mag sein, den groben überriss was kommt bot sie trotzdem
ich denke (bzw hoffe) das dei liste nur für Spiele im Rahmen der Kampagne offziell wird, grade die sterblichen Schränke von Chaos Einheiten (siehe Krieger) in einer Elfen Armee find ich etwas unpassend. Wobei son paar geknechtete Dämonen schon ihren Reiz haben 
So, ich habs, so gepostet auf, entwickelt in Zusammenarbeit mit GW, die Chancen das die Liste ähnlich wie die Updates so rauskommt is also doch nicht gering: (wenn ich sie mir jetzt so durchlese find ichs doch durchaus akzeptabel und nett, wenngleich das Ganze auch nachm Versuch aussieht bei den DE Spielern gut Kohle zu scheffeln)
(AS posted by Dark Alliance on
Here goes........ ( this was written by mod vador emmanuelle on the GW forum )
- In gaming terms, you can build your army as a Slaanesh worshipper’s army with the following alternative army list (you'll need a copy of the Hordes of Chaos army book and your opponent’s permission). All point costs are those from their respective army books. In general, a unit from the Slaanesh cult will receive the Mark of Slaanesh like Chaos Warriors would, at the appropriate point cost.
Highborns, High Sorcerers, Nobles, Sorcerers, Beastmasters.
0-1 of the following : Keeper of Secrets, Daemon Prince, Exalted Daemon.
Must all (except Beastmasters and Keeper of Secrets) receive the Mark of Slaanesh.
To take a Keeper of Secrets or a Daemon Prince, your army must include a marked high sorcerer.
To take an Exalted Daemon, your army must include a marked sorcerer or high sorcerer.
A Keeper of Secrets takes 1 lord, 1 hero and 2 rare slots.
A Daemon Prince takes 1 lord, 1 hero and 1 rare slot.
An Exalted Daemon takes 2 hero slots and 1 rare slot.
A Daemonic character may never be the army general.
Core Units
Warriors, Cold Ones Knights, Cold ones Chariots, Dark Riders.
Must all receive the Mark of Slaanesh.
Special Units
Corsairs, Shades, Harpies.
Corsairs can’t have the Mark of Slaanesh, so can’t take the Rapturous Standard.
Rare Units
Hydras, Black Guards, Reaper Bolt Throwers, Daemonettes
To take Daemonettes , your army must include a sorcerer or a high sorcerer. They count as having the Mark of Slaanesh when counting units for the Fear of Treachery rule.
Special rules :
Fear of treachery:
The number of Slaanesh-marked units (characters don’t count) must always be higher or equal than the number of non-marked units.
Gifts of the Dark Prince :
-The Death Mask may not be taken by a marked character.
-The following items, from the Hordes of Chaos book, become available in their respective category to marked units/characters : Whip of Pleasure, Beguiling Gem, Bindings of Slaanesh, Sceptre of Domination, Pendant of Slaanesh, Rapturous Standard.
-A marked character may ride a Steed of Slaanesh, but can’t ride a Manticore since it’s one of Khaine’s aspects.
Exclusive Cult :
A marked character may not join a non-marked unit.
Slaanesh favoured :
A marked sorcerer or high sorcerer must use the Lore of Slaanesh. They still retain their +1 to cast bonus.
Dark Elf Mark of Slaanesh :
A dark elf marked unit/character will be immune to psychology, but will still hate High Elves, and suffer from Cold Ones stupidity.
Malekith and Morathi :
These two are of course exceptions... they can make a chaos-allied army using the regular army list with the following additions (you still need your opponent’s permission to use the modified list) :
-They can give at will the Mark of Slaanesh to the following units : Highborns, High Sorcerers, Nobles, Sorcerers, Warriors, Cold Ones Knights, Cold ones Chariots, Dark Riders. To include Slaanesh units, the army must include at least one marked Dark Elf character. Marked units/characters will follow the special rules from this alternative list : Gifts of the Dark Prince, Exclusive Cult, Slaanesh favoured, Dark Elf Mark of Slaanesh.
-They can invoke Daemonic characters and Daemonettes as defined in the present alternative list, even without a marked sorcerer/high sorcerer.
-Their army can also include 0-1 unit of Chaos Warriors and 0-1 unit of Chaos Knights, both with the mark of Slaanesh, which count as rare units. One of this two units can be Chosen.
-Morathi can use the lore of Slaanesh instead of Dark Magic, but then can't choose her spells. She also only benefits from a +1 to cast instead of +2 if she chooses this lore.