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Montegue auf Warseer (sehr verlässlicher Zwerg von Bugman's):
"Information from local rep -
1) 4 Pages of rules, downloadable.
2) War Scrolls - each individual unit box comes with it's own rules, as rumored previously.
3) Rules released on July 4th, including rules for old units and models.
4) Base shape and size are completely irrelevant. Base your models how you like, measure from model to model. No movement trays necessary.
5) No more rule books or army books.
6) Unbound sounds like a thing. "You can play with your favorite miniatures, you don't have to be tied down to one army"
7) No points. (yep, no points). Speculation is that you agree how many of each unit type you and your opponent will use (So, an HQ, 2 troops, two fast attack. That's language used in the thread. Don't know if it's his or the rep's, so salt).
You can begin play as small as you like, and it scales up infinitely."
Daklathen sagt dazu (ebenfalls Warseer):
"Got the below from the Oakland area rep, below the ellipse is a summation:
This is pre order week for the Age of Sigmar.. Newest Version of Warhammer!!!!.
Out with the Old and In with the New...
Get a new hobbyist into the game with 1 miniature.. (their favorite box set)..
That simple.. War scrolls come in the boxes. The Rules are only 4 pages long and they are available from the web.(downloadable).. No more heavy rulebooks and army books. All a person would need is their miniatures war scroll.. Now you can get into the hobby and play a game with your favorite miniature or miniatures. If you already have an army. Start Playing as early as July 4th, when the rules and war scrolls are posted. Play games as small or as big as you want. There are no points.. Bases don't mean anything, modular trays don't mean anything. Measure from the tip end of the model.. Base your guys any way you would like too.
The Age of Sigmar allows you to get some one started with a minimum of $10-40 after that they just purchase miniatures as they want to increase their experience and as the game brings in new characters and armies. There will be new enemies, old enemies, new friends and old friends coming back. You can play with your favorite miniatures, you don't have to be tied down to one particular army. You may like other Units in other armies, well that;s okay..
Also, I took inventory for what you had on old fantasy print materials. I will have instructions on that this week for you. Let's get it...
Bases are no longer need or rather don't care as measurements are from model to model not base to base.
Movement trays are still availiable, but are optional to use.
No more points costs per model.
Flexible army from 1 vs 1 model to apoc size games.
4 page pdf. Lots of different scenerios. No army books.
Tons of new models. New armies. All armies are playable
Warscrolls think of warmachine Stat cards in the new box sets. Older boxesets will be downloadable on Saturday.
Next week announcements will be lore. Old armies etc
Army building isn't points it's based on units. We say okies build an army that includes 2 hqs. 2 troop choices 3 fast attacks. Each player then chooses their models based on that army building...I think"