Listen 6. Universal Battle League

  • Ich mache einfach mal den Anfang, auch wenn sich der Ablauf wohl etwas verändern wird.

    *************** 3 Characters ***************
    Beast Lord, General
    + Shield, Heavy Armour -> 34 Pts.
    + Obsidian Sword, Dragonscale Helm, Talisman of Supreme Shielding -> 180 Pts.
    + Razortusk Chariot -> 180 Pts.
    ---> 614 Points

    Beast Chieftain
    + Great Weapon, -> 16 Pts.
    + Great Totem Bearer -> 80 Pkt.
    + Aaghor’s Flayed Hide -> 100 Pts.
    + Battle Standard Bearer -> 50 Pts.
    ---> 366 Points

    Soothsayer, 1 x Learned Spells
    + Dispel Scroll -> 100 Pts.
    + Beschwörung -> 0 Pts.
    ---> 335 Points
    *************** 4 Core Units ***************
    34 Wildhorn Herd, Paired Weapons, Musician, Standard Bearer, Champion
    + Totem, Blooded Horn Totem -> 20 Pts.
    + Banner of the Wild Herd -> 50 Pts.
    ---> 538 Points

    15 Wildhorn Herd, Schilde
    --à 180 Punkte

    2*10 Mongrel Raiders
    ---> 200 Points
    *************** 3 Special Units ***************
    28 Langhorn Herde, Hellebarden, MSC
    + Totem, Black Wing Totem à 20
    + Äther Ikone

    • 737 Punkte
    • 320

    5 Gargylen
    -à 140 Punkte

    2*5 Centauren, zus. HW
    *************** 3 Terrors of the Wild ***************
    ---> 430 Points
    ---> 320 Points

    ---> 320 Points

    Im Namen Khaines und Malekiths lasst die Feinde leiden und zeigt keine Gnade.Sa'an'ishar

  • Henrik Sühr – Dread Elves (BS2.0 Dread Elves v10) (4449pts) ++

    + Characters (1599pts) +

    Cult Priest (315pts) [Battle Standard Bearer, Gladiator Weapons, Ring of Shadows, Yema]

    Dread Prince (644pts) [Army General, Bluffer's Helm, Cult of Yema, Great Weapon, Heavy

    Armour, Midnight Cloak,

    Potion of Swiftness, Raptor Chariot, Repeater Crossbow, Shield]

    Oracle (640pts) [3x Add up to 3 additional Learned Spells, Become Wizard Master, Divination, Join

    Cult of

    Yema, Obsidian Nullstone, Ring of Fire, Wandering Familiar]

    + Core (400pts) +

    Corsairs with Repeater Handbow (200pts) [10x Corsair, Musician]

    Corsairs with Repeater Handbow (200pts) [10x Corsair, Musician]

    + Special (260pts) +

    ·Harpies (130pts) [5x Harpy]

    ·Harpies (130pts) [5x Harpy]

    + Raiders (330pts) +

    Raven Cloaks (330pts) [10x Raven Cloak]

    + The Menagerie (440pts) +

    Hydra (440pts)

    + Destroyers (540pts) +

    Dread Reaper (180pts)

    Dread Reaper (180pts)

    Dread Reaper (180pts)

    + Core + Raiders (880pts) +

    Dark Raiders (230pts) [5x Dark Raider, Repeater Crossbows, Shields]

    Dark Raiders (230pts) [5x Dark Raider, Repeater Crossbows, Shields]

    Repeater Auxiliaries (442pts) [Musician, 16x Repeater Auxiliary, Shields]

    · · · · · Standard Bearer

    · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Veteran Standard [Banner of Speed]

    Into Battle we ride with gods by our side,
    we are strong and not afraid to die!

  • +++ UB6 VC (BS2.0 Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age) [4498pts] +++

    ++ Vampire Covenant (BS2.0 Vampire Covenant) [4498pts] ++

    + Uncategorised +

    Bloodline: Von Karnstein

    + VC Characters +

    Midnight Aristocracy [715pts]: 1 Learned Spell, Blade of Red Thirst, Divine Icon, Evocation, General, Storm Caller, Unholy Tome, Vampire Count, Von Karnstein Bloodline, Wizard Apprentice, Zombie Dragon

    Necromancer [530pts]: 3x Additional Learned Spells, Book of Arcane Power, Evocation, Ring of Fire, Wizard Master

    + VC Core +

    Dire Wolves - Core [116pts]: 8x Dire Wolves

    Dire Wolves - Core [116pts]: 8x Dire Wolves

    Skeletons [455pts]: Champion, Musician, 39x Skeleton, Spear
    Standard Bearer
    Veteran Standard Bearer: Flaming Standard

    Zombies [136pts]: Musician, 21x Zombie

    Zombies [130pts]: Musician, 20x Zombie

    + VC Special +

    Altar of the Undeath [400pts]

    Great Bats [80pts]: 2x Great Bats

    Great Bats [80pts]: 2x Great Bats

    + VC The Suffering +

    Wraiths [360pts]: 10x Wraiths

    + VC Swift Death +

    Vampire Knights [290pts]: Musician, 3x Vampire Knights

    Vampire Spawn [220pts]: 3x Vampire Spawn

    Varkolak [360pts]

    + Large Mounts +

    Zombie Dragon [510pts]: Colossal Zombie Dragon

    Created with BattleScribe (

    Würde aber noch die Möglichkeit zum Feintuning lassen.

    Wer Lust hat, findet hier Schlachtberichte von mir:
    (Hauptsächlich Waldelfen, Vampire, Tiermenschen)

  • 4500 Pts - Saurian Ancients Roster
    Cuatl Lord (1#, 670 pts)
    1 Cuatl Lord, 670 pts (General; Wizard Master; Learned Spells (x5); Channel; Cold-Blooded; Inspiring Presence; Light Troops; Palanquin; Shield of the Old Frog)
    1 Ring of Fire
    1 Wisdom of the Ancients
    1 Shielded Soul

    Firstborn (1#, 460 pts)
    1 Veteran, 460 pts (Battle Standard Bearer; Great Weapon; Born Predator; Cold-Blooded; Hold Your Ground; Innate Defence (5+))
    1 Armour of Destiny
    1 Lucky Charm
    1 Raptor (Mount's Protection (5+); Stupidity)

    Skink Priest (1#, 670 pts)
    1 Skink Priest, 670 pts (Wizard Apprentice; Learned Spells x2; Channel; Cold-Blooded; Innate Defence (6+); Strider (Water); Telepathic Link)
    1 Jade Staff
    1 Path of Druidism
    1 Taurosaur (Giant Blowpipes; Cold-Blooded; Immune to Psychology; Impact Hits (D6+1); Innate Defence (3+); Sharp Horns; Stomp (D6); Stubborn; Terror; Towering Presence; Poisoned Attacks)
    4 Skink Crew (Poisoned Javelin; Cold-Blooded; Innate Defence (6+); Strider (Water); Poisoned Attacks)

    Chameleons (5#, 140 pts)
    5 Chameleons, 140 pts (Blowpipe; Cold-Blooded; Hard Target; Innate Defence (6+); Scout; Skirmisher; Strider (Water); Poisoned Attacks)

    Chameleons (5#, 140 pts)
    5 Chameleons, 140 pts (Blowpipe; Cold-Blooded; Hard Target; Innate Defence (6+); Scout; Skirmisher; Strider (Water); Poisoned Attacks)

    Skink Hunters (5#, 110 pts)
    5 Skink Hunters, 110 pts (Poisoned Javelin & Shield; Cold-Blooded; Innate Defence (6+); Skirmisher; Strider (Water); Poisoned Attacks)

    Skink Hunters (5#, 110 pts)
    5 Skink Hunters, 110 pts (Poisoned Javelin & Shield; Cold-Blooded; Innate Defence (6+); Skirmisher; Strider (Water); Poisoned Attacks)

    Weapon Beasts (1#, 150 pts)
    1 Salamander, 150 pts (Spout Flames; Cold-Blooded; Innate Defence (4+); Light Troops; Stomp (1); Strider (Water); Swiftstride)

    Weapon Beasts (1#, 150 pts)
    1 Salamander, 150 pts (Spout Flames; Cold-Blooded; Innate Defence (4+); Light Troops; Stomp (1); Strider (Water); Swiftstride)

    Taurosaur (1#, 450 pts)
    1 Taurosaur, 450 pts (Giant Blowpipe; Cold-Blooded; Immune to Psychology; Impact Hits (D6+1); Innate Defence (3+); Sharp Horns; Stomp (D6); Stubborn; Terror; Towering Presence; Poisoned Attacks)
    5 Skink Crew (Poisoned Javelin; Cold-Blooded; Innate Defence (6+); Strider (Water); Poisoned Attacks)
    Taurosaur (1#, 530 pts)

    1 Taurosaur, 530 pts (Engine of the Ancients; Cold-Blooded; Immune to Psychology; Impact Hits (D6+1); Innate Defence (3+); Sharp Horns; Stomp (D6); Stubborn; Telepathic Link; Terror; Towering Presence)
    5 Skink Crew (Poisoned Javelin; Cold-Blooded; Innate Defence (6+); Strider (Water); Poisoned Attacks)

    Skink Braves (18#, 250 pts)
    17 Skink Braves, 250 pts (Musician; Bow; Cold-Blooded; Innate Defence (6+); Scoring; Strider (Water))
    1 Champion (Bow; Cold-Blooded; Innate Defence (6+); Strider (Water))

    Skink Braves (18#, 250 pts)
    17 Skink Braves, 250 pts (Musician; Bow; Cold-Blooded; Innate Defence (6+); Scoring; Strider (Water))
    1 Champion (Bow; Cold-Blooded; Innate Defence (6+); Strider (Water))

    Skink Braves (17#, 206 pts)
    16 Skink Braves, 206 pts (Musician; Shield; Cold-Blooded; Innate Defence (6+); Scoring; Strider (Water))
    1 Champion (Shield; Cold-Blooded; Innate Defence (6+); Strider (Water))

    Skink Braves (18#, 214 pts)
    17 Skink Braves, 214 pts (Musician; Shield; Cold-Blooded; Innate Defence (6+); Scoring; Strider (Water))
    1 Champion (Shield; Cold-Blooded; Innate Defence (6+); Strider (Water))

    Validation Report:
    Game: 9th Age; Core Rules Version: 1.3.4; Data File Version: 1.39
    Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules
    Composition Report:
    Points of Characters: 1800 (0 - 1800)
    Points of Core: 920 (900 - Unlimited)
    Points of Special: 0 (0 - 0)
    Jungle Guerillas: 800 (0 - 1350)
    Thunder Lizards: 1430 (0 - 1575)
    Total Roster Cost: 4500

  • Ich wollte fragen, ob ich meine Liste nochmal andern kann (ist keine Konter Liste für die anderen, sondern liegt daran, dass ich nach dem Turnier Gesten wider Lust auf meine Orks hab und mit denen wahrscheinlich auch auf das nächste Turnier fahren werde und meine liste dahingehend testen und optimieren will) Wenn es nicht passt, ist das auch Ok für mich :)

    PS: Das wäre eine endgültige Änderung die dann auch nichtmehr verändert wird

    Into Battle we ride with gods by our side,
    we are strong and not afraid to die!

  • Ich wollte fragen, ob ich meine Liste nochmal andern kann (ist keine Konter Liste für die anderen, sondern liegt daran, dass ich nach dem Turnier Gesten wider Lust auf meine Orks hab und mit denen wahrscheinlich auch auf das nächste Turnier fahren werde und meine liste dahingehend testen und optimieren will) Wenn es nicht passt, ist das auch Ok für mich :)

    PS: Das wäre eine endgültige Änderung die dann auch nichtmehr verändert wird

    Klar, kein Problem, mach nur :).

    Im Namen Khaines und Malekiths lasst die Feinde leiden und zeigt keine Gnade.Sa'an'ishar

  • +++ N8gobs (BS2.0 Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age v39) (4499pts) +++

    ++ Orcs and Goblins (BS2.0 Orcs and Goblins v7) (4499pts) ++

    + Characters (1487pts) +

    ········Goblin Witch Doctor (400pts) [3x Additional Learned Spells, Cave Goblin, Pyromancy, Wizard Master]

    ········Lord of Fightin' (270pts) [Chief, Iron Orc, Lance]
    ············Magic Items [Hardened Shield, Sprout of Rebirth]
    ············Wyvern [Wyvern - Iron Orc Lord of Fightin']

    ········Lord of Sneakin' (336pts) [Army General, Cave Goblin, Green Tide, Heavy Armour, King, Shield]
    ············Magic Items [Crown of Autocracy, Crown of the Cavern King, Pan of Protection Pinchin’]

    ········Lord of Sneakin' (196pts) [Battle Standard Bearer, Cave Goblin, Chief, Paired Weapons]
    ············Magic Items [Mithril Mail]

    ········Orc Shaman (285pts) [2x Additonal Learned Spells, Common Orc, Shamanism, Wizard Apprentice]

    + Core (1552pts) +

    ········Goblins (690pts) [Cave Goblin, Champion, 50x Goblin, 3x Mad Git, Musician, Nets, Shield]
    ············Standard Bearer
    ················Veteran Standard Bearer [War Standard]

    ········Goblins (642pts) [Cave Goblin, Champion, 48x Goblin, 3x Mad Git, Musician, Nets, Shield, Standard Bearer]

    ········Orcs (220pts) [Bow, Common Orc, Musician, 20x Orc]

    + Special (140pts) +

    ········Goblin Raiders (Special) (140pts) [Common Goblin, 5x Goblin Raider, Light Lance, Shield]

    + Death from Above (630pts) +

    ········Greenhide Catapult (180pts) [Git Launcher]

    ········Greenhide Catapult (180pts) [Git Launcher]

    ········Greenhide Catapult (180pts) [Splatterer]

    ········Skewerer (90pts)

    + Big'N Nasty (480pts) +

    ········Gargantula (480pts)

    + Large Mounts (210pts) +

    ········Wyvern Mount (210pts)

    Into Battle we ride with gods by our side,
    we are strong and not afraid to die!

      • Duke [605pts] Audacity, Barded Warhorse, Crusader's Helm, Divine Icon, Fleshrender, Questing Oath, Shield

        • Army General

          • The Blessing Token of the King

      • Paladin [315pts] Barded Warhorse, Battle Standard Bearer, Daring, Flaming Lance, Hardened Shield, Lucky Charm

    • Core

      • Knights of the Realm [595pts] 10x Knight of the Realm

        • Champion
        • Musician
        • Standard Bearer

          • Veteran Standard Flaming Standard

      • Knights of the Realm [530pts] Champion, 10x Knight of the Realm, Musician

    • Special

      • Knights of the Grail [735pts] 8x Knight of the Grail

        • Musician
        • Standard Bearer Aether icon

      • Knights of the Grail [660pts] 8x Knight of the Grail, Musician
      • Yeoman Outriders [110pts] 5x Yeoman Outrider
      • Yeoman Outriders [110pts] 5x Yeoman Outrider

    • Airborne Gallantry

      • Pegasus Knights [420pts] 3x Pegasus Knight, Skirmish, Vanguard
      • Pegasus Knights [420pts] 3x Pegasus Knight, Skirmish, Vanguard

    ich spiele folgende Armeen

    8000 Punkte Zwerge

    3000 Punkte Khemri

    3000 Punkte Echsenmenschen

    2000 Punkte Krieger des Chaos