Gute das Armeebuch in der hand und hatte ausgiebig zeit es sich durch zulesen .