Warhammer 40'000 - Neuigkeiten, Produktbilder und Gerüchte [No comments please]
Neue Beta Regeln für Bolterwaffen in den Februar WD
Beta Rule - Bolter Discipline
All Adeptus Astartes and Heretic Astartes models gain this ability. Instead of following the normal rules for Rapid Fire weapons, Rapid fire bolt weapons used by models with this ability make double the number of attacks if any of the following apply:
The firing model's target is within half the weapon's maximum range.
The firing model remained stationary during its previous Movement phase.
The firing model is a Terminator, Biker ????, Centurion or Vehicle. -
Und neue Bloodangels und Night Lords. So weit schon mal die teaser. Kommt noch mehr.
[IMG: https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/FWPreview-jan21-BAPaladins4tdv.jpg][IMG: https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/FWPreview-jan21-NLLeviathan3ivrf.jpg][IMG: https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/FWPreview-jan21-NLPraetor1yvdg.jpg][IMG: https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/FWPreview-jan21-NLPraetor2irvd.jpg]https://www.warhammer-communit…s-heresy-models-revealed/
Oh – and there’s one more thing. Something SO AWESOME we couldn’t fit it into the article. Something Forge World fans have been looking forward to for a very, very long time. We’ll have more on just what that is very soon…
Let us know what you’re looking forward to at the Horus Heresy Weekender on the Forge World Facebook page – and stay tuned for more news soon!
Vermutung: Sanguinius (wurde ja schon in einem neuen artwork gezeigt, wie er mit Ka'Badha kämpft)
Astra Militarum erhält eine Weibliche Kommissarin, dieses Sondermodell soll es für 3 tage zu erwerben geben.
Crustodes erhalten ein Haufen neue Einheiten für 40k (12 Stück) , darunter auch Sprungtruppen, aber erstmal BETA Testphase nur mit Machtpunkten
Es geht loooos!!!!!!!!!
Shadowspear is a new battlebox. Like Forgebane, Tooth and Claw and Wake the Dead, you’ll find two armies, ready to fight. But there’s a twist – every single model in the box is a brand-new sculpt. Inside, you’ll find the Chaos miniatures you’ve always wanted, updated and adorned with dark and gothic detail, and pitted against them are the first of the Primaris Vanguard Space Marines.
The Vanguard Space Marines add a new tool to the arsenal of the Adeptus Astartes.
Trained in covert operations, these ruthless killers operate behind enemy lines as saboteurs, assassins and infiltrators. While the Intercessors and Tactical Squads execute their wars out in the open, these guys fight in the shadows – and they fight dirty.
Vanguard Space Marine Librarians sometimes lead these strike forces. They are masters of shrouding and stealth, allowing their battle-brothers to strike at enemy forces when they’re least expected…
Was für ein geiles Modell!
Eliminators are dead-eye snipers. From concealed positions, these expert marksmen target and take out key enemy leaders, utilising a range of exotic and deadly ammunition tailored to their target. No heretic lord or xenos commander is safe.
Neue Obliteratoren.
A new class of Daemon Engine, the Venomcrawler is a skittering horror that provides withering infernal fire support. This thing is so saturated in the taint of the Warp that its presence thins the veil of reality itself, allowing Daemons easier access to realspace.
Incredible, right? Well, guess what – this isn’t even everything in the box. Don’t worry, you won’t have to wait too much longer to see what else the new Shadowspear box has in store: everything will be revealed soon here on warhammer-community.com.
And One More Thing…
So, we’ve got new Sisters of Battle, incredible plastic Chaos Space Marines, brand-new Primaris units, battletomes, Warhammer Underworlds warbands – but it feels like something is missing…
Well, it wouldn’t be a reveal without a new Primaris Lieutenant, would it?
He’s coming. Get ready.
*We’re sort of sorry for this one. But only a little.
Und ich bin irgendwie zu doof die Videos richtig einzubetten.
[IMG: https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/40kAbaddon-Mar5-Abaddon7tyerhvfsh.jpg][IMG: https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/40kAbaddon-Mar5-SizeComp10hvsbnhrg.jpg][IMG: https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/40kAbaddon-Mar5-Details23ygrhyc.jpg][IMG: https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/40kAbaddon-Mar5-Heads6ivfbsh.jpg]
Meine Vermutung ist ja, dass rechts oben ein Slann fliegt.
Im Ernst, ich hoffe mal, dass die alten Terminatoren endlich ersetzt werden. Die hier im Bild sehen auf jeden Fall leider nach den alten aus.
[IMG: https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/40kAbaddon-Mar5-Havoc8tehvbjfh.jpg]Neue Havocs!
Zitat "bla bla (...) make sure to pre-order Shadowspear this weekend, which will give you the core of your new Heretic Astartes force!"
Endlich mal was RICHTIG geiles!
We’ll give you a few seconds to take it all in.
This is the Lord Discordant – a new HQ choice for Chaos armies that combines the might of a Maulerfiend, the wisdom of a Warpsmith and the leadership of a Chaos Lord into one deadly package. This is Chaos turned up to 11, then turned up some more, until the dials fall off and start leaking blood.
What is a Lord Discordant?
Lords Discordant are Chaos Space Marines who have a sinister, arcane mastery over machinery, similar to Warpsmiths in their training and fell purpose. However, while Warpsmiths are generally found behind their mechanical charges, enacting repairs, Lords Discordant prefer to lead from the front, fighting from the backs of scuttling Daemon Engines known as Helstalkers. Bellowing profane litanies that cause nearby machines to glitch and seize, they specialise at dismantling tanks, skimmers and the like with prying mechadendrites and brutal swings of their impaler chainglaives.
[IMG: https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/40kLordDiscordant-Mar13-Art7ehxr.jpg]Lords Discordant feed off the suffering of the machines they destroy, using their captured motive force to repair their Daemon Engines and annihilate the enemy with coruscating beams of repurposed energy.
How Do They Work In-game?
Lords Discordant are an HQ choice for Chaos Space Marine armies. If you love Daemon Engines, this is the leader for you, enhancing the powers of Maulerfiends, Defilers or any other unit you might choose. Enacting battlefield repairs and disrupting enemy vehicles, no heretic armoured spearhead should be without one!
A Lord Discordant is a deadly combatant in their own right and, while specialising in dismantling vehicles, can put those same skills to work on more organic foes. Lords Discordant also pack some pretty impressive firepower with your choice of autocannon or baleflamer.
When Can I Get One?
Patience, oh loyal servant of Chaos! The Lord Discordant is but one of the incredible new releases on the way for Chaos Space Marines and will be available to pre-order over the next few weeks.
If you’re itching to start your horde of Daemon Engines early, well, you’re in luck! The Lord Discordant synergises amazingly with pretty much everything in Shadowspear, which is available to pre-order now. And, if you’re looking to really unleash some carnage, grab yourself a Lord of Skulls – you haven’t seen destruction until you’ve seen one supercharged by a Lord Discordant…
Get ready to battle bigger, better. The new Apocalypse is a ground-up reimagining of mass battles in the 41st Millennium – a totally new ruleset designed to capture the spectacular carnage, grand strategy and high drama of Warhammer 40,000’s biggest battles. With this system, you’ll be able to fight in the kinds of conflicts once confined to art and lore, brought to life on your tabletop, all in an evening after work or school. This is a totally new game, on a new scale, giving you a new way to use your existing collection. At this size of battle, the focus is not on the actions of units, but on entire formations, with the game feeling tight and reactive even with hundreds of models on each side.
And yes, those *are* Warhammer 40,000 movement trays!
We’ll have more details on how you can get involved soon!
his is a The Future of Warhammer 40,000
But what about Warhammer 40,000 on a more traditional scale? With the 2nd book in the Vigilus series almost upon us (pre-order now, BTW), eyes turn to the next big thing for Warhammer 40,000 – and oh boy, have we got some good stuff coming.
Starting later this year, we’ll be exploring the myriad war zones across the 41st Millennium. The battle for Vigilus was a pivotal one, but such is the dire state of the galaxy that it is just one of the war-torn planets on which the fate of the galaxy will be decided. This war zone has brought us Primaris Marneus Calgar, the return of the Despoiler, and a huge host of Chaos Space Marines – just think what other war zones could bring… Event-exclusive Models
Space marine Hero 3 angekündigt für Japan und Serie 2 bald für die ganze Welt.
Heute Morgen noch auf Spikeybits gelesen, was noch alles von FW erscheinen muss (während diverser Events angekündigt).
Und auf einmal:
Mechanicum Ordinatus Aktaeus
Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod
Hier nochmal der neue Acastus Knight
30k Armiger
Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Battle Titan Quake Cannon
Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Battle Titan Macro Gatling Blaster
Necromunda, Blood Bowl, Sororitas, White Scars, Blood Angels, Custodes, Chaos Viecher, Apocalypse
[IMG: https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Fest2019-Sat12-Executioner1tjs.jpg][IMG: https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Fest2019-Sat12-Executioner2ujcsf.jpg][IMG: https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Fest2019-Sat12-Executioner3hds.jpg]
Dunerider (Transporter)[IMG: https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Fest2019-Sat12-Dunerider1kjcw.jpg][IMG: https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Fest2019-Sat12-Dunerider2tw.jpg][IMG: https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Fest2019-Sat12-Dunerider3yx.jpg]Disintegrator (Kampfpanzer)
[IMG: https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Fest2019-Sat12-Disintegrator1jc.jpg][IMG: https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Fest2019-Sat12-Disintegrator2tt.jpg]Rampager
[Externes Medium: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOIvR3K_V-M][Externes Medium: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8EmyuupCbs]