Ja Ba klärt das ganze dankenswerterweise nochmal auf whattsapp mit mir.
Auf jeden Fall haben wir nicht ordentlich maximiert, sieht man ja auch auf dem Foto.
Aktuell neige ich wieder zu dieser Liste, wegen dem zweiten Aspirants-Trupp und der zwei Fliegerhelden :
+++ quest force (BS2.0 Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age) [4500pts] +++
++ Kingdom of Equitaine (BS2.0 Kingdom of Equitaine) [4500pts] ++
+ Characters +
Duke [720pts]: Hippogryph, Renown, Shield
. Magic Items: Blessed Sword, Crusader's Helm, Blessed scripture
Duke [535pts]: Army General, Audacity, Barded Warhorse, Questing Oath - Duke, Shield
. Magic Items: Bluffer's Helm, Crown of Scorn
Paladin on Pegasus [446pts]: Battle Standard Bearer, Lance, Might, Shield
. Magic Items: Dragonscale Helm, Lucky Charm
+ Core +
Knights Aspirant [260pts]: 5x Knight Aspirant, Musician
Knights Aspirant [260pts]: 5x Knight Aspirant, Musician
Knights of the Realm [496pts]: Champion, 9x Knight of the Realm, Musician, Standard Bearer
Knights of the Realm [476pts]: 9x Knight of the Realm, Musician, Standard Bearer
+ Special +
Knights of the Quest [516pts]: Champion, 9x Knight of the Quest, Musician, Standard Bearer
Knights of the Quest [571pts]: 9x Knight of the Quest
. Champion
. Musician
. Standard Bearer: Aether Icon
Yeoman Outriders [110pts]: Replace Bow with Throwing Weapons,
Yeoman Outriders [110pts]: Replace Bow with Throwing Weapons,