Groudon Erleuchteter

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  • So, Henrik, alter Regelfuchs,

    was denkst Du zu dieser Liste:

    4500 Pts - Empire of Sonnstahl Roster

    Knight Commander (1#, 416 pts)
    1 Knight Commander, 416 pts (General; Plate Armour; Shield; Inspiring Presence)
    1 Witch Hammer
    1 The Winter Cloak
    1 Divine Icon
    1 Horse (Barding; Mount's Protection (6+); Swiftstride)

    Marshal (1#, 312 pts)
    1 Marshal, 312 pts (Battle Standard Bearer; Lance; Plate Armour; Hold Your Ground; Orders)
    1 Hardened Shield
    1 Dusk Stone
    1 Banner of the Stallion
    1 Horse (Mount's Protection (6+); Swiftstride)

    Prelate (1#, 371 pts)
    1 Prelate, 371 pts (Shield; Blessings; Channel; Divine Attacks; Zealot)
    1 Sword of Strength
    1 Armour of Volund
    1 Sprout of Rebirth
    1 Horse (Mount's Protection (6+); Swiftstride)

    Wizard (1#, 695 pts)
    1 Wizard, 695 pts (Wizard Master; Learned Spells x3; Channel)
    1 Shielding Scroll
    1 Talisman of Supreme Shielding
    1 Locket of Sunna
    1 Path of Pyromancy
    1 Great Griffon (Fear; Fly (8); Stomp (1); Towering Presence)

    Electoral Cavalry (12#, 662 pts)
    11 Imperial Cavalry, 662 pts (Musician; Standard Bearer; Cavalry Hammer; Plate Armour; Scoring)
    1 Champion (Cavalry Hammer; Plate Armour)
    12 Horse (Barding; Mount's Protection (6+); Swiftstride)
    1 Banner of Speed

    Electoral Cavalry (5#, 260 pts)
    5 Imperial Cavalry, 260 pts (Musician; Lance; Plate Armour; Shield; Scoring)
    5 Horse (Barding; Mount's Protection (6+); Swiftstride)

    Electoral Cavalry (5#, 260 pts)
    5 Imperial Cavalry, 260 pts (Musician; Lance; Plate Armour; Shield; Scoring)
    5 Horse (Barding; Mount's Protection (6+); Swiftstride)

    Knights of the Sun Griffon (5#, 570 pts)
    4 Knights of the Sun Griffon, 570 pts (Musician; Lance w/Shield; Plate Armour; Scoring)
    1 Champion (Lance w/Shield; Plate Armour)
    5 Young Griffon (Armour Piercing (1); Fear; Mount's Protection (6+); Stomp (1); Swiftstride)

    Reiters (5#, 220 pts)
    4 Reiters, 220 pts (Brace of Pistols; Light Armour; Fast Cavalry; Fire on Impact!)
    1 Champion (Repeater Pistol; Brace of Pistols; Light Armour; Fire on Impact!)
    5 Horse (Mount's Protection (6+); Swiftstride)

    Steam Tank (1#, 440 pts)
    1 Steam Tank, 440 pts (Breath Weapon (Strength 2, Armour Piercing (3)); Cannot March; Grinding Attack (See Steam Engine); Impact Hits (D6); Innate Defence (1+); Random Movement (X); Terror; Towering Presence; Unbreakable)
    1 Tank Commander (Repeater Gun)

    Arcane Altar (1#, 280 pts)
    1 Arcane Engine, 280 pts (Arcane Shield; Cannot March; Channel; Impact Hits (D6); Towering Presence)
    1 Arcane Shield (A. Guardian Light)
    2 Crew (Heavy Armour)
    2 Horse (Swiftstride)

    Validation Report:
    Game: 9th Age; Core Rules Version: 1.3.4; Data File Version: 1.40
    Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules

    Composition Report:
    Points of Characters: 1794 (0 - 1800)
    Points of Core: 1182 (1125 - Unlimited)
    Points of Special: 570 (0 - 0)
    Imperial Auxiliaries: 220 (0 - 1575)
    Imperial Armoury: 440 (0 - 900)
    Sunna's Fury: 885 (0 - 1350)

    Total Roster Cost: 4486

    Arcane Engine weg und mehr Ritter?

    Grüße aus Potsdam
