Neue Gerüchte zu den nächsten Neuerscheinungen

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    :xD: @ Frostphere: Ich glaube, so denken viele. ;)

    Aber wie es ausschaut haben wir dieses "Pflicht-Release" in drei Wochen hinter uns gelassen und können dann auf neue Sachen hoffen.

    Denke aber, dass soetwas mit den "Zusatzgussrahmen" häufiger passieren wird. ( Shurion: Also uns eventuell noch weitere Tiefpunkte bevorstehen werden... :dos: ) Wenn die Releases so schnell vorran gehen und jede Woche was neues erscheinen muss, dann ist ein Gussrahmen einfach dazwischen zu schieben... Eventuell noch ein Buch dazu und schon hat man zwei Wochen rumgebracht... wie wir bei den Imperialen Ritter auch schon gut sehen konnten...

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Die neusten Gerüchte für: "Age of Sigmar"

    ... ok, es ist von Faeit, aber so unlogisch klingt es nicht, daher poste ich es mal:

    Link: Faeit

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Denke ich auch. Dazu passen würde der Zeitplan, den Darnok mal zusammengetragen/genannt hatte:


    Darnok is fairly accurate over time and he is laying out a schedule that looks like this:

    • May 23 - Cult Mechanicus (final week-3, Eldar Army box in here somewhere)
    • May 30 - Space Marines (week-1)
    • June 6 - Space Marines (week-2)
    • June 13 - Space Marines (week-3)
    • June 20 - Dark Angels (week-1)
    • June 27 - WFB 9th Releases begin

    Bei Dark Angels steht auch "week-1" also kann da nach dem Warhammer Fantasy Release noch mehr kommen.

    Passend zu dem neuen Codex kommen auch neue Boxen:

    Quelle: Link

    Dark Angels sind hier nicht mit dabei, was auch wieder dafür sprechen könnte, dass die ihr eigenes Release bekommen.

  • That is not dead which can eternal lie

    and with strange aeons even death may die...

    Fiel mir bei den Zeilen direkt ein. Vielleicht kriegen wir ja ein Cthulhu-Modell? :D

    Es gibt noch viel mehr Lovecraft inspiriertes in warhammer/40k, aber ja. Die zeile geht aber an Nagash und seine untoten. Schade, sonst sind sie immer so gut kryptisch, aber das ganze lässt sich doch sehr gut 'übersetzen'.

    Hier ist noch ein Stück Gerüchte von 'Sad Panda' aus dem Dakka Dakka Forum, der eine exzellente Genauigkeit hat, was Gerüchte angeht.

    Zitat von SadPanda

    There is no separate board game or mordheim-sized skirmish game.

    Age of Sigmar replaces/follows WFB as the other big game next to 40K, though the rules are very different from WFB.

    If you even mildly dislike the recent narrative direction of 40K, brace yourself.

    Übersetzt: Es gibt kein separates Brettspiel, oder ein Mordheim-grosses Skirmisher Spiel. Age of Sigmar ersetzt/folgt auf Warhammer (8te Edition), als zweites großes Spiel neben 40k. Die Regeln sind deutlich anders als Warhammer Regeln.

    Wenn du die aktuelle erzählerische Spielart von 40k nicht magst, dann mach dich auf was gefasst.

    You have ruled this Galaxy for ten thousand years.
    Yet have little of account, to show for your efforts.
    Order. Unity. Obediance.
    We taught the Galaxy these Things.

    And shall do so again.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Shurion ()

  • Gerade von Harry auf Warseer gepostet. Er erwähnt auch den 6. Juni als Stichtag. Scheinbar kommt am Samstag doch ein wenig Warhammer Fantasy auf uns zu.

    Und hier noch etwas:…get-ready-for-age-of.html

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von j1o9k9e0r ()

  • The first big date: June 6th
    What's happening:
    Stores have been told to remove the following from their shelves:

    Island of Blood
    Warhammer Rulebook
    All WFB Army Books
    All WFB End Times Books
    All WFB Campaign Books/Boxes
    All magic cards
    Movement trays
    Deathknell watch

    WTF, alle Armeebücher :eeeek:


    Dämonen Fantasy Chaoskrieger

    Bestien (selten gespielt) ,Khemri (selten gespielt), Vamps (eingemottet), Oger (Gemeinschaftsprojekt)
    Hochland (fast fertig), Druchii (am wachsen), Dark Eldar (eingemottet), CSM (eingemottet), Chaosrenegaten (FW)
    Greyknights/Deathwatch (Vitrine ungespielt)

    Je zw 1500 und 6000 Pkt


    Die Regeln zu den Tanks.

    Ich halte den Wahrheitsgehalt weiterhin für fragwürdig. Sollte GW wirklich planen warhammer abzuschaffen (nichts anderes wäre das was hier aktuell prophezeit wird) und stattdessen ein völlig neues Spiel, dann wärde dass einen Großteil ihrer Kundschaft ziemlich vor den Kopf stoßen. Zumindest ist das meine persönlich Einschätzung.

  • Originally Posted by Harry
    They are as described .... seeing these pictures does not give me anymore hope that my lovely Lizardmen army will see any more support in the future .... what I see is a studio army painted up for the ... "look fellas you can still use your old models in the new edition" photograph. ... and the "Hey fellas, it does not matter what bases your minis are on ... you can use your old square based minis right along side any new mins you paint that come with round bases ... " - article in White Dwarf.


    [Lizardmen] are no more, no less shafted than anyone else.

    That was some of the stuff I heard a couple of years ago at the start of the process. One of the barriers to entry was needing to buy 15 army books to have all the rules or be able to play with minis from different armies. I predicted something like Warhammer armies 3rd edition but couldn't get my head around how you could fit all the current stuff in to one book without needing a wheel barrow to move it around the gaming table. (EDIT: Obviously I didn't know at the time they were set to knock so many armies on the head ... that was a thought that never occurred to me!) But at the time it was up in the air as to if it would be one book, two books or a couple more.

    I STILL don't know where the dust settled on this.

    I would not be surprised if it was one book ... or two books one for the good guys and one for the bad guys or one for the good guys one for the bad guys and some sort of additional book for the four factions.

    Anyway .... given my impending ban ... I will see you all on the other side.

    All the best,

    Harry redet nur noch von 4 Fraktionen .....

    Hatte auf raffazza gelesen :
    Age of Sigmar preorders: 4th July

    Age of Sigmar release: 11th July

  • Nochmal was von Harry aus Warseer (Seine Anmerkungen sind AUßERHALB der Zitate) :


    We have it from Harry and confirmed by at least one other person, however I don't think we'll know anything for certain until Saturday hits.

    I didn't say anything about models .... and didn't mean to imply that.


    Actually... I think Harry said only that &quot;Warhammer as we know it&quot; would end on Saturday... which some idiot (who may or may not have been me :shifty:) took to mean <i>all</i> Warhammer stuff would be taken off the shelves, whereas that's not, actually, quite what he said. If &quot;Warhammer as we know it&quot; only means the rules, then it'll just be the books that disappear.

    So if Harry didn't mean models, then the confusion is the fault of whichever idiot assumed he did (*embarrassed cough*), so don't blame him for it. Unless he can clarify that he did actually mean models as well.

    I can clarify that I did NOT mean ANY models .... except Deathknell watch. :D

    Lots of new scenery coming and it doesn't match the existing stuff .... I am guessing that is why the expensive bits like the fortified manor, etc went a little while ago?

    This is the stuff rumoured to be removed:

    The Warhammer Rulebook
    The Fantasy Army Books
    The End Times Books
    Campaign Books
    Campaign box sets
    Island of Blood box set
    Magic cards, Templates, etc tied to the existing rules.

    ... 'Warhammer as we know it'.


    If books are getting pulled so nothing can be bought and then immediately invalidated, but no models are getting pulled, doesn't that imply all model kits/troop types will still be playable?

    Yes. I have tried to explain this ... Will you be able to play with your Lizardmen ... Yes. Will you get more Lizardmen ... Not so much. Will you be able to Play with your Bretonnians? ... Yes will you get any more Bretonnians ... Not so much Will you be able to play with your Empire troops? Yes. Will you get any more .... Not so much .... shall I go on.

    I have said it depends on your definition of being Squatted. If you mean are they going to come around your house and take your toys and no one is ever allowed to play with their toys in public again then No ... they are not being squatted. If However if by Squatted you mean will they like the 'Squat;s in 40K stop being supported as an army and get no more minis .... then YES they are getting squatted.

    But I have also said that the Lizardmen are not a special case. They are no more, no less squatted than everyone else. Almost everyone is getting squatted .... as they exist now. The Humans going forward don't have much to do with either the existing Bretonnians or Empire. (I think some of the first rumours I posted about this a couple of years ago were pretty clear and singled these guys out as generic, historical armies that would be going ...I also suggested that generic fantasy Dwarves and Elves would also be going. Even the armies that survive will be very different from the ones we know now. (But none of that means they will not have thought about how you can play with some of your existing armies in the future .... it just means it won't have much to do with the new stuff).


    This is also how I read it, the key phases being <b>the</b> <i>four factions</i>, as in the only four factions. I think just from 30 years of both 40k and Fantasy that the two anchor forces of both games are Emperor vs Chaos, with everything else built around that rivalry. Now with the Age of Sigmar name &amp; starter box it seems they are reinforing that narrative. With four factions total, that would leave only two neutral factions, probably with formations included. Seems like some &quot;neutral&quot; races like elves or undead could be interchangable depending on the theme of a player's army.

    This is the closest anyone has got to my understanding. Humans v's Chaos with a couple of other protagonists thrown in for a bit of variety.

    40K was very much Humans v's Chaos with Orks, Nids and Eldar thrown in. You have to ask yourself what is the fantasy equivalent of this .... or at least that is what I have been doing. Given this is the model they have ... this is what I think we will be moving towards. I think they will have looked at what the best selling armies are in 40K and that is what will have influenced the decisions.


  • Sagt mal, hab ich einen Knick in der Optik oder stehen die Gruftwächter da auf einer einzigen großen Base?
    Ich könnte schwören, dass das vor ein paar Wochen noch nicht der Fall war, denn da hab ich mir mit einem Freund dieses Set lange angesehen, weil er überlegt hat es zu kaufen.…my-of-the-Silver-Pinnacle

    Da könnte man jetzt auch viel hinein interpretieren, aber ich denke nicht das das ein Hinweis auf was Kommendes ist.
    Aber ich finde es auf jeden Fall merkwürdig!

    Grüße, Kahless

    Selbstbemalte Armeen:
    WHFB/TOW - 30.000 Punkte Khemri & 45.000 Punkte Vampire (BILD 2015 - da kam seither noch einiges hinzu)
    WHFB/TOW - 20.000 Punkte Monster
    WHFB - 3.000 Punkte Arabia