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Plattformen gibt es viele, neben (Hero) oder, sind hier zb alles Listen der ETC 2012
Tiny hat ja schon ein paar Beispiele genannt. Ich ergänze es mal noch ein bischen (kompliziert vom Handy aus, aber zu
Faul an den PC zu sitzen :-))
Also, nochmals vorab, es ist keine schlechte Liste und vor allem gegen Dämonen eventuell erfolgreich.
O&G hat Tiny ja schon erwähnt, gehen wir mal zu den nächsten.
Oger: Bus gegen Bus, da wird deiner den kürzeren ziehen. Der aktuelle 8! Mann Ogerbus kommt auf 70 St 5-7 Attacken
und ist Punktemäsig unter deinem. Ein-zwei gezielte Angriffe um den Magier/AST rauszuhauen, dann den Bus rein, wird's
Eng aussehen.
Ein aktueller Imp. mit ner ordentlichen Ballerburg schießt den Block zu.klump und fährt dann mit den Hellebarden drüber.
Das ganze auch noch kostengünstiger (da hilft auch kein Pelz nicht). Bis der Block dran ist, ist er auf stattlicher Größe für den Imp.
Hier mal eine grobe Übersicht des harten Tobak, ist zwar wenig beschränkt, dürfte aber nicht so den Unterschied machen:
Warriors of Chaos (8th)Unkillable Lord - Tough as nails flying Lord with 3+ Ward, re-roll 1s.
Monsters 'R Us - Just tons of big beastly creatures, MCs, and heavy shock cavalry.
Vampire Counts (8th)
Scream lists - A lot of Ethereal, a lot of leadership bombing Doom and Darkness, -1 Ld., and loads of screamers + 2x Terrorgheists.
Blender Lord - Gets in combat, kills your entire army. Not much can be said about a walking killer of everything.
Horror blocks + Regen - Super hard to kill, does a ton of wounds, the perfection blend of unbreakable attrition.
Wood Elves (6th)
Treekin and tree spam - Treeman, Treekin and Dryads. Lots of fear, terror and pretty decent in close combat.
Moonstone + Archer horde - Shoot a lot, jump a lot and shoot some more. Re-appear for a free charge to your rear is pretty cool too.
Dark Elves (7th)
Shooty lists - Tons of RXB with magic like Sac Dagger to spam Shadow/Dark magic. Designed to lower your Toughenss and shoot you to death with hordes of shots
Balanced? - Expect a Unkillable Stubborn lord to tie things up forever, dual Hydras for extra lame and Lv.4 Sorc to spam spells through Sac Dagger. Sprinkle Cauldron, a horde of Wyches and Black Guard with ASF Banner. People will say this is balanced, but then you ask him how the F do they get all that in 2500 points. Our answer is because everything in the book is underpriced.
Daemons of Chaos (8th)
Double Skull Cannons
All Nurgle lists + Epidemis, huge units of PBs and GUO - Ranks up the tally and become unkillable.
Beastmen (7th)
Herdstone magic heavy lists - Spam the crap out of Shards to net yourself tons of extra dice for low budget wizards. This list is designed to break through your magic defenses so be prepared.
Minotaur character horde - Large unit of Minos with Doombulls and other killy characters designed to wreck your face in combat. Just very grim to face.
Hordes upon hordes - Overload the field with just as many bodies as you can, cast spells and break through defenses with rock hard killy characters and magic spam.
Skaven (7th)
Deadly magic, dual Abom - Put in 2 Aboms and take Grey Seer with all the bells and whistles. Plague and Ruin are both very powerful lores they can get for near free, Grey Seer on top of a Bell in a giant horde, plus enough cheap skaven hordes to hold up units forever. On top of this, they can take cheap characters loaded with all kinds of powerful and eccentric weaponry. A perfect example of a 7th Ed. book going into 8th and taking full advantage of the rules.
Tomb Kings (8th)
Khalida Archer Horde - 80 Archers + Khalida, SSCs w/ Skulls upgrade, casket, some T8 monsters and units to block and keep shooting. One of the most frustrating lists to play against.
Brettonians (6th)
A crap ton of Knights - Fast, maneuverable, loaded with characters that are designed to challenge, kill and hit hard.
Dwarves (6th)
Unkillable King and horde Warriors - The King will challenge and you will retire. You just can't kill the Lord and he'll be backed up with tons of Hammerers, Warriors with Great Weapons and a decent amount of shooting.
Full Anvil Gunline - Of course this exists, why not. Load up with S5, tooled up, magical Stone Throwers that'll make Elves cry, Organ Guns, Thunderers and a Anvil Lord. Who knows, maybe Thorek himself will join the party if he feels like it. Just.. really not fun for you to play against.
Empire (8th)
Karl Franz on Dragon, dual Steam Tank - Steam Tanks are already really hard to deal with and now they have 2. Karl Franz on a Dragon just craps all over your characters.
Cavalry deathstar - Same as Brettonians, but with different magic items.
Lizardmen (7th)
Slaan and Temple bunker - Saurus Warriors hordes, some hitty elements perhaps, and a supporting Priest on EotG. The main list focuses around a Slaan, probably with Becalming Cognition, Rumination of Focus, Focus of Mystery and other goodies. Expect him to sit inside a Stubborn 10 Cold-blood bunker with a bunch of supporting fighty heroes. Awesome.
Skink heavy lists - Odd list, but an insane number of poisoned shots will surely come your way.
Ogre Kingdoms (8th)
Ogre or Irongut Horde - Lots of killy stuff + characters, most likely holding Hellheart and Dispel Scrolls. Tons of attacks and lots of wounds to go around.
Shooty Ogres - Loaded up with Leadbelchers, cannons and large Ogre blocks. Leadbelchers shoot D6 S4 armor piercing shots each and the Ironblaster is a S10 Cannon that's tough as nails to kill.
Mournfang + 2x Iron Blaster - Loads up on Mournfangs that can overwhelming army lists by the sheer number of attacks, high armor save, parrying Ogres riding S5 impact hit bearcats.
Orcs and Goblins (8th)
Hordes, loaded with characters with GWs - I've never seen a army book take as many units as O&G.. and they can do with a punch too! They have the points for tons of cheap characters with multiple wounds and Great Weapons.
Als Fazit hier noch zwei Sachen:
Ein Todesstern als Elf ist generell eine schlechte Idee (den DE Schatten-Stern mal ausgenommen). Begründet sich simpel in W3, hohe Punktkosten & schlechte Ausnutzung von kriegerischen Können (oder wie es heißt). Am ehesten könnt ich mir den Stern mit der Garde vorstellen. Permanentes 3+ ReW halten ist Wunschdenken und rechnerisch schon nicht möglich.
Da hier auch um Listen als Verbesserung gebeten wird, ich leider nicht am PC bin, Kopier ich mal eine, die ich schon zweimal erfolgreich gespielt habe (20:0 gegen DoC & 13:7 gegen WoC):
250010 drops
Lv.4 Archmage, High Magic = 285
Book of Hoeth, Golden Crown
BSB Noble = 149
GW, Armor of Caledor
Lv.1 Mage, High Magic = 110
30x Spearmen, FC, SoDiscipline = 315
15x Archers, Mus = 160
14x Archers, Mus = 150
24x White Lions, FC, BotWD = 392
25x Phoenix Guard, FC, BoEF = 405
6x Dragon Princes, Mus = 184
Frostheart Phoenix = 240
Great Eagle = 50
Great Eagle = 50
Der einzigste Unterschied war das ich mit Schatten spielte und Feuerphönix, dafür n lvl2 und paar marginale Änderungen an der Truppenstärke
*edit*grml, warum ist die Schrift schwarz, Tiny kannst du das ändern? Done - Tiny