+ Lords (385pts) +
Slaughtermaster (385pts) [Great Weapon (FAQed), Lore of Beasts, Wizard Level 4]
Magic Items [BRB - Armour of Silvered Steel, BRB - Talisman of Preservation]
+ Heroes (501pts) +
Bruiser (179pts) [Battle Standard Bearer, Heavy Armour]
Magic Items and Big Names [BRB - Dawnstone, BRB - Enchanted Shield, BRB - Sword of Striking]
Bruiser (153pts) [Heavy Armour, Ironfist]
Magic Items and Big Names [BRB - Dragonhelm, Wallcrusher]
Butcher (169pts) [Great Weapon, Lore of the Great Maw, Wizard Level 2]
Magic Items [BRB - Dispel Scroll]
+ Core (644pts) +
Gnoblars (55pts) [Gnoblar Trappers, 12x Gnoblars]
Ironguts (298pts) [Bellower, 6x Ironguts]
Standard Bearer [BRB - Banner of Swiftness, Lookout-Gnoblar]
Ogres (291pts) [Bellower, Champion]
8x Ogres [8x Ironfists]
Standard Bearer [Look-out Gnoblar]
+ Special (549pts) +
Leadbelchers (129pts) [3x Leadbelchers]
Leadbelchers (129pts) [3x Leadbelchers]
Mournfang Cavalry (270pts)
3x Ogre [3x Heavy Armour, 3x Ironfists]
Standard Bearer [AB - Dragonhide Banner]
Sabretusk Pack (21pts) [Sabretusks]
+ Rare (420pts) +
Ironblaster (170pts)
Thundertusk (250pts)