Aus demanderen Thread:
Zitat von »BramGaunt@Warseer«
I'm currently playing around with formulas, but they are not field tested. Feel free to give me feedback.
To determine a models point value:
5 pts base cost for each model.
5 pts per wound if wounds are 3 or less
10 pts per wound if wounds are 4+
ok lass ich mir einreden
(reasoning behind this is that heroes and monsters are a lot stronger, and I assume that wounds for units will range inbetween 1 and 3.)
1 pt for each inch of movement, 2 pts if wounds are bigger than 4.
würde sagen +1point für jeden punkt über Movement 4
1 pt for each point of bravery above 5
- 1 pt for each point of bravery below 5
If wounds are 3 or less, 1 pt per save.
If they are more then 3, 3 pts per save.
Attacks; melee: Each attack is 2 pts base for models with 3 or less wounds, and 5 pts base for models with more than 3 wounds.
Then, for each attack, add:
1 pt for each inch of range > 1;
1 pt for each to hit better then 4+/-1 for each to hit worse than 4+.
1 pt for each to wound better than 4+, -1 pt for each to wound roll of worse than 4+.
2 pts for each level of rend.
1 point for each point of damage; +2 for each D3 the attack may have, +4 for each D6 it may have.
+5 points if the attack has the Mortal Blow characteristic.
Alles logisch und nachvollziehbar
Ranged attacks use the same formula, but add 1 pt for each 6 inch range they have, and are 4/8 points base.
Abilities: (This, of course, is completly unfair, because it assumes that all abilities are beneficial and equal in strentgh, but unless we know more of them, this is the best I can do.)
1 pt per wound per ability
if wounds are more than 3, 2 pts per wound per ability.
Würde ich streichen...
20 points for each spell a model has.
Damot jetzt nicht jeder untoter über 30 punkte kostet würd ich sage ndas dieß nur bei helden zutrifft.. bei normalen units + 4points
12 points for each prayer a model can 'cast' per round.
15 points if the model has a command ability
10 points if the model can fly and has 3 or fewer wounds; 20 points if it can fly and has more than 3 wounds.
Army composition
Units can have 24/25 wounds maximum; For each point of bravery above 5, substract 4 wounds; for each point bravery below 5, add 4 wounds. Maximum 30 außer man hat Bravery unter 5 dann maximum 40 klingt besser
You may not have a warscroll with the same keywords twice, unless the first warscroll is at least half of it's maximum wounds strong.
You may not have more warscrolls with the hero keyword than you have units without it, unless you field only a singe warscroll.