Auch wenn Captain Citadel auf Bell of Lost souls nicht imemr richtig liegt, klingt das für mich doch so, als hätte er das Modell schon gesehen:
ZitatThe Plastic Bloodthirster is real.
Kit makes three models a normal bloodthirster with whip and Axe of Khorne, one wielding a monstrous two-handed axe, third has a doubleheaded axe and super long chain flail. The wings are really big – the model is almost as big as Nagash, and is extra tall. It is sculpted on top of a flickering flame. There are three different heads with different types of horns and helmets. Large armoured hooves, thigh straps, regular upper body strapps and gladiator kindof armour. Super muscular, like a super ripped world’s strongest man mixed with a Khorne daemon.
Mal sehen, ob der im Aussehen dem Forgeworld Modell Konkurrenz machen kann ...