Von welcher hast du bitte 24000 Punkte?
A new Forge World arises
Von welcher hast du bitte 24000 Punkte?
Ein Warlord Titan sind 6.000 Punkte.
Meine AoS Chaos Armee hat zusammen fast 27.000 Punkte (abzüglich der Tzeench Minis dürften das auch um die 25.000 Punkte sein).
Chaos Marines sind (Iron Warrior - 8.300; Death Guard - 13.300; Night Lords 3.200; Word Bearers 4.900) 29.700 Punkte.Necrons sind 6.400 Punkte.
Meine Knights haben um die 18.000 Punkte.
Admech hat ... battlescribe hat nen Fehler in meiner Liste. Oder meine Liste hat nen Fehler, in Battlescribe.
Ein Warlord Titan sind 6.000 Punkte.
Meine AoS Chaos Armee hat zusammen fast 27.000 Punkte (abzüglich der Tzeench Minis dürften das auch um die 25.000 Punkte sein).
Chaos Marines sind (Iron Warrior - 8.300; Death Guard - 13.300; Night Lords 3.200; Word Bearers 4.900) 29.700 Punkte.Necrons sind 6.400 Punkte.
Meine Knights haben um die 18.000 Punkte.
Admech hat ... battlescribe hat nen Fehler in meiner Liste. Oder meine Liste hat nen Fehler, in Battlescribe.
a) Wieviel Prozent/wieviel Punkte sind jeweils bemalt?
b) Könen wir die bitte mal alle auf einer Spielfläche sehen? -
a) Wieviel Prozent/wieviel Punkte sind jeweils bemalt?
b) Könen wir die bitte mal alle auf einer Spielfläche sehen?Hier die Listen der Chaos Marines. Was ich da bemalt habe kennt ihr aus dem jeweiligen thread. 10 Night Lords Marines, 4 Word Bearers Modelle.
++ Brigade Detachment +12CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [218 PL, 15CP, 3913pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Battle-forged CP [3CP]
Detachment CP [12CP]
Legion: Word Bearers
+ HQ +
Daemon Prince with Wings [9 PL, 183pts]: Malefic talon, Tzeentch, Warp bolter
Dark Apostle [5 PL, 100pts]: Illusory Supplication, No Chaos Mark
Lord Discordant on Helstalker [9 PL, 176pts]: Autocannon, No Chaos Mark
. Helstalker: Magma cutter
Master of Possession [5 PL, 98pts]: Force stave, Infernal Power, No Chaos Mark
Sorcerer in Terminator Armour [7 PL, 125pts]: Arch-Sorceror, Combi-melta, Death Hex, Force stave, No Chaos Mark, Prescience, Warlord
+ Troops +
Chaos Cultists [3 PL, 50pts]: 9x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun, No Chaos Mark
. Cultist Champion: Autogun
Chaos Cultists [6 PL, 100pts]: 19x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun, No Chaos Mark
. Cultist Champion: Autogun
Chaos Cultists [6 PL, 100pts]: 19x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun, No Chaos Mark
. Cultist Champion: Autogun
Chaos Space Marines [8 PL, 175pts]: Icon of Vengeance, No Chaos Mark
. Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Boltgun
. 7x Marine w/ Boltgun
. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Missile launcher
. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Missile launcher
Chaos Space Marines [8 PL, 130pts]: 9x Marine w/ Chainsword, No Chaos Mark
. Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Boltgun
Chaos Space Marines [8 PL, 180pts]: No Chaos Mark
. Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Boltgun
. 7x Marine w/ Boltgun
. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Lascannon
. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Lascannon
+ Elites +
Chaos Terminators [20 PL, 378pts]: No Chaos Mark
. Chaos Terminator Champion: Chainaxe, Combi-plasma
. Terminator: Chainaxe, Combi-plasma
. Terminator: Chainaxe, Combi-plasma
. Terminator: Chainaxe, Combi-plasma
. Terminator: Chainaxe, Combi-plasma
. Terminator: Chainaxe, Combi-plasma
. Terminator: Chainaxe, Combi-plasma
. Terminator: Chainaxe, Combi-plasma
. Terminator w/ Heavy Weapon: Chainaxe, Reaper autocannon
. Terminator w/ Heavy Weapon: Chainaxe, Reaper autocannon
Greater Possessed [8 PL, 140pts]
. Greater Possessed: No Chaos Mark
. Greater Possessed: No Chaos Mark
Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 131pts]: Havoc launcher
. Left Arm: Ectoplasma cannon
. Right Arm: Twin heavy bolter
Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 155pts]: Havoc launcher
. Left Arm: Ectoplasma cannon
. Right Arm: Hellflamer, Hellforged chainclaw
Possessed [10 PL, 205pts]: Icon of Vengeance, No Chaos Mark, 10x Possessed
+ Fast Attack +
Chaos Spawn [6 PL, 75pts]: 3x Chaos Spawn, No Chaos Mark
Raptors [9 PL, 193pts]: No Chaos Mark
. 7x Raptor
. Raptor Champion: Chainsword, Combi-melta
. Raptor w/ special weapon: Meltagun
. Raptor w/ special weapon: Meltagun
Warp Talons [12 PL, 240pts]: No Chaos Mark
. 9x Warp Talon: 9x Lightning Claw (pair)
. Warp Talon Champion: Lightning Claw (pair)
+ Heavy Support +
Forgefiend [8 PL, 160pts]: 2x Hades autocannons, Ectoplasma cannon, No Chaos Mark
Forgefiend [8 PL, 160pts]: 2x Hades autocannons, Ectoplasma cannon, No Chaos Mark
Obliterators [18 PL, 195pts]: No Chaos Mark, 3x Obliterator
Venomcrawler [7 PL, 130pts]: No Chaos Mark
+ Flyer +
Heldrake [9 PL, 167pts]: Baleflamer, Heldrake claws, No Chaos Mark
Heldrake [9 PL, 167pts]: Baleflamer, Heldrake claws, No Chaos Mark
++ Fortification Network (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [5 PL, 100pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Legion: Word Bearers
+ Fortification +
Noctilith Crown [5 PL, 100pts]
++ Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Chaos - FW Heretic Astartes) [35 PL, 923pts] ++
+ Lord of War +
Hellforged Fellblade [35 PL, 923pts]: Havoc launcher, Twin heavy bolter
. 2x Quad lascannons: 2x Quad lascannon
++ Total: [258 PL, 15CP, 4936pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
++ Brigade Detachment +12CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [171 PL, 15CP, 3264pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Battle-forged CP [3CP]
Detachment CP [12CP]
Legion: Night Lords
+ HQ +
Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour [6 PL, 114pts]: Combi-melta, No Chaos Mark, Power sword
Chaos Lord with Jump Pack [6 PL, 105pts]: 5. Lord of Terror, Claws of the Black Hunt, 2x Lightning Claw, No Chaos Mark, Warlord
Exalted Champion [5 PL, 86pts]: Combi-plasma, No Chaos Mark, Power axe
+ Troops +
Chaos Cultists [3 PL, 50pts]: 9x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun, No Chaos Mark
. Cultist Champion: Autogun
Chaos Cultists [3 PL, 50pts]: 9x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun, No Chaos Mark
. Cultist Champion: Autogun
Chaos Cultists [3 PL, 50pts]: 9x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun, No Chaos Mark
. Cultist Champion: Autogun
Chaos Space Marines [11 PL, 193pts]: No Chaos Mark
. Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Boltgun
. 8x Marine w/ Boltgun
. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Lascannon
. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Lascannon
Chaos Space Marines [11 PL, 193pts]: No Chaos Mark
. Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Boltgun
. 8x Marine w/ Boltgun
. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Lascannon
. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Lascannon
Chaos Space Marines [11 PL, 193pts]: No Chaos Mark
. Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Boltgun
. 8x Marine w/ Boltgun
. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Lascannon
. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Lascannon
+ Elites +
Chaos Terminators [20 PL, 383pts]: Icon of Vengeance, No Chaos Mark
. Chaos Terminator Champion: 2x Lightning Claw
. Terminator: 2x Lightning Claw
. Terminator: 2x Lightning Claw
. Terminator: 2x Lightning Claw
. Terminator: 2x Lightning Claw
. Terminator: Chainaxe, Combi-plasma
. Terminator: Chainaxe, Combi-plasma
. Terminator: Chainaxe, Combi-plasma
. Terminator w/ Heavy Weapon: Chainaxe, Reaper autocannon
. Terminator w/ Heavy Weapon: Chainaxe, Reaper autocannon
Chosen [11 PL, 202pts]: Icon of Vengeance, No Chaos Mark
. Chosen
. Chosen
. Chosen
. Chosen
. Chosen Champion: Chainsword, Combi-melta
. Chosen w/ Combi or Special weapon: Meltagun
. Chosen w/ Combi or Special weapon: Meltagun
. Chosen w/ Combi or Special weapon: Meltagun
. Chosen w/ Combi or Special weapon: Meltagun
Chosen [11 PL, 186pts]: Icon of Vengeance, No Chaos Mark
. Chosen
. Chosen
. Chosen
. Chosen
. Chosen Champion: Chainsword, Combi-plasma
. Chosen w/ Combi or Special weapon: Plasma gun
. Chosen w/ Combi or Special weapon: Plasma gun
. Chosen w/ Combi or Special weapon: Plasma gun
. Chosen w/ Combi or Special weapon: Plasma gun
Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 174pts]: Havoc launcher
. Left Arm: Hellflamer, Hellforged chainclaw
. Right Arm: Butcher cannon
+ Fast Attack +
Raptors [9 PL, 198pts]: No Chaos Mark
. 7x Raptor
. Raptor Champion: Combi-melta, Plasma pistol
. Raptor w/ special weapon: Meltagun
. Raptor w/ special weapon: Meltagun
Raptors [9 PL, 198pts]: No Chaos Mark
. 7x Raptor
. Raptor Champion: Combi-melta, Plasma pistol
. Raptor w/ special weapon: Meltagun
. Raptor w/ special weapon: Meltagun
Warp Talons [12 PL, 240pts]: No Chaos Mark
. 9x Warp Talon: 9x Lightning Claw (pair)
. Warp Talon Champion: Lightning Claw (pair)
+ Heavy Support +
Havocs [7 PL, 181pts]: No Chaos Mark
. Aspiring Champion: Chainsword, Plasma gun
. 4x Havoc w/ lascannon: 4x Lascannon
Havocs [7 PL, 161pts]: No Chaos Mark
. Aspiring Champion: Chainsword, Plasma gun
. 4x Havoc w/ reaper chaincannon: 4x Reaper chaincannon
Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought [16 PL, 307pts]: 2x Hellflamer
. Hellforged siege claw: Meltagun
. Hellforged siege drill: Meltagun
++ Total: [171 PL, 15CP, 3264pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
++ Brigade Detachment +12CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [212 PL, 4116pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Legion: Iron Warriors
+ HQ +
Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour [6 PL, 121pts]: Chainfist, Combi-melta, Fleshmetal Exoskeleton, No Chaos Mark
Lord Discordant on Helstalker [9 PL, 196pts]: 2. Flames of Spite, Baleflamer, No Chaos Mark, Warlord
. Helstalker: Magma cutter
Warpsmith [4 PL, 60pts]: Bolt pistol, Flamer, Meltagun, No Chaos Mark, Power axe
+ Troops +
Chaos Cultists [3 PL, 50pts]: 9x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun, No Chaos Mark
. Cultist Champion: Autogun
Chaos Cultists [3 PL, 50pts]: 9x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun, No Chaos Mark
. Cultist Champion: Autogun
Chaos Cultists [3 PL, 50pts]: 9x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun, No Chaos Mark
. Cultist Champion: Autogun
Chaos Space Marines [8 PL, 161pts]: No Chaos Mark
. Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Combi-plasma
. 7x Marine w/ Boltgun
. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Heavy bolter
. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Heavy bolter
Chaos Space Marines [8 PL, 161pts]: No Chaos Mark
. Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Combi-plasma
. 7x Marine w/ Boltgun
. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Heavy bolter
. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Heavy bolter
Chaos Space Marines [8 PL, 181pts]: No Chaos Mark
. Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Combi-plasma
. 7x Marine w/ Boltgun
. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Missile launcher
. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Missile launcher
+ Elites +
Chaos Decimator [8 PL, 184pts]: 2x Decimator siege claw with hellflamer
Chaos Decimator [8 PL, 140pts]: 2x Butcher cannon
Chaos Decimator [8 PL, 145pts]: C-beam cannon, Decimator storm laser
Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 154pts]: Havoc launcher
. Left Arm: C-beam cannon
. Right Arm: C-beam cannon
Hellforged Sicaran [14 PL, 216pts]: Havoc launcher, Heavy bolter
. Lascannons: 2x Lascannon
Hellforged Sicaran [14 PL, 216pts]: Havoc launcher, Heavy bolter
. Lascannons: 2x Lascannon
+ Fast Attack +
Raptors [9 PL, 178pts]: No Chaos Mark
. 7x Raptor
. Raptor Champion: Bolt pistol, Chainsword
. Raptor w/ special weapon: Meltagun
. Raptor w/ special weapon: Meltagun
Raptors [9 PL, 178pts]: No Chaos Mark
. 7x Raptor
. Raptor Champion: Bolt pistol, Chainsword
. Raptor w/ special weapon: Meltagun
. Raptor w/ special weapon: Meltagun
Warp Talons [12 PL, 240pts]: Mark of Khorne
. 9x Warp Talon: 9x Lightning Claw (pair)
. Warp Talon Champion: Lightning Claw (pair)
+ Heavy Support +
Forgefiend [8 PL, 160pts]: 2x Hades autocannons, Ectoplasma cannon, No Chaos Mark
Forgefiend [8 PL, 160pts]: 2x Hades autocannons, Ectoplasma cannon, No Chaos Mark
Havocs [7 PL, 161pts]: No Chaos Mark
. Aspiring Champion: Chainsword, Plasma gun
. 4x Havoc w/ missile launcher: 4x Missile launcher
Havocs [7 PL, 121pts]: No Chaos Mark
. Aspiring Champion: Chainsword, Plasma gun
. 4x Havoc w/ autocannon: 4x Autocannon
Havocs [7 PL, 161pts]: No Chaos Mark
. Aspiring Champion: Chainsword, Plasma gun
. 4x Havoc w/ reaper chaincannon: 4x Reaper chaincannon
+ Flyer +
Chaos Fire Raptor Assault Gunship [19 PL, 432pts]
. Quad heavy bolters: 2x Quad heavy bolter
. Twin lascannons: 2x Twin lascannon
Chaos Hell Talon [12 PL, 240pts]: Helstorm cannon, Twin lascannon, Warp-pulse bombs
++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [69 PL, 1CP, 1241pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Detachment CP [1CP]
Legion: Iron Warriors
+ HQ +
Warpsmith [4 PL, 71pts]: Combi-plasma, Flamer, Meltagun, No Chaos Mark, Power axe
+ Heavy Support +
Havocs [7 PL, 116pts]: No Chaos Mark
. Aspiring Champion: Chainsword, Flamer
. 4x Havoc w/ heavy bolter: 4x Heavy bolter
Havocs [7 PL, 176pts]: No Chaos Mark
. Aspiring Champion: Chainsword, Flamer
. 4x Havoc w/ lascannon: 4x Lascannon
Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought [16 PL, 314pts]: Butcher cannon array, Grav-flux bombard, 2x Hellflamer
Hellforged Sicaran Venator [14 PL, 216pts]: Havoc launcher, Heavy bolter
. Lascannons: 2x Lascannon
Hellforged Sicaran Venator [14 PL, 216pts]: Havoc launcher, Heavy bolter
. Lascannons: 2x Lascannon
Maulerfiend [7 PL, 132pts]: Lasher tendrils, No Chaos Mark
++ Super-Heavy Detachment +3CP (Chaos - FW Heretic Astartes) [115 PL, 3006pts] ++
+ Lord of War +
Hellforged Falchion [38 PL, 1023pts]: Havoc launcher, Twin heavy bolter
. 2x Quad lascannons: 2x Quad lascannon
Hellforged Fellblade [35 PL, 923pts]: Havoc launcher, Twin heavy bolter
. 2x Quad lascannons: 2x Quad lascannon
Hellforged Mastodon [42 PL, 1060pts]: 2x Hellflamer, 2x Lascannon, Skyreaper battery
++ Total: [396 PL, 1CP, 8363pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
++ Brigade Detachment +12CP (Chaos - Death Guard) [226 PL, 12CP, 3649pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Detachment CP [12CP]
+ HQ +
Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour [6 PL, 112pts]: 1. Revoltingly Resilient, Balesword, Combi-plasma, The Suppurating Plate, Warlord
Lord of Contagion [7 PL, 112pts]: Manreaper
Malignant Plaguecaster [6 PL, 110pts]: 1. Miasma of Pestilence, 5. Putrescent Vitality
+ Troops +
Plague Marines [10 PL, 138pts]
. Plague Champion
. . Codex: Plaguesword, Plasma pistol
. 4x Plague Marine w/ boltgun
. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Blight launcher
. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Blight launcher
Plague Marines [10 PL, 138pts]
. Plague Champion
. . Codex: Plaguesword, Plasma pistol
. 4x Plague Marine w/ boltgun
. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Blight launcher
. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Blight launcher
Plague Marines [10 PL, 138pts]
. Plague Champion
. . Codex: Plaguesword, Plasma pistol
. 4x Plague Marine w/ boltgun
. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Blight launcher
. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Blight launcher
Plague Marines [10 PL, 138pts]
. Plague Champion
. . Codex: Plaguesword, Plasma pistol
. 4x Plague Marine w/ boltgun
. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Blight launcher
. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Blight launcher
Plague Marines [10 PL, 138pts]
. Plague Champion
. . Codex: Plaguesword, Plasma pistol
. 4x Plague Marine w/ boltgun
. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Blight launcher
. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Blight launcher
Poxwalkers [3 PL, 60pts]: 10x Poxwalker
+ Elites +
Biologus Putrifier [4 PL, 60pts]
Blightlord Terminators [27 PL, 436pts]
. Blightlord Champion: Bubotic Axe, Combi-plasma
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Reaper autocannon
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-plasma
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
Blightlord Terminators [27 PL, 436pts]
. Blightlord Champion: Bubotic Axe, Combi-plasma
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Reaper autocannon
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-plasma
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
Deathshroud Terminators [22 PL, 312pts]
. Deathshroud Champion: Manreaper, Plaguespurt gauntlets
. 5x Deathshroud Terminator: 5x Manreaper
Foul Blightspawn [4 PL, 77pts]
Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 174pts]: Havoc launcher
. Left Arm: Hellflamer, Hellforged chainclaw
. Right Arm: Kheres assault cannon
Noxious Blightbringer [4 PL, 55pts]: Plasma pistol
Plague Surgeon [4 PL, 60pts]: Balesword
Tallyman [4 PL, 55pts]: Plasma pistol
+ Fast Attack +
Foetid Bloat-drone [8 PL, 158pts]: 2x Plaguespitters, Plague probe
Foetid Bloat-drone [8 PL, 158pts]: 2x Plaguespitters, Plague probe
Foetid Bloat-drone [8 PL, 158pts]: 2x Plaguespitters, Plague probe
+ Heavy Support +
Plagueburst Crawler [8 PL, 142pts]: 2x Entropy cannon, Rothail volley gun
Plagueburst Crawler [8 PL, 142pts]: 2x Entropy cannon, Rothail volley gun
Plagueburst Crawler [8 PL, 142pts]: 2x Entropy cannon, Rothail volley gun
++ Super-Heavy Detachment +3CP (Chaos - Death Guard) [97 PL, 2404pts] ++
+ Lord of War +
Hellforged Falchion [38 PL, 1017pts]: Twin heavy bolter
. 2x Quad lascannons: 2x Quad lascannon
Hellforged Fellblade [35 PL, 917pts]: Twin heavy bolter
. 2x Quad lascannons: 2x Quad lascannon
Mortarion [24 PL, 470pts]: 1. Miasma of Pestilence, 2. Gift of Contagion, 3. Plague Wind
++ Total: [323 PL, 12CP, 6053pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
It's still a very long, long and glorious way to go.
Zumal da noch das komplette AM, die Necrons usw. fehlen.
b) Irgendwann muss ich das mal für 40k machen. Von AoS gibt's sowas schon in meinem Chaos thread.
Gerade gefunden. Passt, nur ist die Zahl zu klein.
Hat dich GW bereits nach England zum Firmen-Rundgang eingeladen? Als Prämien Kunde ist das jawohl drin ?
Leider nicht. Aber ich sollte wenigstens KUNDE (nicht des Monats oder Jahres, sondern DER) bei Darksphere und Forge World sein.
Äh. Ja. Danke, Drazsk!
Aber wo ist die Liste der Necrons? -
++ Brigade Detachment +12CP (Necrons) [343 PL, 5,817pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Dynasty Choice
. Dynasty: Mephrit
+ HQ +
Catacomb Command Barge [9 PL, 154pts]: Gauss Cannon, Staff of Light
Cryptek [5 PL, 80pts]: Staff of Light
Cryptek [5 PL, 80pts]: Staff of Light
Overlord [6 PL, 94pts]: Staff of Light
Overlord [6 PL, 128pts]: Artefact: The Veil of Darkness, Resurrection Orb, Warlord, Warscythe
+ Troops +
Immortals [8 PL, 150pts]: Gauss Blaster, 10x Immortal
Immortals [8 PL, 150pts]: Gauss Blaster, 10x Immortal
Immortals [8 PL, 150pts]: 10x Immortal, Tesla Carbine
Immortals [8 PL, 150pts]: 10x Immortal, Tesla Carbine
Necron Warriors [12 PL, 220pts]: 20x Necron Warrior
Necron Warriors [12 PL, 220pts]: 20x Necron Warrior
Necron Warriors [12 PL, 220pts]: 20x Necron Warrior
Necron Warriors [12 PL, 220pts]: 20x Necron Warrior
+ Elites +
C'tan Shard of the Deceiver [12 PL, 225pts]: Power of the C'tan: Sky of Falling Stars, Power of the C'tan: Time's Arrow
C'tan Shard of the Nightbringer [12 PL, 180pts]: Power of the C'tan: Seismic Assault, Power of the C'tan: Transdimensional Thunderbolt
Lychguard [16 PL, 280pts]: 10x Lychguard, Warscythe
Lychguard [16 PL, 280pts]: Hyperphase Sword and Dispersion Shield, 10x Lychguard
Triarch Praetorians [16 PL, 260pts]: Rod of Covenant, 10x Triarch Praetorian
Triarch Praetorians [16 PL, 260pts]: 10x Triarch Praetorian, Voidblade and Particle Caster
Triarch Stalker [8 PL, 125pts]: Heat Ray
Triarch Stalker [8 PL, 125pts]: Twin Heavy Gauss Cannon
+ Fast Attack +
Canoptek Scarabs [6 PL, 117pts]: 9x Canoptek Scarab Swarm
Canoptek Scarabs [4 PL, 78pts]: 6x Canoptek Scarab Swarm
Canoptek Wraiths [18 PL, 288pts]
. 6x Canoptek Wraith
Canoptek Wraiths [18 PL, 288pts]
. 6x Canoptek Wraith
+ Heavy Support +
Annihilation Barge [8 PL, 120pts]: Gauss Cannon
Annihilation Barge [8 PL, 120pts]: Gauss Cannon
Annihilation Barge [8 PL, 120pts]: Gauss Cannon
Transcendent C'tan [12 PL, 200pts]: Power of the C'tan: Sky of Falling Stars, Power of the C'tan: Transdimensional Thunderbolt
+ Flyer +
Doom Scythe [11 PL, 150pts]
Doom Scythe [11 PL, 150pts]
+ Dedicated Transport +
Ghost Ark [8 PL, 145pts]
Ghost Ark [8 PL, 145pts]
Ghost Ark [8 PL, 145pts]
++ Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Necrons) [32 PL, 625pts] ++
+ Lord of War +
Seraptek Heavy Construct [32 PL, 625pts]
. Two Singularity Generators
++ Total: [375 PL, 6,442pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
Ich versuche nicht zu enttäuschen. Der erste Shadowsword ist schon in Arbeit.
Fast täglich trudelt mehr ein.
Ich versuche es wie bei den Chaos Marines zu halten und nicht gleich alles zu bauen (wie sonst eher üblich) und dann erst mal keine Lust mehr zu haben.
Ich versuche nicht zu enttäuschen. Der erste Shadowsword ist schon in Arbeit.
Fast täglich trudelt mehr ein.
Ich versuche es wie bei den Chaos Marines zu halten und nicht gleich alles zu bauen (wie sonst eher üblich) und dann erst mal keine Lust mehr zu haben.
Genau das Problem steht aktuell auch neben meiner Malecke... 2400 Punkte Black Legion in diversen Formen von "nicht fertig", aber mit jedem Wochenende wird es ein bisschen besser.
Ich freue mich schon auf die ersten Ergebnisse!
Ich freue mich schon auf die ersten Ergebnisse!
Gleichfalls! Sowohl von dir als auch von mir.
Ich könnte ja echt schwach werden und das erste mal dem Imperator dienen, wären da die Forge World Preise nicht ?
FW ist viel zu überteuert und ganz nebenbei finde ich die Figuren nicht mal wirklich gut. Da wird immer so ein Hype drum gemacht, bestimmt auch weil sie nicht einfach so zu bekommen sind. Ich finde Gaunts Geister besser, kann man vor allem auch gut aus Cadianern mit Chaosbarbaren Köpfen umbauen
FW ist viel zu überteuert und ganz nebenbei finde ich die Figuren nicht mal wirklich gut. Da wird immer so ein Hype drum gemacht, bestimmt auch weil sie nicht einfach so zu bekommen sind. Ich finde Gaunts Geister besser, kann man vor allem auch gut aus Cadianern mit Chaosbarbaren Köpfen umbauen
Danke für diesen wertvollen Beitrag.
Und ja, die FW Preise - v.a. die der DK - sind übertrieben. Muss man ja nicht (bei FW) kaufen.
Gaunt's Ghosts fände ich auch super!
Oder - wie Spitter gesagt hat - Savlar Chem-Dogs.
Oder Athonian Tunnel Rats!
Ich bin vom Design des Death Korps ein riesen Fan doch ich vermute Iwan werden die als Kunststoffbausatz von GW kommen.
Dann können wir aufatmen.
So lange warten ?
Ich bin vom Design des Death Korps ein riesen Fan doch ich vermute Iwan werden die als Kunststoffbausatz von GW kommen.
Dann können wir aufatmen.
Ja, da warten viele drauf. Wär mega!
[Externes Medium: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gv-w0fCFwh4]