Ub Turnier/4the Saison Online Liga

  • It is a very good approach to try and think about all possibilities, so I agree it should have been considered! Your suggestion is very good in general too, I guess we both speak through our respective and subjective points of view :) I prefer to optimistically assume that all the participants are fair, honest and are here to make new friends. And while winning is part of the game, winning in style should matter as much! :)

  • In my opinion when the game time cannot be set because one of the Players doesn't have time/is not willing to play/thinks 10:10 is the Best result he can get in that parring, it should be scored like 12:8 for the Player who wants to play.

    Play time ought to be posted officially here, but discussed via PM.

  • We´ve discussed the scores and what to do with missing results.
    So, if a participant does not show up for the match within the given limit of 2 weeks, the match will result in a 0-20. If none of the players shows up and/or informs us, both players will score 0 points. There will be no excuses for a missing match like being ill, no time in general, holidays etc. .

    We decided that a) 2 weeks should be more than enough for one match of warhammer and b) the tournament needs a well-regulated scope. So please do not feel offended IF you receive this penalty. We are just trying to ensure that everybody participates in the tournament, without dodging bad matchups and/or prolonging the season for everyone else.

    So, if you feel that you CANNOT stick to the plan of playing 1 game/2 weeks, consider canceling your registration, for the sake of the other players.

    Yours sincerly,

    Besuche Warhalla - Deinen Community-Marktplatz rund um die Themen Tabeltop, Wargaming und Rollenspiele

    Warhalla ist bis auf weiteres 100% kostenfrei!
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    Ich freue mich ungemein über Deine Anmeldung, Feedback und Deine Aktivität auf der Plattform.

    Vielen Dank und happy Wargaming! <3

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von FuriousD ()

  • Heeeeeeeeeyaaaaaaaa suuuuuup babies!

    I'm OK too with the rules regarding time, penalty for no-show... My army is Dogs of War, 'ere we go conquer the world!!!!!!

  • I do not want to be that guy but: Dogs of War is no officiall army anymore and the ETC rules don`t support them. I don`t think that participating with that army would be balanced. Can`t you just chose from one of the other armys that you haven`t played yet?

    Besuche Warhalla - Deinen Community-Marktplatz rund um die Themen Tabeltop, Wargaming und Rollenspiele

    Warhalla ist bis auf weiteres 100% kostenfrei!
    (die regulären PayPal-Gebühren für Waren-Zahlungen können natürlich anfallen)

    Ich freue mich ungemein über Deine Anmeldung, Feedback und Deine Aktivität auf der Plattform.

    Vielen Dank und happy Wargaming! <3

  • I will play Skaven and I´ll post my list later on.

    Besuche Warhalla - Deinen Community-Marktplatz rund um die Themen Tabeltop, Wargaming und Rollenspiele

    Warhalla ist bis auf weiteres 100% kostenfrei!
    (die regulären PayPal-Gebühren für Waren-Zahlungen können natürlich anfallen)

    Ich freue mich ungemein über Deine Anmeldung, Feedback und Deine Aktivität auf der Plattform.

    Vielen Dank und happy Wargaming! <3

  • cremosity: If you don't mind, I would suggest to change your avatar/image. I don't think, that sexist pictures/content - even if it is meant to be funny - should be displayed in a hobby forum. So, no offense, but I would strongly prefer it.