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Am kommenden Samstag wird das Kampagnen-Set für Age of Sigmar, die nächste Erweiterung für AoS, vorzubestellen sein.
Name des Kampagnen-Sets: "Firestorm"
Alles anzeigenFirestorm is a new way to play Warhammer Age of Sigmar, allowing you and your friends to battle for supremacy in map-based campaigns. As you win battles, you’ll be able to capture territories and build a kingdom of your own, adding powerful gameplay benefits to your army. Inside the box, you’ll find the campaign map, decks of dominion cards for each player and stickers to mark your impact on the Realm of Fire – all of these are fully reusable, meaning after one Firestorm campaign you’re free to set up another one. There are unique strategic challenges to map-based play for gamers, while for narrative players this is an easy way to structure a campaign. Firestorm has been designed to be compatible with any kind of play – you can fight your battles in tense games of Skirmish or try the new siege rules from the General’s Handbook 2017, or even string them together to create varied, rich, and thematic games.
There’s more! Firestorm comes with 10 new allegiance abilities representing the unique armies of the Great Cities and those who would tear them down. The Great Cities are the kingdoms of Order in the Mortal Realms, each home to a unique and varied collection of humans, elves, duardin and Stormcast Eternals. You may remember some of them from the Season of War campaign, such as the Greywater Fastness, others you may have already explored, like Hammerhal, while some are completely new, like Tempest’s Eye. The new allegiance abilities are designed to represent how these cities fight; the forces of the Phonecium, for instance, are inspired to fight harder by the deaths of their comrades, honouring the Ur-Phoenix, while the armies of Anvilgard crush their foes underfoot in relentless marches. We’ll be previewing some of these next week in detail – what’s more, these are usable in any of your games, not just Firestorm!
To get you started with your Great Cities army, we’re releasing 3 new boxed sets of miniatures. Each of these is packed with a range of models from the Order Grand Alliance, as well as a rules sheet to let you use your Great Cities rules in your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
Firestorm bringt neue Allianzfähigkeiten, die zusätzlich eingesetzt werden dürfen:
Ein weiteres Vorschaubild von der Community Seite:
Eine weitere Allianzfähigkeiten der neuen Firestorm-Boxen wurde bekanntgegeben:
Alles anzeigenThe city of Tempest’s Eye rests high in the mountains of the Realm of Fire, serving as a citadel for the Tempest Lords and home to a bustling sky-port, where both the Swifthawk Agents and Kharadron Overlords ply a healthy trade. On the tabletop, the armies of Tempest’s Eye have a flexible allegiance ability that benefits both defensive and offensive armies.
Alert and Forewarned is a small but significant bonus with a variety of uses. With an army with a lot of units that can Fly, you’ll be able to quickly close the gap on your enemies for some devastating early-game charges. More defensive players, on the other hand, will appreciate the extra insulation against shooting or potential first turn charges from Brayherds and Nighthaunts armies. The added saves are particularly handy if you’re fishing for an early double turn!
The armies of Tempest’s Eye can be drawn from the Stormcast Eternals, Free Peoples, Kharadron Overlords, Swifthawk Agents, Eldritch Council, Dispossessed and Ironweld Arsenal.
Außerdem endet der Artikel von GW mit folgenden Worten:
If you’re looking to build your own Tempest’s Eye army, you won’t have to wait long – Firestorm is out to pre-order this weekend, alongside the Armies of the Great Cities boxed sets. Come back tomorrow when we’ll be looking at the Wraith Fleet, an army of undead pirates(!).
Die Regeln für Vampire Pirates sind da (und nein, es wird keine Modelle dazu geben):
The Armies of Firestorm: The Wraith Fleet
We did promise you vampire pirates! [Editor’s Note: Pretty sure you mean to write ‘vampirates’ there…] In Firestorm, you’ll be able to theme your Death army around the Wraith Fleet, a new allegiance representing the forces of vampire corsair Varkos Varactyr. Commanding a fleet of spectral galleons, Varkos has raided the Realm of Fire for thousands of years, spreading Death at the will of Nagash and filling his rotting holds with plunder. On the tabletop, allying your army with the Wraith Fleet has some powerful benefits, adding some much-needed mobility to the generally slow-moving Death army:
Without Warning is great for a variety of Death units, allowing them to encircle the foe and take key territory. Usually, Death armies rely on summoning to deploy their units to the far-flung corners of the tabletop, but here, you won’t have to rely on the unreliability inherent to this mechanic. Meanwhile, Nimbus of Shrieking Souls is a handy way to stack up bravery penalties on your enemies and ensure you make the maximum impact on the turn you arrive.
Who benefits?
Wraith Fleet armies can use units from Soulblight, Deathrattle, Deathmages and Nighthaunt.
Soulblight Vampires really benefit from Without Warning. With a variety of powerful units like the Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon and the Blood Knights, being able to get behind the enemy and devastate their ranged units, or simply having the chance to pull off a charge on the turn you deploy, is very handy.
There are some powerful combinations to be had with the various Soulblight allegiance abilities, too. Take the Necromantic bloodline on your units, and you could be inflicting a hefty -2 bravery penalty on your opponents, while the Swift Death bloodline provides even more mobility by allowing your units to move as if they can fly.
While Deathmages aren’t necessarily a faction of their own, they make a great ally in any Wraith Fleet force thanks to the Mortis Engine. Deploying yours within 9″ of your opponent puts them in range of deadly abilities like The Reliquary – drop yours on a vulnerable enemy flank as a kind of death-fuelled bomb.
You’ll be able start your own Wraith Fleet army with Firestorm – available to pre-order on Saturday. Come back tomorrow, when we’ll be looking at Gulgaz’s Gustompas, an army of Destruction characterised by a novel, if unpredictable, approach to tactics.
Auf der GW-Homepage gibt es unter AoS nun die Rubrik "Firestorm".
Dort finden sich alle Modelle der jeweiligen neuen Formationen (so auch die der Vampirpiraten).
Nachdem dieses Bild im Netz aufgetaucht ist, sollte der Preis von Warhammer Underworld fix sein:
Und auch die Grünhäute haben für Firestorm neue Regeln dazubekommen:
Very few Destruction generals could be commended for their complex tactics, but there’s no denying the distinctive kunnin’ streak possessed by certain orruk warlords. Perhaps no orruk is quite as “inspired” as Gulgaz Gustompa, a Bonesplitterz orruk hailing from the Aqshy, you may remember from Path to Glory. Back in Path to Glory, Gulgaz was an aspiring warlord – now, he sits at the head of a colossal Destruction army seeking to conquer the Realm of Fire and build an empire. ´
In Firestorm, you’ll be able to dedicate your own Destruction army to Stoneklaw’s Gutstompas, benefiting from some Insane Advice:
You may be wondering what Stratagems are. Stratagems are a new feature for your games of Firestorm that allow you to accumulate points between missions and spend them on carefully chosen benefits – this could mean setting up one unit before a game to ambush another, or even forcibly taking the first battle round! Representing the insane and contradictory tactical advice given to him by his totemic severed heads, the Gutstompas get to use a stratagem for free every game, and even allow you to use stratagems outside of Firestorm.
Who benefits?
Stoneklaw’s Gustompas armies can include units from the Greenskinz, Aleguzzler Gargants, Bonesplitterz, Gitmob Grots, Ironjawz, Moonclan Grots and Spiderfang Grots.
Best Factions
If you fancy leaning fully into the unpredictable nature of Stoneklaw’s Gustompas, we think the Moonclan are a great choice. Firstly, who doesn’t want to have an army of Squigs? They even won a recent heat of the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Grand Tournament! We’d recommend taking at least one full-sized regiment of 20 Cave Squigs.
This isn’t just for intimidation purposes – get lucky, and you could find yourself rolling the Reinforcements stratagem, allowing you to set up your “Squig Herd of Death” all over again after it dies!
Bonespitterz are probably the most reliable way to take advantage of your random stratagems. With a pool of versatile units – Arrowboys providing short-range missile support, Boarboys acting as fast cavalry – there are few Insane Advice results that won’t benefit the Bonesplitterz in some way.
Forced March, for instance, lets you close the distance on the foe, while Hatred is handy against a particularly tricky enemy.
Es kommen ein paar neue Boxen raus.
Stormcast Eternals - Vanguard Brotherhood
Death - Blade of the Bloodqueen
Arcanites - Changecult
Kharadron Overlords - Skyfleet
130 € pro Box.
Malign Portents ist ein weltweites event (um nicht den Namen Kampagne zu benutzen), bei dem es Miniaturen für viele Armeen geben wird. Auftakt macht eine neue Stormcast Einheit.
Tut mir leid, dass ich hier in letzter Zeit nicht mehr so aktiv war. Zu viele private Probleme.
Aber viel Neues hat sich für AoS ja eh nicht getan ...
Was gibt es also aktuell Neues?
Die nächste Miniatur wird ... wie sollte es anders sein ... ein neuer Stormcast!
Dann gibt es ein neues Vorschaubild von der GW Community:
Als drittes ist die Vorschau eins neuen Nurglings aufgetaucht, der vermutlich als Basegestaltung zu einem größeren Nurgle-Modell kommen wird:
Dann haben wir noch die ersten Vorschaubilder zu "Malign Portents":
Und zu guter Letzt, eher weil es mir persönlich gefällt:
Es kommen Gruftkönige für das Warhammer Total War Computerspiel:
Grüße an alle,
Ein neuer Nachtgoblinschamane ist auf der offizielle GW Seite aufgetaucht: (Link)
Der Vollständigkeit halber auch noch die beiden (wenig aussagenden) Vorschauen auf "Malign Portents":
Grüße, Kahless
Und mal wieder zuer Erinnerung:
Alle Diskussionen dazu bitte im Diskussions-Ecke für aktuelle Gerüchte
(Grund ist, dass es immer wieder die Bitte gab beides zu trennen, damit Personen die nur rasch die Neuigkeiten sehen wollen, sich nicht immer durch seitenweise Diskussionen lesen müssen um die Neuigkeiten zu finden.)
Bilder der kommenden Nurgle-Modelle:
Und hier das Video, in dem sie zu sehen sind:
Neue Bilder des kommenden Nurgle-Releases:
Grüße, Kahless
Außerdem etwas Text zum bevorstehenden Release:
Next year, the forces of Nurgle will rise in the Mortal Realms, and the 41st Millennium, with a virulent host of new models, a new codex for the Chaos Daemons and 2018’s first battletome for Warhammer Age of Sigmar – Maggotkin of Nurgle.
Very soon, the Great Unclean One will be reborn, combining the classic aesthetic you love with the very latest miniatures design technology. This gargantuan beast now lives up to its size in the lore of Warhammer, a living mountain of rotting flesh that’ll tower above the rest of your collection.
Of course, good things come in threes, and you’ll be able to use this kit to build one of three variant Great Unclean Ones, each carrying a different set of equipment. The third is a new special character known as Rotigus.
Also ist der Verpester mit dem Kopftuch ein namhaftes Modell namens "Rotigus":
Rotigus is worshipped in the far corners of the Mortal Realms and the 41st Millennium as a generous, life-giving deity of prosperity and fecundity. While Rotigus certainly is generous (as all servants of Nurgle are!), the gifts he gives are foul in nature, and any who pray for his patronage soon see the error of their ways…
You’ll find datasheets and warscrolls for these guys in Codex: Chaos Daemons and Battletome: Maggotkin of Nurgle, updated to properly reflect the expanded weapon options (not to mention bulk!) now available in the kit.