Ub Turnier/4the Saison Online Liga

  • Ich bin auch dabei.
    Vllt ist die UB-Armee von Galharen ja so sick wie die echte. Das kann ich mir dann ja nicht entgehen lassen.

    And I'd like to welcome our international guests. This season is gonna be thrilling.

    Maybe we can/should get it done before the release of the 9th edition.

    Besuche Warhalla - Deinen Community-Marktplatz rund um die Themen Tabeltop, Wargaming und Rollenspiele

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    Vielen Dank und happy Wargaming! <3

  • Ja Freu mich das doch so viele mit von der Party Sind:-)

    Ja Vieleicht schaut Wiwu mal rein und gibt uns das ok für die Posts in English danke dafür.

    Freu mich sehr darauf denke das wird ziemlich cool.

    @Furious Bitte nicht die Ratten:D

    7k Kdc
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  • Oh. Doch.
    Und du wirst hoffentlich dagegen spielen müssen :P

    Besuche Warhalla - Deinen Community-Marktplatz rund um die Themen Tabeltop, Wargaming und Rollenspiele

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    Vielen Dank und happy Wargaming! <3

  • Heeeeeeeeeya buddies, sup?

    I'm a spanish rusty player and want to join the league to say goodbye 8th edition. I'm married with Elo, just for your information.

    Talk you soon guys, nice to meet you, thank you very much beforehand 8) !

    Kind regards,


  • I actually don't like the idea of challenging players for the first round. We are playing only 3 games, so I´d prefer to have it random and exciting.
    I agree with the pairing system (as it sounds similar to the system of German events). No doubles, if possible no double pairings against the same race and maybe no pairing for "teams" in the first round. By team I mean a group of friends, since they`re playing pretty often against each other. I.e. Eloriel and me. It would be kind of a bummer if we had to play each other in the first round because (in my opinion) it is fun to play people you haven't played against yet/100 times. This filter can be removed after the first or second round of course. There is definitly software out there for this.

    We should also introduce a deadline for the army lists. People should hand them in before a predetermined deadline. Every delay should result in a deficit, just to get the season going. Because of that we should give like 2 softpoints for handing in the list in time. Smth. like that.

    Besuche Warhalla - Deinen Community-Marktplatz rund um die Themen Tabeltop, Wargaming und Rollenspiele

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    Vielen Dank und happy Wargaming! <3

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von FuriousD ()

  • 3 games are not so much so in my opinion we should deal with it during 2 weeks or so, that is why 1 week to gather participants and lists seems reasonable to me:)
    9ed is coming so lets hurry:)

  • Wenn jemand lust hat (( ich hab dort kein Account)) kann er es gern im Blauen Forum noch Posten vieleicht bekommen wir die 20 ja voll.Ich habe eben mit Scrubby geredet er wird warscheinlich auch mit machen somit sind wir bisher 12 leute.

    7k Kdc
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  • @ FuriousD

    But challenging somebody does not mean everybody has to! In fact, if I were to challenge Elo that would be even better for you because you requested not to play against a friend so that would automatically be sorted.

    @ Galharen

    I am afraid that I can afford one game per week only so if you guys intend to play more often than that, please let me know. While I agree that there is not much time left before we find out what 9th edition is going to be like I don't want to slow down anybody if there is a requirement to play more often.

  • Well, one game per week sounds ok:)

  • 1 Game Per week its enough realy when we can manage that,when a player have not so much time 14 days have time to play that game.When not play the game in 14 days the Result is a 10:10 for Both i think that is Fair for all or what yours mean?

    7k Kdc
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  • For all German Guys Please write now in English many other people from over all will join here now and there are confused with German Language:-),next player there come is Honneyfloff from Etc Team Spain this year i hope there find the way to come in here:D.

    7k Kdc
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  • @ Swordmaster: Don't get me wrong. I have no problem with challenges but I just don't see the point in doing so in an online tournament. Challenging is attractive for real life hammering, when you get the chance to play someone only once in a year or smth like that. Some ppl don`t use/like UB so that`s the only chance to play a game with each other. But we're all online and you can play whoever you want, whenever you want.

    One game per week sounds good in my opinion. I'd be rather harsh if someone wouldn't show up within a week and count it as a 0-20 agsinst the missing player but 10:10 is alright I guess.

    I highly recommend to introduce the scenarios to the tournament aswell. I'm pretty sure that the restrictions are written around them and it forces people to take a risk if they're playing smth stupid like a big fat Ogrebus oder Highelvebus with 6 chars in it, without any other units around. I really like them a lot and there is still a chance to play the "regular" battle.

    Besuche Warhalla - Deinen Community-Marktplatz rund um die Themen Tabeltop, Wargaming und Rollenspiele

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    Ich freue mich ungemein über Deine Anmeldung, Feedback und Deine Aktivität auf der Plattform.

    Vielen Dank und happy Wargaming! <3

  • @ Swordi hehe Yes maybe come more i talk with some other guys and we see:-)

    @ Furious maybe can we make 1 exception for me and Swordi we are will play 1 year a game and we find no time for this now is it the Chance her to play that game.

    I'am Very Happy to see so many Good Player are now here in thie Tourney for uss all is it a Good Challenge.

    The Next Player will join now Alirion From Etc Team Austria this Year.


    7k Kdc
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    Hossa Baby!

  • @ FuriousD

    That was just a suggestion and maybe a request simply because we planned that game with Elo for quite a long time. Due to time zone differences it didn't work out but now I am back to Europe for some time. As I mentioned I should be able to play once a week but without that challenge and if we don't meet during the tournament (I expect Elo to smash everybody 20-0 :)) then it will again be postponed for another month. It is of course not a problem of a tournament organizer but I hope our request can be accommodated.

    I am happy to participate in any form of a tournament and I always do my best to oblige to the rules. As long as both players get along well and understand each other then mutual enjoyment should be the highest priority :)

    I agree that scenarios are great idea, I have been playing with these on every tournament I have attended since early 2012 and they add an extra dimension to the game.


  • If guess the english thing is no Problem anymore? (If not, I can arrange it, that it is no Problem for the big blue). I thing 1 Match every 14 days is the best solution.

  • Now we have 15 Players in the Moment maybe we can up to 20 this was very Great.We are open for join to next Wendsday then we are close the Rooster.Guys When you have any friends there are maybe intrested so talk with him for join the Tourney.The Deadline for the Lists is Friday 12.00 Am,we make then the Pairings and maybe we can play the first games @ Weekend.


    7k Kdc
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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Elo ()