Neue Gerüchte zu den nächsten Neuerscheinungen

  • Was?! VW bringt auch ne neue Edition? :D ... aus Warseer erfährt man ein paar Kleinigkeiten, weiter unten Bilder aus nem GW:


    Originally postet by Spaceboy:
    Sigh...when are we going to start hearing more solid rumours?
    If this was 40k the fanboys would have rules and model leaks by now xD
    Thanks to Harry and everything, but what we know is hardly worth knowing so far. In fact GW inadvertently has given more info with the 'Age of Sigmar' flyer/WD ad than we've had for months

    Yes ... I do apologise ... genuinely. Everything I heard I heard many months ago when I first started posting about this ... must be a couple of years ago now. Im afraid what I heard (and is soon about to happen) made me loose all interest. (I have loved the Warhammer world and the armies in it my entire adult life .... I have HUGE armies all of them) It is no biggie for me because I will continue to play with various older editions but I am just not interested in where they are going ....
    As i result I have not gone looking for a single rumour for a long time now. Even when folks tried to tell me stuff I was very much ... 'You don't know that half of it .... not interested'.


    Originally postet by nathan2004:
    I can confirm this I spoke with my Store manager yesterday at my local GW here in Texas and he pretty much said the exact same thing, everything is coming off the shelves besides the models. AoS is going to be a completely different game, it's not 9th edition fantasy. He told me Hobbit is being replaced by AoS not by HH. He also told me there will be three versions of the game: the sundering (set in End times basically unbound), skirmish mode, and playing in the old world (warhammer as we currently know it). He acknowledged the biggest barrier to the WHF is obviously the cost and time needed to start an army. Which is why they're going in this direction which I don't completely understand but hey it's GW...I trust this info. Also he stated (and this part is more speculation) but they may actually put back on the shelves the 8th edition ABs after AoS gets released.

    Well there is a thought that had not occurred. Clear the shelves whilst they sell the new stuff then bring them back out again? I guess it is possible.


    Originally postet by Gorsameth:
    Store managers have never been told anything and we have no reason to believe anything has changed in that.

    Not stricktly true. Everyone has mates. They will not have been told anything officially but any individual might know someone who knows something. They are actually more likely to tell a store manager .... because they assume it will go no further. The conversation would start with ... "You can't tell anyone else BUT ....." which is exactly how the next conversation starts when he picks up the phone to his mate.


    Originally postet by nathan2004:
    I have absolutely no reason to yank anyone around regarding the future of WHFB, I have a lot invested in it just like many of you. The only Hobbit box he had in the store yesterday was the starter. That was it. They are pulling the Hobbit and according to him replacing it with AoS. The space left by the pulled AB's will be filled by stock signs indicating AoS is coming. Models aren't going anywhere as stated before. My question to him was how can you expect people to still be able to play warhammer in it's current form if you pull all the books because like many of you, I was shocked. He didn't really have a definitive answer on this whether or not he would have to send everything back to Corporate or what was happening. Today is the last day you can get ABs, ET books, etc. Walk into an official GW store tomorrow and you will only find Fantasy models, no rules to support. And there will be something in WD every week leading up to July 4th to create hype for AoS.

    You sound 100% genuine to me mate, So thanks for the rumours.
    I have also heard that this will replace the Hobbit.
    This is what made my ears prick up at the notion above that the army books were just being removed for a limited time. maybe 8th edition will one day sit along side The age of sigmar stuff as 40K sits along side 30K


    Originally postet by Emperor Karl Franz:
    I've been saying this for a while, but my belief is that as soon as GW rolls out their new armies, they're going to stop selling all the old ones. There's no way they're going to keep selling 15 old armies while they're trying to push 6 or however many new armies they've got in store. I suspect that as soon as those new armies appear on the webstore, the old ones will disappear simultaneously and no longer be available for sale, unless a specific model or unit continues to exist in its current form in the new upcoming factions.

    I have to say ... this is what I really think. I keep hoping for the best ... but it normally ends with disappointment and a lot of head shaking and sighing.

    Seems to me that thsi will go exactly like the bits ordering one point you could order any bit you wanted. but it was simply not profitable to keep all that in stock, especially when they only sold some bits once every couple of years! or to bring out a mould
    and spin it just for the single part or pay folks to manage it all. So they scrapped the lot. They then re-introduced the most recent bits that they still felt they might shift a few of and the best selling few % of all bits.
    If you view the plastic kits in the same way. they make the vast majoity of their sales in the first couple of months after release. Shiney new toy syndrome being what it is. Soooo ... they might keep the recent releases for anyone who didn't snag it right away ... they might keep the best sellers ... the top few % (Not sure what those would be but I suspect the core troops that can be built in multiple ways and some of the coolest big kits) but the rest would be disappearing because it would simply not be worth doing a run at great cost just to sell one box of Tomb King cavalry to have the rest gather dust .... although that would be entirely fitting for the Tomb kings.

    I would expect the lucky few % to then appear repackaged with all the rules you need to play them and their shiney new round or oval bases right there in the box.

    Und dann gab es noch folgende Bilder aus nem GW in Frankfreich:…?showtopic=231340&page=22

    (Einfach im ersten Beitrag auf "Spoiler" klicken)

    Unterm Strich jedoch weiterhin nix handfestes :(

    Chrace ~ Ostmark ~ Gor ~ Slaaneshkult
    Pfeile und Bolzen flogen über ihre Köpfe hinweg, und sie spürten ihre Herzen höher schlagen.
    Die Asur zogen in den Krieg - welcher Gegner vermochte schon etwas gegen sie auszurichten!

  • Ich finde es immer noch all zu geil, dass sie es nicht mal schaffen die allererste Werbung für das neue Spiel auf der ersten Seite ihrer Homepage richtig ins Deutsche zu übersetzen.
    Irgendwie ein schlechtes Omen, oder?

    Und wenn man schon den Text übersetzt (bzw. versucht), dann hätten sie das Datum aber auch noch übersetzen können.
    Aber vermutlich stünde dann da ... 2015ter Juni im Jahre 4, oder so. :mauer:


    Selbstbemalte Armeen:
    WHFB/TOW - 30.000 Punkte Khemri & 45.000 Punkte Vampire (BILD 2015 - da kam seither noch einiges hinzu)
    WHFB/TOW - 20.000 Punkte Monster
    WHFB - 3.000 Punkte Arabia

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Kahless ()

  • Weiteres von Darnok:


    Originally Posted by Bigman
    Interesting, so more a ravening hordes style.

    The fact that all factions will have a "get you by" list means that there will be significant enough changes to the game to warrant the need for those lists, otherwise we could just use our army books (as we did 7th to 8th edition).

    Is that the impression you have Darnok?

    From what I get, all armybooks until now will become obsolete with the new "Age of Sigmar" version of Warhammer.


    Originally Posted by zamerion 
    Do you know when those updated books will be released?
    should be with the starter set.

    I have no details on a schedule, but it should take months rather than years.


    Originally Posted by Spiney Norman
    *sigh* so 8th edition really is dead...

    That is the impression I got, yes.

  • Releaseliste für den nächsten Samstag.

    Die Bilder des Librarian hatte ich schon letzte Woche zusammen mit Bildern des neuen Dark Angel Chaplains gepostet. Letzterer kann ab Samstag noch nicht vorbestellt werden. Er wird dann in den nächsten Wochen zum Dark Angels Release verfügbar sein.

  • Wer ist den dieser Darnok , lest euch mal die Sätze durch , das hört sich doch total unrealistisch an ..
    einmal zu den Armeebüchern und wann die rauskommen sollen ..

    From what I get, all armybooks until now will become obsolete with the new "Age of Sigmar" version of Warhammer.

    I have no details on a schedule, but it should take months rather than years.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Für die Imperialen Ritter, Chaos und Forge World Freunde gibt's was schönes: Den Chaos Knight Paladin (Link )

    Man könnte zwar auch den normalen imperialen Ritter kaufen und ein paar Stacheln dran kleben, aber der hier sieht ja auch nicht schlecht aus. ;)

    Hier einmal der Link zur Age of Sigmar announciation.
    Wenn ich das lese kommen mir so einige Gedanken.
    Ich weiss nicht in wiefern das hier schon gesagt wurde. Egal.
    Zitat: und sie suchen unermüdlich nach neuen Wirklichkeiten, die sie erobern können.
    Klingt nach einer Komplett neuen Welt, vielleicht sogar mit neuen Völkern? Und klingt ein bisschen als wenn warhammer zurück auf Anfang gestellt wird.
    Zitat: Die Nachkommen der Alten gingen, bevor der Chaosmond ihre Heimatlande zerstörte,
    so viel ist gewiss. Doch wohin gingen sie?
    Na das Klingt hoffnungsbringend für die alten Völker
    zitat: Kann das Tote jemals wirklich sterben?
    Und das ist für mich die Gewissheit, dass die Untoten eine Echt große Rolle spielen werden.

    P.S.: Im Gegensatz zu meinem text sind in dem von gw keine Rechtschreibfehler

    2000 pkt. Seraphon

    1000 pkt. Soulblight Gravelords


    schreibe eine eigene Kampagne für das Warhammer Rollenspiel

  • Ein bisschen zusatzinfo von Hastings...

    Zitat von Hastings

    My current understanding is that in the short term only a few older kits will disappear totally, most kits will be simply repackaged, and a small amount will go DS only.

    Longer term there are a lot of new kits to come out, so I'd imagine some older kits will then be retired (empire knights I seem to recall being named specifically), and as I am told the new aesthetic is quite different I doubt there'd be much call for some of the older kits anyway. Latest I heard (and I don't hear a lot these days) was that the main push for the opening months will be...... drum roll..... yep Chaos & Humans, so you can probably expect that several of the older kits from these ranges will be the first ones to go, and stay gone. What I find interesting is the amount of terrain I'm hearing is looming.... seems unprecidented especially for WFB, although I also hear that the kits are very modular so many of the tings could be combinations of kits rather than standalone kits in their own right. When the new edition comes into full swing I expect many more kits/ranges will then become much harder to buy, as some ranges I am told will not even go DS only, they'll just



    Soweit ich es verstehe werden ein paar ältere Bausätze ganz verschwinden, die meisten werden neu verpackt, und ein paar werden nur noch über den webstore erhältlich sein.

    Auf lange sicht kommen viele neue Bausätze raus, die, so vermute ich, nach und nach aktuelle Bausätze ersetzen werden (Imperiale Ritter wurden, wenn ich mich recht entsinne, beim Namen genannt), und mir wurde gesagt dass sich das neue Design stark vom alten unterscheidet; demnach wird die Nachfrage nach den alten Bausätzen relativ gering sein. Das letzte was ich gehört habe, ist, dass der Fokus für die ersten Monate... Trommelwirbel... Chaos und Menschen sein werden - es ist also anzunehmen dass alte Bausätze aus deren Produktreihe als erstes verschwinden werden. Was ich interessant fand, war, dass wohl eine Menge Geländebausätze erscheinen werden. Weit mehr als für Warhammer üblich, wobei die Bausätze natürlich modular sein könnten, und viele Bausätze einfach nur unterschiedliche Kombinationen weniger Gussrahmen sind, anstelle von einzigartigen Bausätzen. Sobald das neue Spiel richtig am Laufen ist, werden viele Bausätze und Miniaturenreihen ersetzt werden, und dementsprechend viel härter zu beschaffen sein, und manche Miniaturenreihen werden nicht mal in den webstore wandern, sondern einfach verschwinden.

    Auf die Frage hin wieviele neue Bausätze es geben werde meinte er 30+, aber natürlich nicht auf einmal.

    Auf die Frage hin, ob das neue Staatstruppen fürs Imperium und neue Chaoskrieger bedeuten würde:


    Ich würde vermuten ja für Staatstruppen, ein miserabler Bausatz und nicht mal annähernd wie das neue Design für Menschen aussehen wird. Keine Ahnung bezüglich Chaoskriegern; sie könnten als einfache ungeteilte Krieger bleiben, aber götterspezifische Truppen werden wohl die Norm werden.

    You have ruled this Galaxy for ten thousand years.
    Yet have little of account, to show for your efforts.
    Order. Unity. Obediance.
    We taught the Galaxy these Things.

    And shall do so again.

  • Gerade in der Tabletopwelt gelesen:

    SinaLeipniz (deutscher User; neuer Account) auf Dakka:

    "No, no, no. No square bases, no rank and file, no two game systems.


    I had the chance to look thoroughly through the proper Age of Sigmar rulebook (the one that consists of three books) yesterday evening. Spent my time with the three books and ignored the novel in favour of the real interesting things. So I cannot fill in the blanks there. But maybe I have the opportunity to look at the rulebook and novel again and hopefully the age of sigmar box, too. But now I have a way clearer picture what’s coming and I’d like to share with you because I am very (!!!) excited, but I cannot provide any photos for obvious reasons. So if you don’t believe me, I don’t blame you. But please don’t attack me personally.

    - Title of the rulebook is: Age of Sigmar: a Warhammer strategy game
    - first the basics (most of which are already known):
    - full fledged rule system; no skirmish game - meaning not restricted to low miniature count: 50 models on average, way lower possible, in general you use units but you can field an army consisting of only single models
    - everything is on round or oval bases (there paragraph that explicitly allows legacy and diorama bases, though);
    - 2 books: the rules (rules and scenarios) and compendium (pictures, unit cards and fluff)
    - there are unit cards for every (as far as I can see) old unit in the second book, including warhammer forge models and most or all special characters. Some units get the full treatment with a small fluff text, pictures of the actual miniatures and rules, some units get only rules with nothing more.
    - all new rules with complete new mechanics: think not of 40k 2nd -> 3rd but Warhammer 8th -> Bloodbowl, very compact and fast paced, huge emphasis on individual champions, magic and gods (don’t know how powerful, but these have the most rule pages)
    - no photos (and no artworks except some very generic drawings) of new miniatures except a couple chaos and human miniatures that are very likely from the Age of Sigmar box.
    - all the races are in, but some are clearly favored. There are few pictures of beastmen and lizardmen for example and some units like steamtanks, gunpowder units (Skaven and new-dwarfs use them still), etc. can only be fielded as mercenaries from a different world or summoned units (in case of most special characters, there is even a picture of a Teclis painted in ghost colors)
    - the tech level is between and ancient roman empire and early medieval times, lots of nomadic barbarian tribes, etc. But judging by to the age of sigmar miniatures the armour design draws only a little bit from history and is has a very stylized high-fantasy design instead
    - there are lots of different people, races, gods and lots of different alliances. The world is a lot more open minded than the old one, Empire-Orc Alliance would be unthinkable, but a human-waaghkin force is nothing unusual in this setting

    Army building
    - you pick one or more gods that determine the theurgic or magic schools (don’t know what the difference is, sorry) you can use and how your champions get power-ups during the game. You can take several gods, but they have to be from the same pantheon - so no nurgle-sigmar armies, but Nagash-Morr is possible.Then you choose whichever unit you want - from every race. There is no limit as far as I can tell.
    - The only mechanic that I have spotted that limits the useful choices somehow is that most spells and special rules only affect units with certain traits, the powers of Grimgor (magic and gods are always connected, each lore has a patron god that grants the power) affects only mortals or enemy units in the proximity of mortals.
    - There are only rules for one pantheon in the rule book, all the other gods and pantheons are only mentioned in the fluff
    - Guardians of Regalia, a conglomerate native spirits and gods and lately some new gods, the incarnates Grimgor, Gelt and Nagash, there are thousand of gods and their relevance changes over time and in different regions, but there are seven big gods that have seven schools of magic associated with them and have rules in the book
    - Geshemet or Gesheket or something like this (male and female, fertility, natural disaster) is the head of the pantheon, the other six gods are dual pair of good and evil:
    two death gods: Nagahs and Morr
    two smith and labour gods: Hashut and Gelt
    two war gods: Grimgor and Myrmidia
    - five other pantheon get a page of fluff each, and additional minor pantheons/deities are mentioned in the fluff. The big five are Chaos, Sigmar, Cuth’adai (elven gods), Exoatl (old ones) and the triumvi-rats (Horned Rat + 2 more)
    - all characters can earn favor of their gods and get promoted just like the chaos champions until they reach apotheosis, this is also a huge mechanic in the game + you can field gods or at least their avatars, but only three incarnates have rules in the book

    - there is only one ruleset (don’t know what is in the AoS box, but in the book there is no distinction between skirmish mode and battle mode or something like this)
    - rules have nothing to do with the old warhammer rules,
    - profile is: Melee, Range, Might, Armour, Initiative, Resolve, Wounds, values from 1-6, lower is better
    - simple turn sequence: initiative -> player 1 unit 1 moves, shoots, casts -> p1 unit 2 moves, shoots, casts -> ... -> player 2 moves, shoots, casts -> melee
    - players roll always against each other, for example Melee vs Initiative and Range vs Initiative, Might vs Armour
    - units regenerate all lost wounds at the end of the phase
    - both sides in a melee fight simultaneously, winner can roll to fight instantaneously another round until one side is extinct or one side chooses to break from the combat
    - there is no moral system or combat resolution whatsoever, but unit can be bounced back
    - units use a 1” 40k formation without any facing
    - magic spells are all one-use only, when you use it, you have to discard the card
    - you can collect ascension points throughout the game and spend the point to buff your champions, mechanic depends on your god(s)
    - unit costs points as before, you are not allowed to field multiple units of the same kind unless the former unit have full strength - there are all kinds of unit sizes from 1-3 to 3-15 (that’s the highest I have seen), but you can field lots of different 1-man units
    - you don’t buy champions, a set number of models are automatically upgraded to champions, but you cannot exceed the limit
    - there are rules for different weapons, magic items, war engines, monsters, special rules, etc and a large section for scenarios and terrain, larger than the actual rules

    game is set on world Regalia that is connected with other young realms through portals of the old ones. Young realms are realms that were populated by the old creators and were guided on similar historical paths. They were untouched by chaos but this has changed since the arrival of sigmar (as a new faith) and archaon (as an actual emissary in flesh and blood)

    there is no explanation (or just a brief one so that I have missed it) how this all came to be, just a description of the history of Regalia (and to a lesser extent some neighbouring realms)

    On Regalia is dominated by hundreds of human kingdoms. Fast travel is possible through a number of stone circles that allows mages to open portal from one to another and a system of streams and seas under the earth that can be navigated by ship. There were a long period of peace curated by the Exoatl (Old Ones) that watched over the world from the North and Southpole. But then suddenly new faiths arrived, lots of human tribes started to pray to Sigmar and to conquer their neighbouring kingdoms. These lands are each independent, but are united in their faith to Sigmar. The history ends with the conquering of the Worlds Edge mountains and the crowning of the first emperor. At the same time, the first agents of Chaos arrived and began to corrupt the native people. A part of the Waaghkins rebelled against the old ones in favour of new gods, the Skaven arrived the first time, and in the south and east a death cult began to spread. The world is in turmoil. There are lots of unfinished story hooks so I think the story will be continued, but that might be wishful thinking.

    humans are the majority in this world and they have kingdom and tribes everywhere, most of the known earth-inspired regions like cathay are there, but they are not described as fully flegded feudal nations but constantly changing petty empires and nomadic people ruled by warlords and champions of the gods. there are two factions of humans, the worshippers of sigmar and the polytheistic rest, both are not monocultural, but have different skin colors and cultures. Women fight beside men!

    The dominion of sigmar is special, because they are the only ones that are reluctant to allow any other race than humans. They have only one god and their goal is to destroy all other gods and conquer their domains - for the greater good of the world of course. This has nothing in common with the Empire of the old world, except the heraldry, griffons are still en vogue. All tribes and city states and kingdoms are independent, the only common ground is their faith, the emperor is only a warlord with the purpose to expands the dominion towards the east. There a still knightly orders, zealots, witchhunters - so they retain some of their medieval flair but there are no state troops. There is no gunpowder, except from some dwarven imports, but they are known for using large warwaggons on their trek to the east. Kislec, Estalia, Araby, city states of Bretonnia, Norse and tribes of the Reiklands are part of the dominion. There are also some enclaves scattered across the world that are connected with magic portals

    The Skaven arrived on their own on Regalia and are basically the same. Haven’t spent much time on them. They have now three gods called the triumvi-rat …..

    Dawikorr (dwarfs) and Inneadim (elfs) have their own realms that are connected with Regalia. The Inneadim have outposts in America.

    Dawikorr are only a legend on Regalia and nobody has seen them, but there are legends that they aid whorshippers of Sigmar in peril. They deliver the dominions of Sigmar with artifacts. They live underneath the world Karak Korr and guard the Soul Mill. Dawikorr have rules, so they can be fielded.

    The Soul Mill is a huge machinery that allows minor deities to feed on the power of dead spirits or let them reincarnate or serve them as guardian hosts. It was built by the surviving dwarves of the old world on command of the Incarnates on a older machinery of the old ones. The dwarfs guard the soul mill and are aligned with Sigmar after the shattering of the Incarnates, but are under siege of the skaven that have found their way on this world and managed to steal two mighty souls that formed their new gods.

    Inneadim whorship the dreamers, gods that have dreamt themselves, basically the elven gods. They live on their own world and protect the dreamchild. Under Araloth they founded enclaves on Regalia in search for the archelves, lost gods of their pantheon. They are a darker take on the elves, nightmare are as much part of their culture then dreams. They use necromancy and the death god Ynnead is at the centre of their pantheon. But they still live in symbiosis with the nature. The artwork shows an elf on a feathered mount, not like a chocobo, but more like a feathered raptor. the artbook shows pictures (and rules) from all existing elf armies.

    Skaven and Dawikorr are the only races that use blackpowder, the rest of Regalia is on stuck on an ancient/medieval tech level. The Exoatl use magic techno gear. There is a certain level of anachronistic gear but it is not steampunk but powered by ancient magic. The only steampunk elements are in the Skaven and to a lesser extent the neo-dwarven fluff.

    Chaos has no foothold in the north but is anywhere and consists of corrupted tribes and companies from every region of the world. The barbarian theme of the nomadic tribes is more associated with khorne than with chaos as a whole. Beastmen and demons are likely part of their faction because they are described in the same chapter (both in the fluff and unit cards), but demons can be summoned by everyone, so I don’t know for sure. And beastmen have very few pictures, so that’s a bad omen.

    Waaghkins: orcs, goblins and are the servants of the old gods and live in a strict caste system, orcs are the manual laborers. There is a new race called nigmos: a tall and slender priest caste. Waaghkins travel the undersea, a system of flooded caverns that connects the whole world, on longboats and do the dirty work for the Exoatl. There is an artwork of the three different kinds of greenskins (no squigs and snotlings mentioned): an ork in very strange armour, very front heavy, textured like a symmetric turtle shell, he wields is an axe with multiple disc shape blades, goblin looked like a viking but has a futuristic looking handgun, the third was taller than a ork, female, slender - probably a nigmo. But in the photos of actual miniatures only show the old orc style. There is a subfaction of waaghkins that changed allegiance from the old gods to grimgor incarnate and are much more ferocious than their cousins.

    undeads, deamons and spirits, and guardian hosts are used by every faction of the game, necromancy but not summoning is common in the dominion of Sigmar. The Inneadim are famous for their use of animated constructs. These things are not a big taboo in Regalia. However the most fearsome necromancers are (obviously) employed by the Empire of Nehekhara (which is not a desolate wasteland and has no egyptian vibe but is a rich and green country and feels more babylonian to me) and their death gods. But there is no Undead faction per se anymore. Vampires are called Necrarchs now.

    Guardians hosts are troops that were granted by a god from another realm or the realm of the dead. They are living beings and have free will, but were brought to Regalia on the command of a deity.

    - Lizardmen are not gone. There is a race called Servants of the Exoatl that guard the pole portals on flying pyramids, but no drawings and no fluff page (other races and tribess get at least half a page). They get unit cards for their old units (which confirms that they are simply lizardmen with a new name), but instead of beautiful pages with pictures like the rest of the bunch they get a simple list in the appendix of the compendium book.

    Beastmen get the same lowkey treatment, but ogres get pictures and all, but I cannot say with which pantheon/faction they align. They are mortal, so you can use them in any the guardians of regalia army, but I don’t know if this is a stop gap solution or not.

    Age of Sigmar box content:
    Extrapolated from the pictures, they are the only new models. If you think you get 3-5 UNITS for each side, you are wrong. you get 10-15 (haven’t counted) CHARACTERS per side. Each model is really individual and it is in no way possible to field the majority of them as a visual coherent unit. It is late and this summary is long as it is, so I make this brief, but I will come back later and add some info on the miniatures. Chaos looks very similar to the old style except the berserkers, the Sigmarite Force is completely different.

    Missionary Force:
    3 Knights of the Order of Sigmars Blood, Roman looking armour but more bulky, leather Bands, swords and teardrop-shaped shields, champion is a woman
    a pair of vigilantes: Male and female, leathercloaked, tricorn, 2 hand-crossbows
    a hand full of heavy armoured warrior with different weapons and cloaks, almost knightly in appearance but completely over the top bulky, some have eagleshaped helmets
    One hooded, chainmail wearing, hammer wielding girl
    a bulldog
    standard bearer: naked, chains that are hooked into the flesh, very archaic looking
    one arabic looking guy with a two-handed scimitar and full armour
    one guy in rags that wields a chain that burns at both ends, very impractical looking

    Chaos Cult:
    two outriders, basically chaos barbarians as we know them, but female
    ~5 berserkers: african looking, no armour, barefeet, clad in cloth stripes, two axes, bald and gaunt looking, not overly muscular, bone chain, both male and female
    three pristesses: flowing robes, sacrifical ziggzagged daggers, skullmasks
    two armoured harpies with spears and shields, crooked looking, feathered wings
    at least five chaos warriors similar in appearance to the old chaos warriors, very dynamic fur cloaks and poses, one of them bigger on a larger base, all male as far as I could see
    one large bloodletter, almost twice the size of a human
    the leader has armour that looks like a chaos dwarfish, very babylonic, rides a demonwolf, a juggernaut, but with flesh and fur and spikes
    some more viking-like infantry but with more chainmail
    That’s only a broad description. Every model is highly individual.

    Sorry for the chaotic nature of the info, I spent the evening writing this in a very fast manner. This is only the tip of the iceberg and I will come back with a little bit more soon - hopefully in a more ordered fashion. If you have a questions or need specifics and a topic, feel free to ask, maybe I remember something of use."