Hallo Zusammen,
bestimmt schon allgemein bekannt, kommt ja Anfang August das Regelbuch zu Konflikt '47 raus.
Im Großen und Ganzen wohl eigenständige Erweiterung der Bolt Action Regeln. Da ich alternative Zeitstränge recht interessant finde, stößt das ganze (ähnlich wie DUST) bei mir auf recht großes Interesse und da stellt sich mit die Frage, ob ich damit hier allein bin?
Der Hintergrund sieht zusammengefasst so aus:
"Konflikt '47" is set in a world very much like ours--that is, until 1943. With the development of atomic weapons, the world changed. The testing of a prototype nuclear device by the Manhattan Project opened a rift in the fabric of space. When the Fat Boy atomic bomb was dropped on Dresden in March 1944, it created a second rift. German scientists set to work studying it with far more speed than their U.S. counterparts. Both nations began to receive radio signals through the rifts, though often undecipherable. Soon it became apparent that these signals were messages from unknown originators wanting to help each nation's war efforts.
As the messages were pieced together, discoveries were made that allowed each nation to make huge leaps in industrial and scientific research. Despite repeated pleas and demands from their allies, both the United States and Germany were reluctant to share the messages coming through the rifts. Stalin then declared the United States an enemy in May 1944: the Soviet Union would end the war on its own.