Orcs and Goblins
550 - Orc Warlord, General, Iron Orc Warlord, War Boar, Shield (Dusk Forged), Plate Armour, Hand Weapon (Omen of the Apocalypse), Potion of Swiftness
425 - Goblin Witch Doctor, Common Goblin Witch Doctor, Wizard Master, Thaumaturgy, Light Armour, Skull Fetish
195 - Goblin Witch Doctor, Common Goblin Witch Doctor, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Light Armour
691 - 34 Orc 'Eadbashers, Common Orcs, Spear, Standard Bearer (Green Tide), Musician, Champion
325 - 30 Goblins, Cave Goblins, Shield, 2x Mad Gits, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
185 - 20 Goblins, Common Goblins, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion
335 - 25 Gnasher Herd
335 - 15 Iron Orcs, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
254 - 6 Mounted 'Eadbashers, Common Orcs, Shield, Lance, Musician, Champion
115 - 5 Goblin Raiders, Forest Goblin
115 - 5 Goblin Raiders, Forest Goblin
525 - Gargantula, Web Launcher
450 - Great Green Idol, Battle Standard Bearer