Hier die Liste von dem Spiel gestern:
Empire of Sonnstahl (2499pts)
Lords (395pts)
Marshal (109pts)
Great Weapon, Seasoned General, Talisman of Shielding
Prelate (286pts)
Great Weapon, Lucky Shield
Altar of Battle
Army General
Heroes (454pts)
Captain (129pts)
Battle Standard Bearer, Blessed Armour of Frederick the Great, Great Weapon, Heavy Armour, Lucky Charm
Lucky Charm
Inquisitor (120pts)
Crossbow, Hardened Shield, Locket of Sunna, Plate Armour, Razor Blade
Immune to Psychology, Lethal Strike, Magic Resistance (2), Multiple Wounds (D3)
Wizard (125pts)
Dispel Scroll
Level 2 Wizard Apprentice
Path of Light
Wizard (80pts)
Tome of Arcane Lore
Level 1 Wizard Apprentice
Path of Light
Core (627pts)
Heavy Infantry (290pts)
Champion, 40x Heavy Infantry, Musician, Seasoned Soldiers, Standard Bearer, Swap Shield for Halberd
Light Infantry (197pts)
Musician, Seasoned Soldiers
Long Rifle
18x Light Infantry
18x Handgun
State Militia (70pts)
10x State Militia
10x Pistol
State Militia (70pts)
10x State Militia
10x Pistol
Special (694pts)
Artillery (100pts)
Artillery (100pts)
Artillery (110pts)
Imperial Guard (269pts)
Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
24x Imperial Guard
24x Great Weapon
Reiters (115pts)
Repeater Pistol
5x Reiter
5x Brace of Pistols, 5x Heavy Armour
Rare (329pts)
Arcane Engine (140pts)
Knights of the Sun Griffon (189pts)
3x Knights of the Sun Griffon
3x Lance & Shield
Standard Bearer
Gleaming Icon
Werde aber noch etwas weiter dran rumprobieren. Gerade der überall angepriesene Lichtspam hat mich nicht so überzeugt. Fand wie gesagt einen Stufe 3 Himmelsmagier für meinen Spielstil besser.