Streaming and reports from ESC and ETC in Krakow 2024

  • Here it is the topmatch from the 2nd day of ESC 2024 in Krakow.

    Geiser with his Highborne Elves against Handeu with his Infernal Dwarves.


    I am curious to see if dwarven technical superiority or elven agility wins.

    Dieser Account dient alleinig der Vermittlung von Informationen über Entwicklungen und Facetten von Fantasy Battles: The ninth Age ( und seiner Ableger sowie der Möglichkeit der Kontaktaufnahme zum T9A Team.

  • Interessant, dass ein Dunkelelfenspieler (sogar mit 10 Punkten Vorsprung) gewonnen hat. Ansonsten würde ich das Ranking der Armeen als recht vorhersehbar einschätzen.

    Als Empirespieler finde ich es einerseits ganz toll, dass Sylvain Jaber Platz 5 gemacht hat. Gleichzeitig halte ich die Liste für sehr schwer zu spielen. Allein 4 Mal state militia. + 3 mal kleine Hellebarden. Da muss das Positionsspiel schon sau gut sein.

  • From tomorrow on i will very likely stream in change one match from Austria and one from Germany.

    I will also give my best to share infos and photos on how it will go in each round for both teams.

    I will start with Austria. And as abonus I will stream a game from switzerland in the first round, too.

    How? Well Austria and switzerland meet on the battlefield in the first round.

    The Lists from Austria:

    (nighti) - Highborn Elves

    740 - High Prince, General, Griffon, Shield, Dragonforged Armour (Daemon's Bane), Lance (Nova Flare), Diadem of Protection

    410 - Commander, Battle Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Light Armour, Magical Heirloom, Master of Canreig Tower

    275 - Mage, Wizard Adept, Cosmology, Crystal Ball

    270 - 15 Sea Guard, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    259 - 16 Citizen Archers, Musician

    245 - 15 Citizen Archers, Musician

    175 - 10 Citizen Archers, Musician

    180 - 5 Elein Reavers

    595 - 27 Sword Masters, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    365 - Phoenix, Frost Phoenix

    365 - Phoenix, Frost Phoenix

    220 - Sky Sloop

    200 - Sea Guard Reaper

    200 - Sea Guard Reaper


    stifado Kingdom of Equitaine

    465 - Paladin, Hippogriff, Great Weapon, Percival's Panoply, Not a Leader

    440 - Damsel, Destrier, Wizard Master, Druidism

    410 - Duke, Pegasus Charger, Battle Standard Bearer, Halberd (Shield Breaker), Basalt Infusion, Faith

    410 - Folk Hero, General, Fey Steed, Great Weapon (Mortal Reminder), Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Sacred Chalice, Sainted, Cleric, Castellan

    585 - 12 Knights of the Realm, Champion (Knight Banneret (Banner of Roland)), Musician, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon)

    330 - 10 Mounted Serjeants, Great Weapon, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon)

    210 - 30 Lowborn Levies, Halberd and Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer

    650 - 9 Knights of the Quest, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer

    595 - 5 Pegasus Knights, Champion (Knight Banneret (Oriflamme)), Standard Bearer (Lady's Favour)

    150 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Bow

    255 - 5 Naiads, Champion


    (Berti) - Dwarven Holds

    745 - King, General, War Throne, Rune of Steel, Rune of Iron, Rune of the Forge, Hand Weapon (Rune of Destruction, Rune of Might, Rune of Craftsmanship), Rune of Storms, Rune of Mining

    400 - Thane, Shield Bearers, Battle Standard Bearer, Rune of Resistance, Rune of Iron, Rune of the Forge, Hand Weapon (2x Rune of Lightning, Rune of Craftsmanship), Rune of Storms

    525 - 20 Greybeards, Shield, Vanguard, Throwing Weapons, Standard Bearer (Runic Standard of Dismay), Musician, Champion

    308 - 12 Clan Marksmen, Shield, Guild-Crafted Handgun, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    308 - 12 Clan Marksmen, Shield, Guild-Crafted Handgun, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    405 - 20 Deep Watch, Standard Bearer (Runic Standard of Swiftness), Musician, Champion

    340 - 20 Deep Watch, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    297 - 14 Miners, Great Weapon, Paired Weapons, Pistol, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    280 - Grudge Buster

    280 - Grudge Buster

    312 - 14 Forge Wardens, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician, Champion

    150 - Field Artillery, Flaming Shot, Flame Cannon (Rune Crafted)

    150 - Field Artillery, Flaming Shot, Flame Cannon (Rune Crafted)


    (subspace) - Beast Herds

    385 - Beast Lord, General (Hunting Call), Light Armour (Aaghor's Affliction), Great Weapon (Cleansing Light), Crown of Autocracy, Crown of Horns

    340 - Soothsayer, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Hand Weapon (Ancestral Carvings), Crystal Ball

    250 - Soothsayer, Wizard Apprentice, Shamanism, Hand Weapon (Ancestral Carvings), Book of Arcane Mastery

    300 - Beast Chieftain, Greater Totem Bearer, Battle Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Great Weapon

    447 - 46 Wildhorn Herd, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Wild Herd), Musician, Champion

    426 - 43 Wildhorn Herd, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Wild Herd), Musician, Champion

    365 - 30 Wildhorn Herd, Paired Weapons, Ambush, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Wild Herd), Musician, Champion

    342 - 36 Wildhorn Herd, Shield, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion

    370 - 15 Centaurs, Great Weapon, Musician, Champion

    370 - 15 Centaurs, Great Weapon, Musician, Champion

    370 - 15 Centaurs, Great Weapon, Musician, Champion

    170 - 10 Longhorn Herd, Ambush, Halberd, Musician

    145 - 5 Gargoyles, Scout

    135 - 5 Gargoyles

    85 - Briar Beast


    (Massimo) - Saurian Ancients

    770 - Tegu Veteran, Alpha Carnosaur, Halberd (Cleansing Light), Starfall Lodestone, Carved Tablet

    630 - Anurarch Archmage, Divination, Talisman of the Void, Stampede Resonator Crystal, Mind-Shifting Mastery, Mystifying Mastery

    515 - 28 Tegu Warriors, Spear, Champion (Enclave Wizard), Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard)

    480 - 35 Skink Warriors, Shield, 3x Caiman Mentors (Halberd), Champion (Enclave Wizard), Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard)

    280 - 20 Skink Warriors, Shield, 2x Caiman Mentors (Halberd), Champion, Standard Bearer

    574 - 23 Tegu Guards, Champion, Standard Bearer (Koru Stone)

    220 - 2 Weapon Beasts, Spearback

    220 - 2 Weapon Beasts, Spearback

    215 - 3 Pteradon Riders, Poisoned Javelin, Marking Lure

    595 - Titanopod, Lodestone Shield


    (gonzo) - Daemon Legions

    1015 - Vanadra's Scourge, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Kaleidoscopic Flesh, Living Shield, Chitinous Scales, Dark Hide

    765 - Sentinel of Nukuja, General (Greater Dominion), Dark Pulpit, Thaumaturgy, Unnatural Roots, Sorcerous Antennae

    415 - 15 Succubi, Mesmerising Plumage, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    385 - 15 Myrmidons, Piercing Spike, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    328 - 13 Lemures, Stiff Upper Lip, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    477 - 4 Brazen Beasts, Incendiary Ichor, Musician, Champion

    320 - Blazing Glory

    310 - Hope Harvester, Aura of Despair

    310 - Hope Harvester, Aura of Despair

    175 - 5 Furies


    (le_blub) - Infernal Dwarves

    800 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Shamut, Bull of Shamut, Wizard Master, Occultism, Shield (Kadim Binding), Basalt Infusion, Great Weapon (Flame of the East), Tablet of Vezodinezh

    285 - Vizier, Shield (Willow's Ward), Battle Standard Bearer (Banner of the Twice-Branded), Blunderbuss, Alchemist's Alloy, Spear, Crystal Ball

    275 - Lamassu Scholar

    521 - 29 Infernal Warriors, Great Weapon, Blunderbuss, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    507 - 28 Infernal Warriors, Great Weapon, Blunderbuss, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    230 - 20 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Bow, Musician

    330 - 3 Taurukh Anointed, Great Weapon, Musician

    290 - Infernal Artillery, Rocket Battery and Fires of Industry

    175 - 5 Vassal Cavalry

    175 - 5 Vassal Cavalry

    485 - Kadim Titan, Walking Volcano (Naphtha Thrower and Fires of Industry)

    425 - Infernal Engine, Naphtha Thrower and Fires of Industry


    Dieser Account dient alleinig der Vermittlung von Informationen über Entwicklungen und Facetten von Fantasy Battles: The ninth Age ( und seiner Ableger sowie der Möglichkeit der Kontaktaufnahme zum T9A Team.

  • Germany:

    The Lists from Germany:

    (scrub) - Kingdom of Equitaine

    425 - Duke, Destrier, Shield (Fortress of Faith), Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Bastard Sword (Tristan's Resolve), Lucky Charm, Forbearance

    400 - Folk Hero, General, Fey Steed, Great Weapon (Cleansing Light), Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Book of Arcane Mastery, Sainted, Castellan, Minstrel

    225 - Folk Hero, Heraldic Steed, Shield, Lance (Uther's Mettle), Light Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Castellan

    190 - Folk Hero, Longbow and Shots 3, Light Armour, Quin

    235 - Paladin, Revered Unicorn, Halberd, Ghostly Guard, Potion of Strength, Not a Leader

    120 - Damsel, Wizard Apprentice, Shamanism

    585 - 12 Knights of the Realm, Champion (Knight Banneret), Musician, Standard Bearer (Lady's Favour)

    270 - 8 Mounted Serjeants, Light Lance and Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer

    270 - 40 Lowborn Levies, Halberd and Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer

    445 - 8 Knights of the Court, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer

    351 - 24 Men-at-Arms, Castle Guard, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company)

    200 - Siege Weapon, Trebuchet

    200 - Siege Weapon, Trebuchet

    140 - 11 Enlisted Outlaws, Hooded Men (Longbow)

    255 - 5 Naiads, Champion

    185 - 7 Naiads


    (Borcha) - Ogre Khans

    500 - Great Khan, General, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Paired Weapons (King Slayer), Lygur's Tongue, Rampager's Chain, Spinesplitter

    415 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer (Banner of the Gyengget, Banner of Discipline), Light Armour, Great Weapon, Cult Leader

    295 - Khan, Plate Armour, Halberd, Paired Weapons, Iron Fist, Great Weapon, Binding Scroll, Hoardmaster

    335 - Shaman, Wizard Adept, Pyromancy, Great Weapon, Magical Heirloom, Firebrand

    255 - Shaman, Wizard Apprentice, Shamanism, Paired Weapons (Ritual Bloodletter), Book of Arcane Mastery, Potion of Strength, Rottenjaw

    665 - 13 Tribesmen, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Pennant of the Great Grass Sky), Musician, Champion

    245 - 41 Scraplings, Shield, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    220 - 3 Bruisers, Standard Bearer (Skull of Qenghet), Musician, Champion

    180 - 2 Yetis, Champion

    170 - 2 Yetis

    165 - Kin-Eater

    165 - Kin-Eater

    165 - Kin-Eater

    450 - Rock Aurochs, Ogre Crossbow

    275 - Mercenary Giant, Iron Fist


    (FirePaul) - Dwarven Holds

    440 - Runic Smith, General (Ancestral Memory), Shield, 2x Rune of Iron, Rune of Denial, Rune of Mining, 3x Battle Rune

    280 - Thane, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer (Legion Standard, Aether Icon), Rune of Resistance, Hand Weapon (2x Rune of Lightning)

    200 - Anvil of Power

    580 - 40 Clan Warriors, Spear and Shield, Standard Bearer (Runic Standard of Wisdom), Musician, Champion

    155 - 10 Clan Warriors, Paired Weapons, Vanguard

    135 - 10 Clan Warriors, Paired Weapons

    264 - 12 Clan Marksmen, Guild-Crafted Handgun, Musician

    472 - 24 King's Guard, Champion

    454 - 23 King's Guard, Champion

    310 - 15 King's Guard, Champion

    310 - 15 King's Guard, Champion

    240 - 15 Miners, Great Weapon, Musician, Champion

    240 - 15 Miners, Great Weapon, Musician, Champion

    210 - 10 Forge Wardens, Musician

    210 - 10 Forge Wardens, Musician


    (blacky) - Infernal Dwarves

    670 - Prophet, Prophet of Ashuruk, Seat of Authority, Wizard Master, Occultism, Tablet of Vezodinezh, Binding Scroll

    588 - Overlord, General, Bull of Shamut, Shield (Kadim Binding), Flintlock Axe (Eye of the Bull), Great Weapon (Flame of the East), Basalt Infusion, Ring of Desiccation, Lugar's Dice

    260 - Vizier, Shield (Willow's Ward), Battle Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Blunderbuss, Alchemist's Alloy, Spear, Crown of the Wizard King

    575 - 30 Infernal Warriors, Great Weapon, Blunderbuss, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion

    419 - 21 Infernal Warriors, Shield, Blunderbuss, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion

    134 - 21 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Musician

    514 - 22 Disciples of Lugar, Great Weapon, Musician, Champion

    320 - Infernal Bastion

    175 - 5 Vassal Cavalry

    515 - Kadim Titan, Walking Earthquake

    330 - Citizen Giant, Giant Club


    (Raist) - Saurian Ancients

    655 - Anurarch Archmage, Alchemy, Ancient Plaque, Talisman of the Void, Eternal Mastery, Invasive Mastery

    410 - Caiman Master, Light Armour (Vital Essence), Lucky Charm

    300 - Skink Veteran, Pouakai Sky Tyrant, Poisoned Javelin, Paired Weapons (Serpent's Nest Charm), Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Dragon Staff

    560 - 31 Tegu Warriors, Spear, Champion (Enclave Wizard), Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard)

    350 - 6 Caiman Warriors, Halberd, Standard Bearer

    219 - 19 Skink Hunters, Poisoned Javelin

    620 - 25 Tegu Guards, Champion, Standard Bearer (Koru Stone)

    419 - 11 Raptor Riders, Halberd, Champion, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard)

    365 - 3 Caiman Elders, Champion with Enclave Wizard

    145 - 3 Saurian Swarms, Scout

    270 - 2 Weapon Beasts, Salamander and Aegis

    184 - 8 Skink Guerrillas, Blowpipe, Chameleon


    (Gwydion) - Dread Elves

    515 - Warlock Outcast, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Binding Scroll, Ceinran's Scales

    360 - Temple Exarch, Alchemy, Battle Standard Bearer, Essence of Mithril, Spear (Mastery of Slaughter), Lucky Charm

    340 - Beastmaster, General, Daeb Raptor, Shield (Dusk Forged), Basalt Infusion, Lance (Shield Breaker)

    430 - 25 Temple Militants, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard)

    280 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Champion, Musician

    280 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Champion, Musician

    195 - 5 Shadow Riders, Light Lance

    505 - 10 Dread Knights, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion

    205 - Hunting Chariot

    205 - Hunting Chariot

    395 - Hydra

    395 - Hydra

    395 - Hydra


    (Ratatoeskr) - Orcs and Goblins

    550 - Iron Orc Loner, Grunter, Shield (Dusk Forged), Hand Weapon (Omen of the Apocalypse), Dragonfire Gem

    430 - Orc Warlord, General, Heavy Armour (Essence of Mithril), Great Weapon (Cleansing Light), Binding Scroll, Talisman of Shielding

    430 - Orc Shaman, Wyvern, Wizard Adept, Shamanism, Paired Weapons, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Potion of Strength

    280 - Goblin Witch, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Magical Heirloom, Lightning Vambraces

    55 - Mad Git

    55 - Mad Git

    495 - 15 Veteran Orc Marauders, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Stalker's Standard)

    270 - 50 Goblin Rabble, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Goga Cauldron)

    184 - 26 Goblin Rabble, Shield, Bow, Musician

    176 - 8 Goblin Reavers, Bow and Spies

    529 - 41 Feral Orcs, Headbashers, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Headbashers' Trophy, Big Boss Pole)

    465 - 7 Trolls, Cave Troll, Champion

    335 - Giant, Armed to the Teeth

    145 - 10 Gnashers, Gnasher Dashers

    100 - Wrecking Team


    (FollowFurion) - Highborn Elves

    680 - High Prince, General, Shield (Willow's Ward), Dragonforged Armour (Protection of Dorac), Spear (Sliver of the Blazing Dawn), Lucky Charm, Master of Canreig Tower (High Prince must gain 3 additional Learned Spells)

    530 - Commander, Griffon, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer, Dragonforged Armour (Daemon's Bane), Great Weapon, Diadem of Protection

    230 - Mage, Wizard Adept, Pyromancy

    534 - 27 Sea Guard, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    199 - 11 Citizen Archers, Musician, Champion

    199 - 11 Citizen Archers, Musician, Champion

    195 - 5 Elein Reavers, Bow, Champion

    506 - 22 Lion Guard, Musician, Champion

    420 - Phoenix, Fire Phoenix, Warden's Bond

    405 - Phoenix, Frost Phoenix, Warden's Bond

    200 - Sea Guard Reaper

    200 - Sea Guard Reaper

    200 - Sea Guard Reaper


    Dieser Account dient alleinig der Vermittlung von Informationen über Entwicklungen und Facetten von Fantasy Battles: The ninth Age ( und seiner Ableger sowie der Möglichkeit der Kontaktaufnahme zum T9A Team.

  • The Lists from the first opponent for Austria (Switzerland):

    (Xavier) - Vermin Swarm

    560 - Ruinous Dictator, General, Wizard Adept, Occultism, I am the Senate (Binding Scroll), Avatar of Udius

    310 - Bloodfur Legate, Shield, Hand Weapon (Secrets of the Doom Blade), Potion of Swiftness

    245 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon

    245 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon

    160 - Vermin Senator, Crown of Autocracy, Tarina's Lyre

    403 - 48 Vermin Legionaries, Spear, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Flaming Standard)

    379 - 49 Vermin Legionaries, Spear, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Legion Standard)

    215 - 22 Vermin Velites, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard

    130 - 20 Giant Rats

    346 - 34 Plague Disciples, Bloodpox Blades, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer

    346 - 34 Plague Disciples, Bloodpox Blades, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer

    185 - Vermin Artillery, Rakachit Mauss Rifle

    185 - Vermin Artillery, Rakachit Mauss Rifle

    270 - 3 Dreadmill Chariots

    260 - Stygian Earthbreaker

    260 - Stygian Earthbreaker


    (Math-CD) - Infernal Dwarves

    575 - Overlord, Bull of Shamut, Shield (Kadim Binding), Great Weapon (King Slayer), Infernal Weapon (Onyx Core), Basalt Infusion, Lugar's Dice

    555 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Ashuruk, Seat of Authority, Wizard Master, Occultism, Obsidian Rock

    215 - Vizier, Shield (Willow's Ward), Battle Standard Bearer (Legion Standard, Aether Icon), Blunderbuss, Spear

    507 - 28 Infernal Warriors, Great Weapon, Blunderbuss, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    447 - 23 Infernal Warriors, Shield, Blunderbuss, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion

    180 - 20 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company)

    558 - 24 Disciples of Lugar, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    485 - 6 Kadim Incarnates, Champion

    340 - 3 Taurukh Anointed, Great Weapon, Musician, Champion

    320 - Infernal Bastion

    315 - Citizen Giant, Tower Shield


    (Mickk) - Warriors of the Dark Gods

    810 - Exalted Herald, General

    810 - Exalted Herald

    275 - Sorcerer, Scythed Skywheel, Wizard Apprentice, Evocation, Light Armour, Binding Scroll, Book of Arcane Mastery

    337 - 37 Barbarians, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion

    240 - 8 Barbarian Horsemen, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Icon of the Infinite), Musician

    205 - 8 Barbarian Horsemen, Great Weapon, Musician, Champion

    120 - 8 Warhounds

    725 - 5 Chosen Knights, Sloth, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    384 - 3 Feldraks, Great Weapon, Musician, Champion

    295 - Chosen Chariot, Lust

    295 - Chosen Chariot, Lust


    (Geiser) - Highborn Elves

    535 - Commander, Griffon, Shield, Longbow, Battle Standard Bearer, Dragonforged Armour (Daemon's Bane), Lance, Diadem of Protection

    515 - High Prince, General, Longbow (Elu's Heartwood), Light Armour, Master of Canreig Tower (High Prince must gain 3 additional Learned Spells)

    230 - Mage, Wizard Adept, Pyromancy

    325 - 20 Citizen Archers, Musician, Champion

    213 - 12 Citizen Archers, Musician, Champion

    175 - 10 Citizen Archers, Musician

    230 - 5 Highborn Lancers, Musician, Champion

    185 - 5 Elein Reavers, Bow

    365 - Phoenix, Frost Phoenix

    365 - Phoenix, Frost Phoenix

    322 - 14 Lion Guard, Musician, Champion

    299 - 13 Lion Guard, Musician, Champion

    200 - Sea Guard Reaper

    200 - Sea Guard Reaper

    200 - Sea Guard Reaper

    140 - 5 Grey Watchers, Paired Weapons


    (Dim) - Saurian Ancients

    630 - Anurarch Archmage, Druidism, Magical Heirloom, Stampede Resonator Crystal, Mind-Shifting Mastery, Mystifying Mastery

    485 - 26 Tegu Warriors, Spear, Champion (Enclave Wizard), Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard)

    170 - 12 Skink Hunters, Poisoned Javelin

    170 - 12 Skink Hunters, Poisoned Javelin

    150 - 20 Skink Warriors, Shield

    150 - 20 Skink Warriors, Shield

    623 - 26 Tegu Guards, Champion, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard)

    585 - 3 Thyroscutus Herd, Magnetic Great Bow

    285 - 3 Caiman Elders, Standard Bearer

    214 - 14 Tegu Mystics

    420 - 4 Weapon Beasts, Spearback

    615 - Titanopod, Monolith of Vitalism


    (sevic) - Sylvan Elves

    455 - Druid, Wizard Master, Druidism, Binding Scroll

    175 - Druid, Eagle King, Wizard Apprentice, Shamanism

    290 - Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer, Sylvan Longbow (Bough Of Wyscan)

    215 - Dryad Ancient, General, Wizard Adept, Divination

    429 - 18 Sylvan Archers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion

    365 - 23 Dryads, Champion

    153 - 8 Dryads, Clearing Spirits

    180 - 5 Heath Riders, Shield, Musician

    391 - 19 Forest Rangers, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    391 - 19 Forest Rangers, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    260 - 5 Wild Huntsmen, Sylvan Lance

    260 - 5 Wild Huntsmen, Sylvan Lance

    345 - 10 Sylvan Sentinels

    210 - 5 Briar Maidens

    190 - 5 Pathfinders

    190 - 5 Pathfinders


    (cocofreeze) - Empire of Sonnstahl

    400 - Marshal, Great Griffon, Shield, Lance, Ghostly Guard, Winter Cloak

    305 - Marshal, General, Imperial Seal, Binding Scroll

    235 - Marshal, Battle Standard Bearer (Household Standard), Crown of the Wizard King

    380 - Wizard, Wizard Master, Divination

    350 - Wizard, Arcane Engine (Arcane Shield), Wizard Apprentice, Alchemy, Light Armour, Book of Arcane Mastery

    177 - 21 Heavy Infantry, Parent Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    170 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Support Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    170 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Support Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    158 - 13 State Militia

    152 - 12 State Militia

    152 - 12 State Militia

    152 - 12 State Militia

    522 - 6 Knights of the Sun Griffon, Halberd, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion

    482 - 6 Knights of the Sun Griffon, Halberd, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    235 - Artillery, Cannon

    460 - Steam Tank


    (polux) - Dwarven Holds

    245 - Engineer, General, Shield, Wyrm-Slayer Rocket, Rune of Denial, Rune of Mining

    240 - 10 Greybeards, Great Weapon, Throwing Weapons, Standard Bearer, Musician

    240 - 10 Greybeards, Great Weapon, Throwing Weapons, Standard Bearer, Musician

    240 - 10 Greybeards, Great Weapon, Throwing Weapons, Standard Bearer, Musician

    220 - 10 Clan Marksmen, Guild-Crafted Handgun

    185 - 10 Clan Warriors, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, Vanguard, Standard Bearer, Musician

    280 - Grudge Buster

    280 - Grudge Buster

    280 - 3 Hold Guardians, Standard Bearer, Musician

    280 - 3 Hold Guardians, Standard Bearer, Musician

    225 - 10 Miners, Great Weapon, Paired Weapons, Pistol, Musician

    225 - 10 Miners, Great Weapon, Paired Weapons, Pistol, Musician

    120 - Vengeance Seeker

    220 - Steam Copters, Shrapnel Bombs

    220 - Steam Copters, Shrapnel Bombs

    210 - 10 Forge Wardens, Musician

    210 - 10 Forge Wardens, Musician

    330 - Field Artillery, Organ Gun (Rune Crafted)

    250 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Cannon (Rune Crafted)


    Dieser Account dient alleinig der Vermittlung von Informationen über Entwicklungen und Facetten von Fantasy Battles: The ninth Age ( und seiner Ableger sowie der Möglichkeit der Kontaktaufnahme zum T9A Team.

  • The Lists from the first opponent for Germany (Norway):

    zuhlmatul) - Kingdom of Equitaine

    385 - Damsel, Wizard Master, Divination

    175 - Damsel, General, Wizard Apprentice, Shamanism, Crown of Autocracy, Sainted

    350 - Paladin, Revered Unicorn, Shield, Lance (Divine Judgement), Basalt Infusion, Not a Leader

    315 - Paladin, Revered Unicorn, Halberd (Mortal Reminder), Essence of Mithril, Dragonfire Gem, Not a Leader

    265 - Folk Hero, Shield (Fortress of Faith), Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Heavy Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Sacred Chalice, Potion of Strength, Bannerman, Minstrel

    465 - 15 Mounted Serjeants, Great Weapon, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard)

    450 - 15 Mounted Serjeants, Great Weapon, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)

    210 - 30 Lowborn Levies, Halberd and Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer

    446 - 26 Men-at-Arms, Knights Forlorn, Champion (Knight Banneret), Standard Bearer (Oriflamme)

    311 - 24 Men-at-Arms, Castle Guard, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer

    200 - Siege Weapon, Trebuchet

    200 - Siege Weapon, Trebuchet

    152 - 10 Enlisted Outlaws, Hooded Men (Longbow), Prepared Position

    140 - 11 Enlisted Outlaws, Hooded Men (Longbow)

    145 - Friar's Lanterns

    145 - 5 Naiads

    145 - 5 Naiads


    Boomza) - Saurian Ancients

    660 - Anurarch Archmage, Alchemy, Stampede Resonator Crystal, Crystal Ball, Forbidden Mastery, Mystifying Mastery

    280 - Skink Veteran, Pouakai Sky Tyrant, Poisoned Javelin, Paired Weapons (Serpent's Nest Charm), Light Armour (Essence of Mithril)

    624 - 26 Tegu Warriors, 2x Caiman Mentors, Champion, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard)

    554 - 8 Caiman Warriors, Halberd, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Champion with Enclave Wizard

    150 - 20 Skink Warriors, Shield

    666 - 27 Tegu Guards, Champion, Standard Bearer (Koru Stone)

    270 - 10 Tegu Mystics, Champion with Enclave Wizard

    170 - 4 Saurian Swarms

    200 - 3 Pteradon Riders, Poisoned Javelin, Special Ambush

    595 - Titanopod, Lodestone Shield

    330 - 2 Stygiosaur Pack, Champion with Enclave Wizard


    (Zhorique) - Dread Elves

    680 - Beastmaster, Imperious Dragon, Great Weapon, Beastmaster's Whistle

    540 - Silexian Officer, General, Manticore (Extraordinary Specimen), Shield, Death Cheater, Lance (Transcendence)

    540 - Silexian Officer, Manticore (Extraordinary Specimen), Battle Standard Bearer, Shield, Basalt Infusion, Lance, Talisman of Shielding

    280 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Champion, Musician

    280 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Champion, Musician

    270 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Champion

    205 - 5 Shadow Riders, Light Lance, Champion

    205 - 5 Shadow Riders, Light Lance, Champion

    370 - 3 Gorgons, Paired Weapons

    315 - 5 Dread Knights, Lance, Musician, Champion

    270 - 3 Thunder Pack

    270 - 3 Thunder Pack

    270 - 3 Thunder Pack


    (Harakiri#8293) - Orcs and Goblins

    455 - Orc Warlord, General (Tribe Leader and Orc Horde), Plate Armour (Death Cheater), Shield, Hand Weapon (Omen of the Apocalypse)

    450 - Orc Shaman, Wyvern, Wizard Adept, Shamanism, Paired Weapons, Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Talisman of Shielding

    450 - Orc Shaman, Wyvern, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Paired Weapons, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Lightning Vambraces, Potion of Strength

    250 - Goblin Demagogue, Pet Monster, Shield, Lance (Attack Gnasher), Heavy Armour (Ghostly Guard), Lucky Charm

    425 - 40 Feral Orcs, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company)

    327 - 8 Veteran Orc Marauders, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Stalker's Standard)

    292 - 8 Veteran Orc Marauders, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer

    176 - 8 Goblin Reavers, Bow and Spies

    445 - 30 Veteran Orcs, Shield, Headbashers, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (2x Aether Icon)

    400 - Great Green Idol

    350 - 5 Trolls, Bridge Troll, Champion

    335 - Giant, Armed to the Teeth

    145 - 10 Gnashers, Gnasher Dashers


    (kalerith) - Undying Dynasties

    435 - Death Cult Hierarch, Wizard Master, Evocation, Book of the Dead, Hierophant

    405 - Death Cult Hierarch, Wizard Master, Divination, Sandstorm Cloak

    230 - Nomarch, General, Light Armour, Crown of the Pharaohs

    180 - Casket of Phatep

    433 - 54 Skeletons, Spear, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    155 - 20 Skeletons, Musician

    250 - 3 Skeleton Chariots

    145 - 5 Skeleton Scouts

    145 - 5 Skeleton Scouts

    626 - 34 Necropolis Guard, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    325 - 3 Tomb Cataphracts, Special Ambush, Champion

    315 - 3 Tomb Cataphracts, Special Ambush

    315 - 3 Tomb Cataphracts, Special Ambush

    265 - 6 Scarab Swarms

    275 - 3 Sand Stalkers


    (Ugrush) - Warriors of the Dark Gods

    620 - Sorcerer, Veil Walker, Wizard Master, Occultism, Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Paired Weapons, Ledger of Souls, Rod of Battle

    370 - Sorcerer, Wizard Adept, Alchemy, Plate Armour (Ghostly Guard), Paired Weapons, Binding Scroll, Obsidian Rock

    595 - Chosen Lord, General, Trophy Rack, Spiked Shield (Willow's Ward), Hellforged Armour (Basalt Infusion), Hand Weapon (Burning Portent), Lucky Charm, Sloth, Daemonic Wings

    618 - 21 Warriors, Gluttony, Standard Bearer (Zealots' Banner), Musician, Champion

    145 - 5 Fallen

    140 - 10 Warhounds

    620 - 10 Chosen, Great Weapon, Sloth, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion

    564 - 9 Chosen, Great Weapon, Sloth, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion

    517 - 8 Warrior Knights, Lance, Envy, Standard Bearer (Wasteland Torch), Musician, Champion

    310 - Hellmaw


    (Brinkolini) - Vermin Swarm

    445 - Bloodfur Legate, General, Triumphal Platform, Halberd (Shield Breaker), Obsidian Rock

    275 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Occultism, Cowl of the Apostate, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon

    245 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon

    245 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon

    447 - 37 Blackfur Veterans, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Flaming Standard)

    442 - 37 Blackfur Veterans, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Stalker's Standard)

    259 - 29 Vermin Legionaries, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Legion Standard)

    758 - 9 Murmillo Brutes, Halberd, Paired Weapons, and Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Sacred Aquila)

    454 - 6 Murmillo Brutes, Jezail and Shield, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard

    90 - 10 Giant Rats

    90 - 10 Giant Rats

    225 - 6 Experimental Weapon Teams, Jezail and Shield

    155 - 4 Experimental Weapon Teams, Jezail and Shield

    185 - Vermin Artillery, Rakachit Mauss Rifle

    185 - Vermin Artillery, Rakachit Mauss Rifle


    (ComanderDuchebag) - Infernal Dwarves

    605 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Ashuruk, Seat of Authority, Wizard Master, Occultism, Magical Heirloom, Golden Idol of Shamut

    320 - Vizier, Shield (Willow's Ward), Battle Standard Bearer, Alchemist's Alloy, Spear (Flame of the East), Talisman of Shielding, Lucky Charm

    135 - Vassal Conjurer, Wizard Apprentice, Witchcraft, Ranger's Boots

    537 - 28 Infernal Warriors, Great Weapon, Blunderbuss, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Twice-Branded), Musician, Champion

    451 - 24 Infernal Warriors, Shield, Blunderbuss, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

    148 - 22 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Champion, Musician

    634 - 27 Disciples of Lugar, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Icon of Ashuruk), Musician, Champion

    410 - 5 Kadim Incarnates, Champion

    410 - 5 Kadim Incarnates, Champion

    320 - Infernal Bastion

    530 - Kadim Titan, Walking Volcano (Rocket Battery and Fires of Industry)


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  • Today I proudly present Austria against Switzerland.

    Highborn Elves vs. Empire of Sonnstahl

    Nighty and Cocofreeze

    t9ainbavaria - Twitch
    ETC 2024 Krakow Round 1 Austria against Switzerland HE (Austria) vs EoS (Switzerland)

    Will elven finess or human numbers prevail?

    Dieser Account dient alleinig der Vermittlung von Informationen über Entwicklungen und Facetten von Fantasy Battles: The ninth Age ( und seiner Ableger sowie der Möglichkeit der Kontaktaufnahme zum T9A Team.

  • Österreich -Schweiz

    Deutschland - Norwegen

    Beide Teams sind mit dem Pairing zufrieden.

    Dieser Account dient alleinig der Vermittlung von Informationen über Entwicklungen und Facetten von Fantasy Battles: The ninth Age ( und seiner Ableger sowie der Möglichkeit der Kontaktaufnahme zum T9A Team.

  • Gibt es schon Tendenzen für das Ergebnis der Runde?

    Ich bin das Schwert in der Dunkelheit. Ich bin der Wächter auf den Wällen. Ich bin das Feuer das in der Kälte wärmt, das Licht das den Morgen bringt, das Horn das die Schlafenden weckt, der Schild der das Reich der Menschen schützt. Ich weihe mein Leben und meine Ehre der Nachtwache, für diese Nacht und alle Nächte die kommen werden