Hallo allerseits,
nachdem die Regeln für T9A nun erstmal eine Zeit fix sind, hat sich
unsere Spielgemeinschaft entschlossen, in Sachen Warhammer auf T9A
umzusteigen und die 8. Edition ausklingen zu lassen.
Da wir mittelfristig auch Turniere spielen werden, habe ich mich mal
rangesetzt und mir Gedanken zu einer potentiellen Turnierliste für meine
Ratten gemacht.
Ich selbst habe erst 2 Testspiele auf Basis des neuen Regelsystems gemacht - bin daher also noch frisch dabei -.
Nun hoffe ich mit Blick auf meine Liste auf euer Feedback. Wo seht ihr
Verbesserungspotential? Was spricht gegen meine Überlegungen? Welche
Optimierungen würdet ihr vornehmen?
Hier die Liste (erstellt mit battlescribe).
+ VS Characters (1282pts) +
········Dictators (267pts)
············Chief (217pts) [Great Weapon (8pts), Heavy Armour (10pts), Shield (4pts)]
················Battle Standard Bearer (85pts) [Banner of Discipline (35pts)]
············Magic Items (50pts) [Sceptre of Vermin Valor - Infantry Only (50pts)]
········Dictators (367pts)
············Chief (267pts) [Dark Shard Brew (50pts), Paired Weapon and
Tail Weapon (8pts), Shield (4pts), Vermin Hulk Bodyguard (95pts)]
············Magic Items (100pts) [Armlet of Power (50pts), Putrid Plate (50pts)]
········Magister (445pts) [Army General, Doom Bell, Master (70pts), 2x May add up to 3 Learned Spells (100pts), Witchcraft]
············Magic Items (115pts) [Dispel Scroll (100pts), Dragonfire Gem (15pts)]
········Rakachit Machinist (203pts) [Halberd (8pts), Light Armour]
············Magic Items (35pts) [Bronze Breastplate (35pts)]
+ VS Core (1142pts) +
········Plague Brotherhood (466pts) [Champion (20pts), Musician (20pts), 29x Plague Brotherhood (406pts)]
············Standard Bearer (70pts) [Icon of Ruin (50pts), Veteran Standard Bearer]
········Slaves (158pts) [Musician (20pts), 37x Slave (148pts)]
········Vermin Guard (518pts) [Champion (20pts), Musician (20pts), Standard Bearer (20pts), 33x Vermin Guard (528pts)]
+ VS Special (390pts) +
········Giant Rats - Chaff (80pts) [10x Giant Rat (60pts)]
········Giant Rats - Chaff (80pts) [10x Giant Rat (60pts)]
········Plague Disciples (230pts) [10x Plague Disciple (200pts)]
+ VS Tunnel Gunners (910pt s) +
········Gutter Blades (180p ts) [Throwing Weapons]
············5x Gutter Blade (170pts) [5x Scout and Ambush (20pts )]
········Gutter Blades (180pts) [T hrowing Weapons]
············5x Gutter Blade (170pts) [5x Scout and Ambush (20pts)]
········Verminous artillery (250pts) [Lightning Cannon (80pts)]
········Weapon Team (150pts) [Globe Launcher (10pts)]
········Weapon Team (150pts) [Rotary Gun (10pts)]
+ VS Built and Bred (400pts) +
········Abomination (400pts)
+ VS Large Mounts (375pts) +
········Doom Bell Mount (375pts)
Mich interessiert, wie ihr zu dieser Liste steht. Wo seht ihr Verbesserungspotential? Warum seht ihr das Verbesserungspotential? Was ist noch zu bedenken?
Ich freue mich auf euer Feedback und eure Gedanken!