Beiträge von Kain
Da sehe ich das gleiche Problem wie mit der Phönixgarde. Aber wie war das nochmal, wenn nen Charaktermodell den Titel Löwenherz oder wie der heißt bekommt, wird die Einheit doch zur elite, da kann man sie dann mit rein nehmen
(hab grad nicht das Armeebuch zur Hand, hoffe das geschriebene ist richtig.) Also, als Elite würd sich die Einheit schon lohnen
Angesichts der anderen Seltenen Auswahlen sind sie auch ***** Klar, verursachen Angst, sind gut im Nahkampf, aber man sieht eigentlich nur in Standartlisten Speerschleudern oder Adler, da sie effektiver zu anderen Truppentypen passen. Habe sie selber noch nie eingesetzt
Tja, das wird schon gehen..irgentwie kriegen wir das hin. Ne Überlegung wäre auch Warmaster mit aufzunehmen, aber das können wir uns für den Schluss lassen.
Melde dich einfach auf der o.g. Seite an, unten in dem Forum siehst du dann zwei Threads zu den Themen -
Ich hatte mir gedacht, eine Kampagne zu entwerfen, ähnlich wie Sturm des Chaos und das von der Zeit der Abspaltung bis hin zur "jetzigen" Zeit, Aufgeteilt soll das in drei große Epochen werden:
1. Die Abspaltung
2. Die Jahrhunderte der Kriege
3. Eine neue Invasion (alles darauf vorbereiten, dass Malekith es wieder versucht)
Zu diesen drei Teilen wird eine Geschichte entworfen, Szenarios geschrieben, Helden und neue Einheiten sowie magische Gegenstände erdacht usw...
So, das das ganze von jedem Menschen mit Hochelfen oder Dunkelelfen gespielt werden kann
Auf meinem Forum
werde ich ein extra Forum für die Planung einrichten -
Tach zusammen,
hat jemand von euch ein paar Infos über die Kriege der Dunkelelfen gegen die Hochelfen ? Außer die Sachen die im Armeebuch stehen ?
Gibt es die "Tränen der Isha" Kampagne irgentwo online ? Oder hat noch jemand die White Dwarfs für mich ?
Hätte jemand Interesse daran, ne richtige Kampagne zu entwickeln ? Also ne Homepage erstellen, Hintergrundgeschcihten zum Krieg schreiben, Szenarios, Artworks usw. ???
... für alle Spieler in Berlin. Ich fands bis jetzt ziemlich schwer, ne Seite zu finden, auf der sich viele Spieler aus dem Raum Berlin befinden und sich dort zu Spielen verabreden. Deshalb habe ich mir ein eigenes Forum erstellt, wer Lust und ZEit hat, einfach anmelden
Zitat von Warseer:
I have recieved a number of requests to post the rumours from The Watchman from members without the bandwidth or otherwise having problems with the download. So, with the kind permission of The watchmans Editor, here it is, as it was submitted, shocking spelling and Grammar and everything Hope this helps.(I have no idea if this differs from the article as it appeared in The Watchman as I have been unable to download it succesfully myself!)
Fantasy Buildings and Terrain (June 2007 Onwards?)
More releases (for Orcs, Dwarfs, Empire). (May, June, July 2007 in that order.)
Mighty Empires (July 2007)
High Elves (Was Summer 2007 Seems to be getting later and later!)
Summer Campaign (Summer 2007 obviously!)
Vampire Counts (Was Autumn 2007 Seems it may also be later).After this everything is (even more!) subject to change but, I am confident Dark Elves will be the next army book to be updated. (In 2008 originally I understood it was to be early in 2008 but it is also getting pushed later.)
Having said that, the Chaos project may be ‘gathering momentum’ and ‘coming up on the outside’ with a ‘late challenge’ and it really would not surprise me if we saw something for chaos first.
There have been a number or rumours recently about Chaos. These are based on a number of sightings of figures leading people to the conclusion that Chaos is the next army after HE and VC. However I believe that the signals are being misinterpreted. I don’t think the book will be along for a little while. I think It is a big (and important) project that the Games Workshop developers want to get right. However, I don’t think Chaos fans will have to wait for the book until they get a little something new for their armies. (Cough, Knights, Cough, battalion box set, Cough, Cough.)Predicting a release order for anything further ahead than this is so likely to change its not even worth it! But for what it is worth I have heard about work being done for, Skaven as well as Chaos and Dark Elves and for some other ‘more neglected’ armies. I’ll tell you more about this next time.
First to come are some new modular Gameboards. These will link together like a Jigsaw to make you as big a wargames table as you require!
Then there will be two new kits for woods. One makes a little wood and one makes a big wood! These are made with plastic trees.
Then come the buildings I have heard about four different ones so far there may be more (but I am not going to spoil all the surprises.) Available individually.
Some of these can be combined with a wall kit to make one big ‘fortified manor house type thing’ which will be available to buy as a kit.
Then there will be a really big terrain set, (like the complete Cities of Death kit).WHAAAAAAGHT ELSE IS STILL TO COME FOR ORCS AND GOBLINS?
Well there are these.....
I think these may have been done entirely on computer. No green stuff involved. (The world we live in. I remember when toy soldiers ……)
Obviously there is Gorbad., but also some new Boar Boys to go with him. (And possibly a new Boar chariot or at least the old one updated with the new boars)
New common Trolls. (As seen at Gamesday UK this year).
The Giant cave squig is done and the Gigantic spider. (but don’t get too excited about this one, its just the same as the spider riders spider, only bigger!)
I have heard conflicting rumours about problems with Azhag, (over scale), but it seems he is still set for release this summer. Azhags Wyvern is said to be very nice, poised for attack with on wing tip stuck in the ground for balance. Azhag is said to be Huge!
However, this would seem to be a different Wyvern to the ’masters series’ one with its tail wrapped around the rock described months ago by Hastings. I am not sure this one will make it into production. What I heard, right or wrong, is that it was too big for the plastic moulds and too heavy to be made in metal and as a result will be passed to Forgeworld to do in resin. (just as the Eldar Avatar was recently). But it is possible that some of the rumours about dragons and wyverns have got mixed up and this story is about a different dragon model entirely!MEGA NEWS
In 40K you can buy an all plastic Mega Forces for some/most armies. (sorry don’t know much about 40K) This is comimg to Warhammer Fantasy Battles. From this summer you will be able to buy, all plastic Mega Warhammer armies. No Rulebook, no metal miniatures, no special Limited Edition miniatures. Just a huge box full of all the plastic for an army.
The first Mega Warhammer box will be for Orcs and be followed by Mega Warhammer deals for Empire and Dwarfs.WHAT ELSE IS STILL TO BE SET IN STONE FOR DWARVES?
There is a much rumoured Plastic Dwarf Lord (and Battle Standard Bearer ?) set. The Lord obviously come with the option of shield and bearers and if there isn’t an oath stone on the sprue somewhere I’ll eat my horned helmet!
I have heard about new plastic Miners. This will be a full multi part kit not more of the Battle for Skull Pass chaps.
And I have even heard ‘grumbles’ about a plastic Flame cannon.
I know, I know, I’ll be having you believe next there will be plastic Dwarf slayers! (Well, I would if I could get this rumour confirmed from a second source!)WHAT ELSE IS STILL TO COME…’FOR SIGMAR!’
There will be Karl Franz on a selection of different mounts (Deathclaw, Dragon and Pegasus). The Dragon is a Large plastic kit! Like the Giant it will come with lots of extras for customisation. (NOTE: Modelling options not parts to make it into a dragon for other races! E.g. Chaos or undead!)
There will NOT be a new Balthasar Gelt., Luther Huss Or even Volkmar,
However, I predict a new plastic Arch Lector/War Alter kit. (but this will not be for a little while.)
As has already been rumoured by Hastings there should be a new Plastic sprue for the Knightly Orders and contrary to everything I had heard before there now seem to be rumours of new plastic barded horses!
Januarys White Dwarf (WD325) seems to suggest some pieces from a new knightly orders/Knights of the empire sprue have been used in conversions (as part of a project in the back pages and also as part of the Modelling Generals article). Whilst these may be incorrect it suggests that at least one person at WD thinks the set exists! Also there are some incredible concept sketches from the talented hand of David Gallhager included in the fantastic ‘The Empire at war’ background book. (Which I recommend to all fans of the Empire or indeed any warhammer fans.) However I can get NO conformation that new Knights or knights horses are on their way so this remains to be seen.
However, I have heard rumours about both the two remaining infantry units not yet available in plastic being done. Flaggellants and Greatswords!
We will get both the Helstorm Rocket Launcher and a new plastic Helblaster Volley Gun. (Although, I had heard, the planned combined Helstorm/Helblaster plastic kit got scrapped because too many compromises to the designs of the machines were required to make them from the same kit.
There is also a rumour about a plastic steam tank that will not go away. However, I have heard about other ‘bigger things’ to come for Warhammer and I think the steam tank may be part of this, in the future. So watch this space.
When all this is done ‘the goal’ of the first complete plastic army for warhammer would be achieved except for a few characters…If they included another warrior priest on foot in my ‘predicted’ Arch Lector/War Alter kit that would only leave Engineers and Battle Wizards in metal. So the following ‘unconfirmed’ rumour, seen in this context, sounds possible.
From the ‘engineers school’, I have an unconfirmed rumour about an engineer model/kit/blister? Plastic/metal??? that comes with two separate engineers and all the different weapon options. If metal it may even utilize the same engineers arm sprue that was part of the Engineer on mechanical steed kit.
I have saved the best for last. I have heard from a number of sources about new set of Four different plastic Battle wizards!HI ELVES
Let me say up front. I have decided not to discuss the contents of the High Elf army book. If for no other reason than its not finished yet! It still only exists as a partially completed document and will not even exist as a ‘draft’ PDF document for at least a month. I just don’t think it is fair to start to pull something to pieces before its even been put together. (And I have decided, even though he never phones and he never writes, that I like Adam Troke)
Anyway it will give me something to write about next issue! (Only joking, Adam. Well the odd little ‘snippet’ never did any harm.)There will be Plastic kits for characters mounted and foot. (One for Princes and Commanders and another for Mages).
In addition there will be a plastic Dragon kit. (75Hastings69 posted this on warseer months ago) This is the one flying horizontally like the old Dragon Masters dragon (for those who remember that far back). It will come with various rider options to represent different character options who can ride it.
I have heard about a High Elf riding an eagle but I have no idea whether this is a character model or suggests a change to the current entry for Eagles in the list!
Martin Footit is the name I have heard in connection with new plastic troops and Steve Saleh has made a couple of characters. Steve Saleh did lots of stuff for the Wood Elves and Martin Footit is the guy who did those fantastic High Elf Heroes and Mages a little while back (for the Lustria campaign) so if those minis are anything to go by, I am pretty excited the new stuff.
I have heard about plastic box sets for spearmen. Not with other options as with recent Empire and Dwarf core troops. However, I have heard that you will be able to customise these to represent different provinces. (using add on bits for the helms and spears , etc.)
New High Elf cavalry plastics. The horses would seem to be the wood elf horses with possibly optional barding. I have heard nothing about the riders.
I have heard about from a couple of sources about new character models for Lothern Sea guard including a Sea guard Captain/Commander with a Sea hawk on his wrist and a standard bearer with a carved wooden leg. The art work for the seaguard is a lot more ‘gritty’ than the old look. (More ‘sea dog’ than Sea Elf!) I don’t know if these are part of a bigger ‘redo’ of the Sea Guard models or not.There has been just one or two hints, rumours, confirmations (and a few disagreements!) about a ‘Lion chariot’ on Warseer.
So here are some facts:
There will be a new plastic High Elf Chariot kit. (Yes, Plastic!)
This has been sculpted by Dave Thomas. (Dave Thomas is the man responsible for Marneus Calgar, the Command Squad for Space Marines and Vostorians in 40K, various Lord of the Rings minis and, more recently, and the remarkable new Kurt Helborg.)
Much as the Kurt Helborg was an update of the older mini rather than a ‘new’
mini, the same could be said of this chariot. It has some similarity in design to the current chariot, its a development. (Clearly from the same race, etc.) so they should sit OK next to each other nicely on the table. It is a true multi-part kit with lots of bits and bobs to customise your chariot and it comes with the option of Lion ‘steeds’.I had suggested on Warseer that this ‘Lion Chariot’ would cause fear this was based on the fact that I felt a lion would scare the crap out of me. (Especially if one could bring down a cold one by the throat, but that’s another story.)
However, it is now my understanding that it will NOT cause fear and so as far as I am aware there will be no new fear causing unit/model in the High Elf list.
I make a point of this only to clear up my own earlier, incorrect, assumption. (This could still change. It may be yet be decided that lions should cause fear (and its not just me being a girl.) Then again, maybe, if you live in a world of Dragons and Trolls, Lions would not be such a fearsome creature!)SUMMER CAMPAIGN (MY NEMESIS)
I have heard so many conflicting things, and put forward so many different ideas on Warseer and changed my mind on this so many times…..
…..but out of all of this here is everything I know for sure about this summers campaign.
1) There will be a campaign
2) It will be in the summer.Joking aside January’s White Dwarf will make it clear that this summers campaign will be for Warhammer Fantasy Battle and will be called ‘The Nemisis War’ or the ‘The Nemesis Crown campaign’. (These are used interchangeably).
It will revolve around the hunt to recover the mysterious Nemesis crown. ‘an ancient Dwarf magical artifact of terrifying power’ that has ‘lain hidden from the eyes of mortals for millennia’. It seems this crown was made by Alaric the Mad, the Dwarf who made the Runefangs for the Empire and then disappeared. Apparently it has ‘resurfaced’ (the Crown not the Dwarf!) somewhere in the old world millennia later.
I have heard each army will get a new special character and these will be the main protagonists in the quest to snatch the crown for their race. Other than the releases already mentioned I am not sure if there will be any additional releases for other races.
More about the Nemesis War next time!I FEEL LIKE DEATH
I have heard about some very exciting developments for the undead.
John Blanche took on the Concept artwork for the Vampire Counts as a ‘personel project’ to help provide a more unified feel. (Oh my goodness, I am as nervous about what the ‘feel’ will be as I am excited by this news!) I am imagining a pretty different (more ‘Games Workshop’ look). I think it puts rumours of a more ‘constructed’ look for zombies into perspective.
As a result the entire figures range will be re-vamped (teehee, gets me every time) with new minis for almost everything.
Brian Nelson has made new skeleton ‘dollies’ and Aly Morrison and Mike Anderson are producing various skeleton derived troops based on these. I have heard about three or four different unit options. (I assume, not only will this give us skeletons and armoured skeletons but some new Grave guard as well. (Possibly with different weapons options. Cough, Halberds Cough). (Brian and Aly need no introduction. Mike is a winner of Golden Demons and having been sculpting for fanatic he has, recently, done the impressive new Skarsnik model and been involved in all the new Empire plastics (with Brian, Aly and Steve Saleh) and is the man who did those fantastic new Warrior Priests. After their, hugely successful, collaboration on the Empire plastic troops I am very excited to see what they do working together on Skellies. I think if the Empire troops are anything to go by we can look forward to some much more dynamic, detailed and characterful skeletons than the current set.
Seb Perbett I think is doing new Ghouls. (He is known for winning Golden Demon Statues and Various 40K stuff Vostorians? Tau? I think? Sorry Seb. Don’t do 40K)
Trish Morrison (On monsters. No surprises there) is doing new plastic ‘night creatures set’ I have heard specifically about Dire wolves but I assume new bats. Normal, vampire bat swarms and giant fell bats but have no details. I don’t even know that these troop choices will make it into the new book.)
In terms of characters, Gav Thorpe has been quoted as saying that he thinks the bloodlines are too restrictive and that players should be able to have a more individual vampires, not limited by the bloodlines. If the book allows for more individual vampires to be created I do not anticipate a character plastic kit, as we have seen for other races, for vampires but rather a large selection of vampire models much like we have seen recently with the goblin characters so that players can find one that most closely resembles their image of a vampire.
Having said this I would not rule out a plastic kit for the Necromancers who will have a more significant role to play in the new undead army.
Also I have heard that Wraiths return as a unit to the list and there will also be some ‘unexpected additions’ and the return of some old, old favourites.ja,das hört sich doch alles wirklich gut an...
Gibt es denn hier niemanden ???
Naja, eigentlich so weit ne gute Liste, ich finde es halt nur riskant die Drachenprinzen nur mit 5 Modellen zu spielen, dafür sind die zu teuer. Kannst die leicht in einem Zug verlieren, bei 2 Verlusten wirds noch schlimmer...
Aber andernseits kannst Du die Punkte niergentwo rausnehmen
Das stimmt nicht ganz. Es gibt ganz vereinzelte Zauberer die Ihrer Magie nachgehen dürfen.
Z.B. Urial, aus den Darkblade-Büchern...besser gesagt, sie werden geduldet
Jo, super Ideen Leute, danke. Werd mich noch mal ran setzen
Thalon: Also bitte...ich verwende einen Magier, keine Zauberin
Wie dämlich
Da krizzel ich zwei Armeelisten auf einen Zettel und vertausche was...ja, klar, der Adlige sollte auch auf dem Pegasus sein, der auf der Echse war für die andere Liste.
Die Speerträger las ich mal weg...was soll ich sonst dafür rein ? Sind gut 150 übrig
Original von Phantomlord
Ich hoffe auch, dass die neuen Chaoskriegerzusätze mit den alten Chaoskriegern kompatibel sindÄh, jaaaa ???
Warum sollte man sie sonst rausbringen ??? -
So, neue Liste:
Kommandant, Helden:
Hochgeborener (125), Draich der Dunklen Macht (50), Schwere Rüstung (6), Seedrachenumhang (9), Schild (3), Nachtherz (45), Schwarzer Drache (320) -> 558
Zauberer (90), 2 Bannrollen (50) -> 140
Adliger (70), Pegasus (55), Schwere Rüstung (4), Seedrachenumhang (6), Siegel von Ghrond (25), Schwert der Macht (20), Schild (2) -> 182
Seltene Auswahlen:Repetier-Speerschleuder (100) -> 100
Repetier-Speerschleuder (100) -> 100
Repetier-Speerschleuder (100) -> 100
Repetier-Speerschleuder (100) -> 100---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------Elite Auswahlen:
Echsenstreitwagen (95), Speere (2) -> 97
Echsenstreitwagen (95), Speere (2) -> 975 Schatten (70) -> 70
5 Harpien (65) -> 65
-------------------------Kern Auswahlen:
10 Krieger (70), Schilde (10), Armbrüste (40) -> 120
5 Schwarze Reiter (90), Armbrüste (30) -> 120
5 Schwarze Reiter (90), Armbrüste (30) -> 120
5 Schwarze Reiter (90), Armbrüste (30) -> 120
-------------------------So, alles zusammen sind das 2089 Punkte.
--So, nach langer Zeit der Überlegung nun endlich nen neuer Entwurf. Der Drache muss eigentlich mit rein, ich liebe Drachen. Die Magiebeschränkung bleibt bestehen, ich mag Magie halt nicht.
Ziel ist es halt den Gegner mit Speerschleudern und Armbrüsten auszudünnen, der Hochgeborene sollte eigentlich den Großteil gegnerischer Einheiten knacken können (außer es sind mal grade nen paar Fluchrichter mit Vampirlord :kaffee:)
sind noch nen paar Punkte offen
spielt hier jemand omega-day ? Wer nicht weiß was es ist:
Suche noch Mitspieler für meine Allianz, ich bin absolut auf Einschüchterung, Erpressung und Zerstörung ausgelegt.
Also, wenn jemand Lust hat, einfach als Se'Ze Lux anmelden in Runde 4 und bei mir hier meldenGruß
Das bezweifel ich doch ganz stark. Kauf Dir das Armeebuch oder den Armybuilder
Noch ne kurze Frage: Der Draich der Dunkeln Macht büßt ja nichts von seiner Kraft ein, wenn er von einem berittenen MOdell geführt wird, oder ? Also, wie normale Zweihänder meine ich
Vielen, vielen Dank für die ganzen Tipps. Morgen werde ich eine überarbeitetet Liste reinstellen
Hmm, sonst ist die soweit gut, aber wenn du die Speerschleudern schon als Elite einsetzten kannst, warum nutzt du das dann nicht aus ? Also, alle 4 Eliteauswahlen zu Speerschleudern ???
Die Frage ist, ob die Liste überhaupt noch gespielt werden kann. Die Updates usw. wurden noch nicht in der Liste berücksichtigt