Slaaneshkult der Besessenen

  • Hi
    Unsere Warhammergruppe hat mich zu einer Mortheimkampagne eingeladen wo ich auch gerne mitmachen will.
    Da mir der Kult der Besessenen gefällt ich aber nicht Tzeentch spielen will (was er laut Fluff ja eigentlich ist) habe ich mich für einen Slaaneshkult entschieden.

    Jetzt meine zwei Fragen:
    1. Ich habe ein großes Problem beim Bau eines Warbands da man die Mutationen nicht nachkaufen kann. Bräuchte da Hilfe und Tipps.
    2. Aus welchen Modellen kann man Slaaneshkultisten- Besessene- und Mutanten bauen?

    Danke schon mal im Voraus
    Grüße Philipp

    Meine Armeen:
    3000 Punkte Zwerge

  • Habe mal ein bisschen mit BattleScribe rumspielen und mak einen Protowarband aufgestellt.

    +++ New Roster (500pts) +++

    ++ Cult of the Possessed (Warband) (500pts) ++

    + Heroes (358pts) +

    Magester (70pts) [Characteristic Increases, 20x Experience, Serious Injuries, Skills]
    ····Rules: Leader
    ····Equipment [Free Dagger]
    ········Rules: +1 Enemy armour save:
    ········Free Dagger: Str:|Special:+1 enemey save
    ········Magister: M:4|WS:4|BS:4|S:3|T:3|W:1|I:3|A:1|LD:8

    Mutants (78pts) [Characteristic Increases, Serious Injuries, Skills]
    ····Rules: Mutations
    ····Equipment (13pts) [Axe (5pts), Buckler (5pts), Club,Mace, Hammer (3pts), Free Dagger]
    ········Rules: +1 Enemy armour save:, ConCussion, Parry
    ····Extra Arm (40pts) [First Mutation Discount]
    ········Rules: Extra Arm
    ········Buckler: Armor Save:|Special:Parry
    ········Axe: Str:|Special:Cutting edge
    ········Club,Mace, Hammer: Str:|Special:Concussion
    ········Free Dagger: Str:|Special:+1 enemey save
    ········Mutants: M:4|WS:3|BS:3|S:3|T:3|W:1|I:3|A:1|LD:7

    Possessed (210pts) [Characteristic Increases, 8x Experience, Extra Arm (80pts), Serious Injuries, Skills]
    ····Rules: Extra Arm, Fear, Mutations
    ····Cloven Hoofs (40pts) [+1 M, First Mutation Discount]
    ········Rules: Cloven Hoofs
    ········Possessed (+1 M): M:6|WS:4|BS:0|S:4|T:4|W:2|I:4|A:2|LD:7

    + Henchmen (133pts) +

    Brethren (33pts) [Characteristic Increases]
    ····Equipment (8pts) [Axe (5pts), Club,Mace, Hammer (3pts), Free Dagger]
    ········Rules: +1 Enemy armour save:, ConCussion
    ········Axe: Str:|Special:Cutting edge
    ········Club,Mace, Hammer: Str:|Special:Concussion
    ········Free Dagger: Str:|Special:+1 enemey save
    ········Brethren: M:4|WS:3|BS:3|S:3|T:3|W:1|I:3|A:1|LD:7

    Dark Souls (50pts) [ Characteristic Increases]
    ····Rules: Crazed
    ····Equipment (15pts) [Axe (5pts), Free Dagger, Sword (10pts)]
    ········Rules: +1 Enemy armour save:, Parry
    ········Axe: Str:|Special:Cutting edge
    ········Free Dagger: Str:|Special:+1 enemey save
    ········Sword: Str:|Special:Parry
    ········Dark Soul: M:4|WS:2|BS:2|S:4|T:3|W:1|I:3|A:1|LD:6

    Dark Souls (50pts) [ Characteristic Increases]
    ····Rules: Crazed
    ····Equipment (15pts) [Axe (5pts), Free Dagger, Sword (10pts)]
    ········Rules: +1 Enemy armour save:, Parry
    ········Axe: Str:|Special:Cutting edge
    ········Free Dagger: Str:|Special:+1 enemey save
    ········Sword: Str:|Special:Parry
    ········Dark Soul: M:4|WS:2|BS:2|S:4|T:3|W:1|I:3|A:1|LD:6

    + Stash (9pts) +

    Stash (9pts) [9x Gold (9pts)]

    ++ Roster Rules ++

    EXP Adancement: Heroes get new advances at 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 41, 46, 51, 57, 63, 69, 76, 83 and 90 experience.
    Henchmen and Hired Swords get new advances at 2, 5, 9 and 14 experience.

    ++ Selection Rules ++

    +1 Enemy armour save:: An enemy wounded by a fist gains a +1 bonus to his armour save, and a 6+ armour save if he normally has none.
    Cloven Hoofs: Gain +1 Movement
    ConCussion: Hammers and other bludgeoning weapons are excellent to use for striking your enemy senseless. When using a hammer, club or mace, a roll of 2-4 is treated as stunned when rolling to see the extent of a model’s injuries.
    Crazed: Darksouls have been driven insane by daemonic possession and know no fear. They automatically pass any Leadership tests they are required to take.
    Extra Arm: The mutant may use any single-handed weapon in the extra arm, giving him +1 attack when fighting in hand-to-hand combat. Alternatively, he may carry a shield or a buckler in the extra arm. If a Possessed chooses to do this, he gains an extra attack but still cannot carry a weapon.
    Fear: A model must take a Fear test (ie, test against his Leadership) in the following situations.
    Note that creatures that cause fear can ignore these tests.
    a) If the model is charged by a warrior or a creature which causes fear. If a warrior is charged by an enemy that he fears then he must take a test to overcome that fear. Test when the charge is declared and is determined to be within range. If the test is passed the model may fight as normal. If it is failed, the model must roll 6s to score hits in that round of combat.
    b) If the model wishes to charge a fearcausing enemy. If a warrior wishes to charge an enemy that it fears then it must take a test to overcome this. If it fails the model may not charge and must remain stationary for the turn. Treat this as a failed charge.
    Leader: All Models within 6" of leader can use the leaders leadership when taking leadership tests.
    Mutations: May start the game with one or more mutations(mutants must have at least 1)

    Parry: A model equipped with a parry weapon may parry the first blow in each round of hand-to-hand combat. When his opponent scores a hit, a model with a may roll 1D6. If the score is greater than the highest to hit score of his opponent, the model has parried the blow, and that attack is discarded. A model may not parry attacks made with double or more its own Strength – they are simply too powerful to be stopped.

    Created with BattleScribe (

    Meine Armeen:
    3000 Punkte Zwerge

  • Nur 6 Modelle zu Beginn? Und dann nur 3 Helden?

    Ich habe gerlernt, zunächst extrem tief zu stapeln.

    Die billigen Knüppel zu dem Gratis Dolch als Ausrüstung reicht erstmal.

    Dann so viele Helden, wie es geht, damit auch jemand da ist, der nach dem Spiel nach Morsstein sucht.

    Zusätzlich billiges Fußvolk.

    Nimm doch 3 Tiermenschen (2LP und W4) mit je 2 Knüppeln ( davon willst du einen Helden haben, also jeweils in eine extra Gruppe!) für gerade mal 153 Gold. Die sind für einen Kampagnenbeginn extrem gut.

    Vielleicht verzichtest du auch erstmal auf einen Besessenen. Der ist schon extrem teuer, wenn man ihm ordentliche Mutationen kaufen will. Dafür gibts dann 2 Mutanten mit einer feinen Mutation.