Guten Waagh, Kollegen!
Es gibt ein paar Infos zum Alpha 5 Buch, von denen ich eine überraschend finde. Ich kopier hier das TLDR rein, über den darunter hängenden Link könnt ihr euch den vollen Beitrag durchlesen:
- Alpha 5 is agreed on and approved by stakeholders. Pricing Team and Layout are now working on final details
- Alpha 5 is aimed to be released at the end of November
- Sneak peeks will be shared soon
- This will be the last update (aside from major problems and point changes) in 2.0
- OnG LAB will be continued with the 3.0 rules once 3.0 is ready for it
- The OnG LAB Task Team will be different in 3.0. This does not mean each member is swapped out but the setup of the team will change…ostID=1992756#post1992756